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Here we go again

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  • Here we go again

    Time for my weekly Sunday morning round up.

    You can actually plot exactly how my shift is going by how much sarcasm I use on each individual entry.

    How about no?

    SC: "Can you help me get it up?"

    Trust me when I say they don't pay me *that* much.

    Wrong Numbers

    SC: "Is this a cab?"
    Me: "No, sorry."
    SC: "But I wanted a cab!"

    I sense a gaping chasm between what you want and what I can provide. I call this chasm "stupidity" and dare you to attempt to jump across it. That way at least one of us will be entertained.

    You pressed 0 for that?

    SC: "When a number says not in service does that mean the number is not in service?"

    Am I on candid camera or something? Is someone going to leap out from under the TL desk in a suit with a microphone and let me in on the joke? No, seriously, wheres the camera?

    I can't speak Arizonian, but you're still a twit.

    SC: "I need a room in Too-sawn"
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "Too-sawn."
    Me: "Can you spell it for me?"
    SC: "T-u-c-s-f-a-n" ( Where the hell did the F come from? )
    Me: "….you mean T-u-c-s-o-n?"
    SC: "T-u-c-s-a-n!"
    Me: "Tucson, T-u-c-s-o-n?"
    SC: "Yeah, Tucson"
    Me: "We don’t have any rooms available in Tucson."

    I love a happy ending.

    Wanna narrow it down?

    SC: "My thing is making a strange noise!"

    I'll get right on that one. In fact let me connect you over to Mr "Can you help me get it up?". I'm sure the two of you can hammer out some sort of mutual solution.


    Me: "This is the afterhours service."
    SC: "The airport?"

    ….where did that even come from? I could understand if they had the same amount of syllables or something…but afterhours service = airport? I never knew. That must make me a pilot. Sweet.

    Part of a complete Breakfast.

    SC: "Is Chantell there?"
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "Is Chantell there!"
    Me: "I think you have the wrong number."
    SC: "Well a lot of f**king help you are!!@! <click>"

    Whoa…easy Skipper. I'm not sure how you dialing incorrectly is my fault. I have many talents but warping time and space around your phone's keypad at a distance is not one of them. However, making fun of you in my shift report is. So I shall spend the next 5 minutes mentally debating as to what animal pissed in your Fruit Loops this morning. Then I will chuckle to myself.

    Mongoose….heh heh.

    Aureal Chocolate

    Me: "Good morning, <My Company>."
    SC: "Hi!"
    Me: "Hi."
    SC: "How are you?"
    Me: "Good, can I help you?"
    SC: "...."
    Me: "...."
    SC: "….<click>"

    I know the rich, velvety sound of my voice is like a Siren's call to you ( and all the other freaks that wander the streets after 10pm ), but at least think of an excuse for why you're calling to hear it.

    Oh my God!
    ( I didn't give my name on this call... )

    Caller apparently believes my name is Kenny. If South Park is any indication this means my death is imminent. But none of you get my headset foamies, I'm having them buried with me.

    Spider Senses...

    SC: "What time does the office open tomorrow?"
    Me: "10am"
    SC: "Tomorrow is Saturday!!"
    Me: "….Yes?"

    Strangely enough I'm aware of the fact tomorrow is Saturday. I'm aware of many things. For instance, I'm aware you may have been dropped on your head as a child.

    Bail Buddies?

    SC: "Do you have any way of checking?"
    Me: "Checking what?"
    SC: "If my friend is in custody."
    Me: "..pardon?"
    SC: "He's not answering his cell."

    What the hell kind of friends do you have that you automatically assume they've been arrested if they don't answer their phone? I usually just assume they're busy, not that they've killed someone.

    As a Matter of Fact...

    Me: "The confirmation number is xxxxxx-"
    SC: "-Ok, got it"
    Me: "-xxxx"
    SC: "Wow that’s a long f**king number!~ You guys should have shorter numbers! Its not like you're booking for tons of people across the country-"
    Me: "Well, actually…"

    He was of course trying to memorize the confirmation number, hotel address, etc since he lacked a writing instrument. Despite the fact the recording that plays before they even get to me says "Have a pen ready to take down information".

    Oh Noez, Embezzlement!

    While I appreciate your generousity, donating for meals for exactly 19 people is not an option. Your options are 10 or 20. I award you bonus points for thinking this was a scam when informed you could donate for 20 but not 19.

    Yes, we're trying to swindle you out of, by your own admittance, about $1.50. After I skim that off the top as my cut I'll be halfway towards my dream vacation to Surrey via the Skytrain.

    The caller did assure me that he would call in the morning to donate for exactly 19 people when it was "secure" to do so. I wish him luck.

    That was my week, how was yours?

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    Me: "This is the afterhours service."
    SC: "The airport?"

    ….where did that even come from? I could understand if they had the same amount of syllables or something…but afterhours service = airport? I never knew. That must make me a pilot. Sweet.
    No offense GK, but I probably won't want to be on that plane then. You see, I WANT to live to see another sunrise.
    I AM the evil bastard!
    A+ Certified IT Technician


    • #3
      Quoth lordlundar View Post
      No offense GK, but I probably won't want to be on that plane then. You see, I WANT to live to see another sunrise.

      Hey! I'll have you know I logged almost 30 minutes in MS Flight Simulator 2 years ago. I could probably make it to the end of the runway before the plane came to a fiery, hellish end. You'd probably live. You might have to eat through a straw for the rest of your natural life, but you'd probably live.


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        SC: "My thing is making a strange noise!"

        I'll get right on that one. In fact let me connect you over to Mr "Can you help me get it up?". I'm sure the two of you can hammer out some sort of mutual solution.

        Me: "This is the afterhours service."
        SC: "The airport?"
        OK, I'm trying to think how "afterhours service" and "airport" could sound alike and can't...unless caller was on a cell phone and/or the connection was bad.

        My last stint on MS Flightsim did not end well. I wound up flipping the plane (an A380) end over end after landing (I still cannot figure out how I managed to do that...). I also once dunked a 737 in Boston Harbor immediately following takeoff.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          I can't speak Arizonian, but you're still a twit.
          *sigh* The word is Arizonan, NOT Arizonian. Yes, this is a minor thing, but a very big pet peeve of mine, being an Arizonan and all.

          That being said, chances are small that this person actually was a Zonie, as they couldn't spell Tucson to save their lives.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            Quoth Jester View Post
            *sigh* The word is Arizonan, NOT Arizonian. Yes, this is a minor thing, but a very big pet peeve of mine, being an Arizonan and all.

            That being said, chances are small that this person actually was a Zonie, as they couldn't spell Tucson to save their lives.

            Forgive me, I'm Canadian and have never been to Arizona.

            I offer beer and back bacon as compensation.


            • #7
              Quoth Jester View Post
              *sigh* The word is Arizonan, NOT Arizonian. Yes, this is a minor thing, but a very big pet peeve of mine, being an Arizonan and all.

              That being said, chances are small that this person actually was a Zonie, as they couldn't spell Tucson to save their lives.
              And the town name is actually pronounced "too-sawn" (not "Tuck's son" as is popularly believed), so he at least got that part right. Though I too wonder where he got that spelling...
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                Oh my God!
                ( I didn't give my name on this call... )

                Caller apparently believes my name is Kenny.
                Eh, sometimes giving customers your name doesn't help. From "Nick", I've been called Mick, Rick, Chip, Nixon, Doug( ) and Philip.

                Still, I'll take some of those over the people who, when you say "Thanks for calling XYZ Co," say "How you doing, XYZCo? I'm Tom. HYUK HYUK HYUK!" I wish terrible things on whoever came up with that old chestnut, as well as the originators of "Won't scan? Must be free!" and "Working hard, or hardly working?"


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  Wanna narrow it down?

                  SC: "My thing is making a strange noise!"

                  I'll get right on that one. In fact let me connect you over to Mr "Can you help me get it up?". I'm sure the two of you can hammer out some sort of mutual solution.

                  It's been a while since I have broken rule #1...I think this is the first time I managed it with chocolate milk, though...
                  I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                  Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                  • #10
                    Quoth XCashier View Post
                    (not "Tuck's son" as is popularly believed),
                    Unless you're from Arizonia.
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      Forgive me, I'm Canadian and have never been to Arizona.

                      I offer beer and back bacon as compensation.
                      What, no beaver pelts? Hockey lessons?

                      Tell ya what. Make it a six pack each of Labatt Blue and La Fin du Monde, and I will forgive you.

                      Oh, and keep telling your hilarious freakin' stories, too! Damn funny Canadans. (misspelling purely intentional)

                      Quoth XCashier View Post
                      And the town name is actually pronounced "too-sawn" (not "Tuck's son" as is popularly believed), so he at least got that part right. Though I too wonder where he got that spelling...
                      Well, depending on how people read that, they might actually still mispronounce Tucson. I would have typed it "TOO sahn" rather than "TOO sawn" because I just KNOW that a lot of people from the Northeast US (and probably other parts) would think that Tucson would now rhyme with "you lawn". Which. It don't. It actually should rhyme with "poo con."

                      Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                      Unless you're from Arizonia.
                      Just remember, KG: I have lots of friends with boats and a whole ocean to work with.

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Oh, and keep telling your hilarious freakin' stories, too! Damn funny Canadans. (misspelling purely intentional)
                        Hmm? I thought it was 'Canadalandians'. Well, it is when I'm typing, though not at customs, for some reason.

                        I'm going to get slapped silly when I pop over in Feb, but that's half the fun.



                        • #13
                          Hockey lessons I can do, but beavers are dangerous little bastards. They go right for the throat and its not like I have a gun or anything to save myself with. I'm Canadian, so the best I can do is maybe write a strongly worded letter of protest to the UN. -.-

                          You won't be slapped silly Rap. Might have your sweater pulled over your head though.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post

                            Well, depending on how people read that, they might actually still mispronounce Tucson. I would have typed it "TOO sahn" rather than "TOO sawn" because I just KNOW that a lot of people from the Northeast US (and probably other parts) would think that Tucson would now rhyme with "you lawn". Which. It don't. It actually should rhyme with "poo con."
                            lawn and con don't rhyme?

                            Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Hockey lessons I can do, but beavers are dangerous little bastards. They go right for the throat and its not like I have a gun or anything to save myself with. I'm Canadian, so the best I can do is maybe write a strongly worded letter of protest to the UN. -.-

                              You won't be slapped silly Rap. Might have your sweater pulled over your head though.
                              If only you knew about the beavers.

                              Ask a Jeff Foxworthy fan about the Beaver and the Nipple. Its a true story told to him by a fan after a show.

