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Puzzled Puzzle Scammer

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  • Puzzled Puzzle Scammer

    I wasn't around to see this, but was told about it more than once in detail.

    First, the background info. At the hobby shop I used to work at, our largest delivery each week came in on Tuesday afternoon. We'd usually be dealing with it into the evening.

    Also, we were located two storefronts down from a Trader Joe's (a grocery store). It's not unusal to see people stroll in with TJ bags to peruse the store.

    Lastly, our return policy: NO CASH REFUNDS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (Including credit card refunds) STORE CREDIT ONLY!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, this guy comes in on a Tuesday night while the Boss, a full timer (who we'll call BC), and a part-timer are checking in and putting away the order. Another full-timer (who we'll call Jeff) was at the back of the store helping a customer. Also present was one of our VIPs (a friend of Jeff). The guy had a paper Trader Joe's in his hand, closed and folded. BC sees him and greets him.

    So a minute or so later, BC is putting away a stack of model cars in the center aisle. The SC is in the front of the center aisle, in the puzzle section. BC sees him move just around the corner so he is standing just out of sight in front of an endcap. As BC is putting away the cars, he hears the distinct sound of a paper shopping bag being slowly opened.

    This next part just blows my mind.

    BC is still in the center aisle when the SC comes back to the puzzle section, slowly slides two expensive puzzles off the shelf and slips them in the bag! All while BC is in the same aisle, and of course he saw all of this happening. So BC darted around to the first aisle and came up on the SC from the other side and asks "Can I help you?"

    SC *startled*: Oh, yeah, I...I...I. want to return these and get my money back. *pulls out the two puzzles from the bag*

    BC *loudly*: You mean the ones you just stuffed in that bag?

    At this, the Boss stops checkingt stuff in and turns to face the guy. Jeff and the VIP also hear this and come up to the front of the store via the third aisle. The part-timer also steps out from behind the frount counter. So this guy is pretty much surrounded.

    SC: What?!?! No, my aunt got these for my birthday and I don't want 'em. I want a refund.

    BC: Got a receipt?

    SC: No! But they have your price tags on them!

    BC: Of course they do. I SAW you put them in that bag!

    SC: No I didn't! I want a refund!

    BC: We don't give refunds, especially on stolen merchandise.

    *Boss is already calling the police*

    SC: I didn't steal anything! *starts heading towards the door*

    BC: If you know what's good for you'll leave those here, then leave, and never come back. *BC, Jeff, and the VIP move in a bit closer*

    Now all three of these guys are BIG guys. Not the kind of people you want to mess with. Very nice guys, but not to be trifled with.

    So the would-be scammer made his first smart move of the day: he dropped the puzzles and took off.

    OK, honestly, how dumb do you have to be to pull a stunt like that while in plain sight of the staff? Really. I don't know how it is that this guy thought he'd get away with it.

    BC suspected he was a methhead looking for money for his next fix.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Only losers steal puzzles!

