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  • #31
    Actually, even at 0 K, there is still some molecular movement, but it's very slight. Kind of a lil' myth in our nation's chemistry books.


    • #32
      I had a guy get all belligerant with me because I wouldn't accept his Canadian "quarter". He proceeded to yell at me that it was legal and that I had to take it. It was against the law not to take it. That we are required to accept Canadian currency.


      I never heard of that law. I wouldn't accept it.

      I will take Canadian "pennies", only because they are small enough that I don't care.

      I just found it odd that someone actually beleived that it was the law that we had to accept Canadian money.

      Funny, I never got in trouble for refusing it.....

      Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


      • #33
        When I was a trolley dolly in the UK, ten years back, a charming American gent (AG) tried to buy a coffee with UK money.
        Trouble was, it was predecimalisation money, a ten shilling note to be precise.
        I told him I couldn't take it, he ceased to be charming.
        I might have been more patient with him if I hadn't seen him nudge his friend as I approached and say "Watch this", with a knowing grin. He knew he was taking the piss alright.

        AG:It's left over from the last time i was here, there were no problems with it then, you have to take it.
        Me:And that trip was back in the '60s, right?
        Me:Sorry, we changed the currency in 1971, I can't take it.
        AG:You have to take it, its legal tender.
        Me:We went Decimal in February 1971, its not legal tender any more. *I know the date as its my birthday*
        AG:You have to take it.
        Me: No, I don't.
        AG:You have to take it for its face value. Give me my coffee.
        Me: Look, it's ten shillings. 20 shillings was one pound, so the face value is half a pound, i.e. 50p. Coffee is 80p. No coffee for you.

        *Irritatingly I'd have taken it for my coin collection if I'd had a spare 50p*

        Also, my ATM card is also a debit card and a cheque guarentee card. :-)


        • #34
          Quoth batmoody View Post
          I just found it odd that someone actually beleived that it was the law that we had to accept Canadian money.
          You don't even "have to" accept American money. I see a lot of places these days, particularly fast food and convenience stores, that will not take $50s or $100s.
          Sometimes life is altered.
          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
          Uneasy with confrontation.
          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


          • #35
            Quoth Boozy View Post
            A tip to Americans travelling to Canada: Do your currency exchange at a bank! The retail stores up here will totally rip you off.
            when i want to niagara falls the best exchange rate was at the casino, since they don't want the concepts of "swindle, ripoff, cheat, or stealing" even enter a potential gambler's mind.


            • #36
              These people claiming it's against the law to refuse currency, haven't they ever noticed the little sign behind the counter what says, "We've right to refuse service to anyone"? We could do that because you're trying to pay for a dinner in Sacromento with a bag of Irish quarter-farthings or simply because your dollar bill is too raggedy for our taste. Just because you feel cheated doesn't mean that you can dredge up a law for your cause.
              You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


              • #37
                Would you sell a rat on a stick for a farthing?

                (Monty Python)
                "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

                Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


                • #38
                  Quoth Sonoma View Post
                  When we were in BC this summer, we had only one issue paying with American cash. Everyplace we went was giving a 10% exchange rate (if I recall correctly), so a $20 bill would be rung up as $20.20.
                  Sorry to nitpick, but that's a %1 difference. %110 of $20 is $22.00

                  Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                  Actually, even at 0 K, there is still some molecular movement, but it's very slight. Kind of a lil' myth in our nation's chemistry books.
                  Afaik, there is NO molecular movement at absolute zero. Anyhow it's theory since we've not reached it by far.
                  I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                  "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                  • #39
                    Back in the early '80's I worked in the money room of a vending machine company, over 200 miles from the Mexican border. On my first day, I had to ask, 'What do I do with the foreign coins?" I was told to just pitch them in the trash, ans we "never got enough to make an exchange worthwhile." I asked if I could keep it, and they said ok. Two of our biggest accounts were the local Air Force Base, and the local Hospital.

                    The US was in Panama at the time, so I got a lot of those coins from the AFB, and as solders came back from TDY from all over the world, they tended to drop their change into our machines. The hospital tended to get a lot of Canadian and Asian change. I kept the Asian, but have to admit, passed the Canadian on to another company's machines. Shortly thereafter, technology improved to where our machines no longer allowed foreign coins to be accepted.

                    I then could count only on finding Liberty quarters in the cigarette machines, and Silver Certificates in the bill changers.
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #40
                      What's even funnier is how many Americans you can convince that their money is worth less than ours. At one point (until I got caught by my manager who thought it was funny and their loss for being stupid, but I still had to stop it) I was charging Americans 25% exchange on their money. It was great. I was getting big coin off of it. THey would give you a tip of about $3 so on a $20 order I was taking in $28 US and only had to pay back $20 to the company I was working for as a delivery driver at the end of the night. Back then the rate I could sell at was about 20% so I was clearing $13.60 for each one. And on Friday and Saturday nights in Chatham, ON every time I went to the wheels (5 to 6 times a night) I cleaned up.


                      • #41
                        our register is set up to take american, but we never have....its never really been an issue, all of the american tourists come with cc anyway, but our exchange rate is 5% right now ...we do however get ALOT of american coins, but our bank takes them as canadian anyway.... Im notorious for fishing them out to include in the deposit.

                        I loved it in Rarotonga when I could use NZ$ cash so much handier

                        I had such a hard time with American money when I first started travelling, god how I hated pennies! and it was all the same freaking I to actually look at the note, not just reach for a colour.

                        I still prefer NZ plastic money, Im always tearing or getting the paper money wet...stupid washing machine!
                        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                        • #42
                          Quoth Bliss View Post
                          Sorry to nitpick, but that's a %1 difference. %110 of $20 is $22.00

                          Afaik, there is NO molecular movement at absolute zero. Anyhow it's theory since we've not reached it by far.
                          The theory holds that there is no kinetic energy at absolute zero. However, there is probably still some motion due to quantum mechanics and electron spin, blah blah.

