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Sorry, the Milk Fairy didn't visit us today

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  • Sorry, the Milk Fairy didn't visit us today

    Snow. The one weather condition that causes customers to go mad panic buying tons of bread and milk.

    Today, the entire store, including the chillers round the back, ran out of milk so of course we couldn't stock up the petrol station. The entire day was puncuated with SCs bitching and whining about the lack of milk, due to the fact that they believe we can just pull it out of the air.

    Argh. I will never understand just why it's important to buy twenty loaves of bread and sixty pints of milk just cuz it snowed. X_x

    SCs: Bitch Whine Blargle Blargle! Why don't you have any milk? You should have milk! I need milk for my babies! I want you to go over to the store and get me some milk right now! Go round the back and get me some milk!

    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    "Sure, I'll just pull it out of my ass, right?" Quote from the real version of "Dawn of the dead."
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      If people want to go somewhere that constantly has milk available then they should go to a dairy, not a petrol station.


      • #4
        All stores here seem to be out of salt, because everyone buys tons of it to keep the snow off their sidewalks and driveways.

        A normal customer will ask once, then accept that there is no salt in stock...

        Tell those milk-craving customers they should invest in buying their own personal cow.


        • #5
          MILK COMES FROM COWS?!!!??!?!

          that is all...I had to leave the SC's brain before my own commited sucide.
          It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


          • #6
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            Snow. The one weather condition that causes customers to go mad panic buying tons of bread and milk.

            Today, the entire store, including the chillers round the back, ran out of milk so of course we couldn't stock up the petrol station. The entire day was puncuated with SCs bitching and whining about the lack of milk, due to the fact that they believe we can just pull it out of the air.

            Argh. I will never understand just why it's important to buy twenty loaves of bread and sixty pints of milk just cuz it snowed. X_x

            SCs: Bitch Whine Blargle Blargle! Why don't you have any milk? You should have milk! I need milk for my babies! I want you to go over to the store and get me some milk right now! Go round the back and get me some milk!

            Mind you I've got 1 month left on my pregnancy clock so I could pull this...

            "You want milk? Ok..." *yanks up shirt and fires off milk like a squirt gun* "Had enough yet?"
            "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


            • #7
              Quoth Mamadrae View Post
              Mind you I've got 1 month left on my pregnancy clock so I could pull this...

              "You want milk? Ok..." *yanks up shirt and fires off milk like a squirt gun* "Had enough yet?"
              That would be so epic....
              Melody Gardot


              • #8
                Quoth Mamadrae View Post
                Mind you I've got 1 month left on my pregnancy clock so I could pull this...

                "You want milk? Ok..." *yanks up shirt and fires off milk like a squirt gun* "Had enough yet?"
                I would pay to see someone do that. XD That would shut up those SCs.
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  Who buys milk to prepare for an emergency anyways? Wouldn't bottled water and canned good be better? It will last longer and be easier to carry if you need to run from the cold like in The Day After Tomorrow.


                  • #10
                    I've never understood the mass rush to buy milk and bread when there is a threat of snow. Very few places in the US will have roads impassable for long periods of time..or time enough for someone to starve to death b/c they couldn't get out in time to get to the grocery store. There are these new fangled inventions call snow plows. I could be snowed in my house for about a month and still have food (mostly canned goods) left over.

                    Why milk and bread? I don't buy milk or bread but whenever I hear the threat of snow for some inate reason bred into me by evolution I feel the need to bumrush the grocery store to buy these two "essentials".


                    • #11
                      Quoth zara1269 View Post
                      I've never understood the mass rush to buy milk and bread when there is a threat of snow. Very few places in the US will have roads impassable for long periods of time..
                      Yeah, but depending on what part of the country it is, you might not have anyone who owns snow tires or knows how to drive on the stuff. This happened once when I was in Atlanta in February. There was half an inch of snow and everyone stampeded out to the Kroger's to stock up. Schools closed and buses stopped running. Fortunately my grandmother had us visiting Canadians with a four-wheel-drive minivan, so she wasn't in any trouble.


                      • #12
                        Round my way, there's just one place that's miles away from shops; most places have at least two stores within walking distance.
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                          Yeah, but depending on what part of the country it is, you might not have anyone who owns snow tires or knows how to drive on the stuff. This happened once when I was in Atlanta in February. There was half an inch of snow and everyone stampeded out to the Kroger's to stock up. Schools closed and buses stopped running. Fortunately my grandmother had us visiting Canadians with a four-wheel-drive minivan, so she wasn't in any trouble.
                          I was basing my experiences from where I live in Central Ohio where snow for 4 months out of the year is a common occurence. I can see in the south but here people freak out whenever there is a flake of snow predicted and flood the grocery store for milk (and the all important beer and cigs). Around here the snow plowers will eventually dig you out so it's not like you are going to die if you go w/o milk for maybe a week at the absolute most.


                          • #14
                            Idahoans seem to complain if there's a light drizzle of rain. They get completely irate if there's any snow in town. It just ruins their plans to go up into what's left of Idaho's forests and go despoil nature.

                            Though the roads here are also very vulnerable to freezing over and becoming quite slick. But mostly they just get upset because it ruins their plans to pretend to be outdoorsmen.
                            Last edited by Kristev; 01-13-2010, 11:29 AM. Reason: I forgot something
                            Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                            • #15
                              Not to mention the fact that only a very large family could tackle that amount of bread and milk and use it up before it goes off.

                              The week where the snow really came down like hell, I was so happy I had a loaf of bread in the freezer... cuz there wasn't a single place you could buy any bread. That was cuz all the vultures had run in opening time and grabbed it all, along with all the bloody milk, too. It's just so selfish, and wasteful too, seeing as most of it will probably end up being thrown away.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.

