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Pimps, Ho's, and Pecan Pie

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  • Pimps, Ho's, and Pecan Pie

    Believe it or not, that's actually pretty self-explanatory.

    Season's Greetings

    IM: Merry fucking Christmas, motherfucker!

    Ever wonder why there aren't any Christmas specials set in a prison?

    Dick Clark's F'ing New Year's Eve...

    IM: Happy Goddamn New Year, you fucking fag.

    Yes, clearly 2010 is going to be... pretty much the same around here. I can't wait til Valentine's Day.

    Speaking of Holiday Specials...

    So Christmas Eve there was pretty much zero visibility thanks to a driving snowstorm. I had a couple of inmate custodians out front shoveling the sidewalk to the cellhouse.

    IM: Man, Rudolph is gonna be a fuckin pimp tonight.
    IM: Hell yeah.

    Ah yes, just like in the timeless Christmas classic.

    Rudolph the Pimpin' Reindeer
    Has a stable full of ho's.
    Got a chinchilla fur coat
    and a diamond-studded nose.

    Yeah... that's all I got.

    The Prisoner of Asskaban

    So I was shaking down an inmate's cell with another officer. I find a book titled "How to Turn Your Boyfriend Into a Toad," and it's full of spells. The only useful one I saw was "How to Get Rid of Noisy Neighbors." Meanwhile, my coworker asks me to look at something he found tied off in a plastic sandwich baggie.

    CW: What the hell is that?
    ME: Looks like a bead. On a string.
    CW: What would he need that for?
    ME: Um... I can think of one thing....
    CW: No, no, that can't...
    ME: Put that thing down already.
    CW: Hold on, I want to look at this some more.
    ME: See what it smells like.
    CW: No way, you smell it.
    ME: You found it.
    CW: I'm going to hang onto it for now.

    Back at the desk a little later...

    CW: I'm going to open this bag, there some other shit in here.
    ME: Dude, do it over there. I'm not going near that.
    CW: *tears open baggie*
    ME: Well, what is it? Other than the anal bead?
    CW: There's like, some seasonings and some of his hair... Oh shit.
    ME: Holy crap, it was a spell. You just broke it.
    CW: Dammit. I didn't mean to. What do I do?
    ME: Well, first, don't come near me. I don't want to get cursed.
    CW: I think I'll be fine.
    ME: Yeah, until you wake up tomorrow and your freakin face melts off.
    CW: That would be awesome if I had to call in sick for that.

    Lesson learned: consider that the strange object may be a scrying ball, especially if the inmate is wiccan. Fortunately, A) the inmate wasn't upset by it, and B) I think it's one of those things where it only works if you are a believer in the magic. Either way, his face is still intact. So far...

    Kara from the Block

    IM (rings into Control)
    ME: Yeah?
    IM: Yeah, turn my phone on, nigga.

    Huhwha? Okay, just when I think I've been called everything. Oh wait, is this like, reverse derogatory slang day? Well, then, I'd be happy to turn on your phone, honky.

    I am Evil

    I brought in a few green tea bags to work one day. Brewed up some delicious tea, and near the end of my shift, I was struck by inspiration. I got a disposable glove and tore a finger off. I then patted a tea bag with some paper towels to get it semi-dry (or at least, not soaking wet). Then I tore open the tea bag and poured the contents into the finger, finally tying it off.

    CW: That's just wrong.
    ME: Wait til you see the best part.

    I flung the bag out onto the floor near the door leading in and out of our side of the cellhouse. A few minutes later, they called Medication Line (where the inmates go to the clinic to get their meds). All of the guys who I thought would notice it, did. Surprisingly, a few I wouldn't have suspected did also. But it was damn funny watching them walk past it, stop, do a 180, lean in, look around, then get stuck in that "do-I-or-don't-I?" moment before moving on.

    *sniff* That's Beautiful, Man

    IM: For real though? Even though he weak and pussy-fisted and you crusty like pecan pie, I still got mad love for both y'all.

    I am seriously, seriously, considering sending that in to Hallmark.

    Don't Ask Don't Tell?

    IM (to his neighbor): You know, if I was a girl, I'd be a good whore. I just know I would.

    Right, so, instead of robbing a guy at gunpoint with your gang-banging buddies, the alternate-reality female version of you would have been highly paid to, uh, perform services until she eventually died of a crack overdose or every STD known to man. So basically, not only do you fail at life, but you fail at parallel opposite-gender alternate reality life as well. Your sucktitude has transcended time and space, making you some kind of... failurenaut. I honestly don't know whether to congratulate you or do the multi-verse a favor and put a bullet in your head.

    Scary Burrito

    IM: You want some of this?
    ME: Nah, that's okay. I ate lunch before I came to work.
    IM: Yeah, okay. You're just afraid of convict food.
    ME *follows inmate to table where he and his friend start making burritos from various ingredients bought from the comissary*: I'll have you know, I'm not afraid of convict burritos. I eat at Taco Bell sometimes.
    IM: *laugh*
    IM2: Nah, they won't hire us anymore.

    That's actually kind of shocking, if it's true. I mean, if ex-cons can't get jobs at fast-food restaurants, that pretty much leaves construction and drug dealing as post-incarceration career choices. No wonder they don't stay gone long.

    It's Got Big Pointy Teeth!

    I heard an inmate screaming. I was up in Control, so I hit the intercoms trying to find where it was coming from. I found him, and he's shouting for something to "get out." So I'm thinking he may be having some kind of mental health breakdown and called the floor.

    ME: What is he yelling about?
    SGT: Oh, there's a mouse in his cell.
    ME: That's all?
    SGT: Yeah, it keeps running under the door, then back out.
    ME: Wow, big bad thug, huh?
    SGT: He's standing on his desk screaming.
    ME: That's like, the funniest thing ever. You think we could call down to laundry and see if we can get a skirt for him?

    So, long story short, the SGT was able to catch the terrifying rodent of mass destruction with a well-timed drop of a cardboard box. Turns out it was a mole, and it was released outside. In the bitter, freezing cold. But, as my SGT was walking back to the house, I saw a small black shape scurrying along right behind her on the camera, no doubt to return to prey on unsuspecting convicts another day. This was actually the second time in 3 weeks that a mole was found in the cellhouse, and it was probably the same one.

    And, by the way, before anyone thinks I'm being mean about laughing at the inmate's irrational fear of a tiny somewhat cute furry animal, I have a paralyzing fear of things that come equipped with wings and stingers (also: Junebugs *shudder*) and his freakout was nothing compared to the last time a bee flew into the open window of my car.

    Penicillin: It's What's For Dinner

    Another day in control, keeping an eye on two inmate custodians sweeping out front. I hear them on the intercom.

    IM: I'm going dumpster diving.
    IM2: Man, you're fucking stupid.
    IM: Seriously, you can tell what's still good and what's bad. Like a lot of guys, they through out the whole sack [ - they get sack lunches every day -K ] so everything inside of it is okay.

    So he finally finds... whatever treats he was looking for, put them in a plastic bag, and they go back inside. When he gets back to his cell, I just had to page him on his intercom.

    ME: I hope to God you picked up a Medical Slip to go with that food you just took out of the trash.
    IM: Nah, it's okay. I'll wash it off.

    Oh. Well, then. That changes everything. Well, I'll leave you to it then. Have fun with all the gut-wrenching projectile vomiting and atomic diarrhea, which will probably both hit at the same time. That's okay though, you can probably just wash it off.

    Thus concludes another exciting episode of Asshats Behind Bars And the Officers Who Have to Put Up with Them.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    Kara, I'm assuming that the "thing" you threw down was meant to be weed? although yes, it was very much evil.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Quoth Kara View Post
      I am Evil

      I brought in a few green tea bags to work one day. Brewed up some delicious tea, and near the end of my shift, I was struck by inspiration. I got a disposable glove and tore a finger off. I then patted a tea bag with some paper towels to get it semi-dry (or at least, not soaking wet). Then I tore open the tea bag and poured the contents into the finger, finally tying it off.

      CW: That's just wrong.
      ME: Wait til you see the best part.

      I flung the bag out onto the floor near the door leading in and out of our side of the cellhouse. A few minutes later, they called Medication Line (where the inmates go to the clinic to get their meds). All of the guys who I thought would notice it, did. Surprisingly, a few I wouldn't have suspected did also. But it was damn funny watching them walk past it, stop, do a 180, lean in, look around, then get stuck in that "do-I-or-don't-I?" moment before moving on.
      Damnit... I was hoping someone would actually try and SMOKE it.

      I imagine someone getting busted for smoking up behind the dumpster, then finds out they're getting fun time in solitary for USED GREEN TEA would be the highlight of the year.

      Quoth Kara View Post
      *sniff* That's Beautiful, Man

      IM: For real though? Even though he weak and pussy-fisted and you crusty like pecan pie, I still got mad love for both y'all.

      I am seriously, seriously, considering sending that in to Hallmark.
      It's for their new 'Doing Time' Line, along with such classics as:

      "Sorry to hear the Coke condoms burst, hope you don't die!"
      "Thinking of you, (and sharpening my shiv)"
      "Be My One And Only Prison Bitch!"

      Quoth Kara View Post
      Scary Burrito

      IM: You want some of this?
      ME: Nah, that's okay. I ate lunch before I came to work.
      IM: Yeah, okay. You're just afraid of convict food.
      ME *follows inmate to table where he and his friend start making burritos from various ingredients bought from the comissary*: I'll have you know, I'm not afraid of convict burritos. I eat at Taco Bell sometimes.
      IM: *laugh*
      IM2: Nah, they won't hire us anymore.

      That's actually kind of shocking, if it's true. I mean, if ex-cons can't get jobs at fast-food restaurants, that pretty much leaves construction and drug dealing as post-incarceration career choices. No wonder they don't stay gone long.
      Don't send 'em to Alberta to do construction. They'll start committing crimes just to get back into prison where the conditions are better.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #4
        Wow....the shit the inmates say is just too funny for words!
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          Quoth Polenicus View Post
          Don't send 'em to Alberta to do construction. They'll start committing crimes just to get back into prison where the conditions are better.
          send them here-most of our construction is a crime so kill two birds with one stone

          Quoth Kara
          I have a paralyzing fear of things that come equipped with wings and stingers (also: Junebugs *shudder*)
          Then I guess you wouldn't like the really cool pair of rhinoceros beetles I found in Arizona then(I actually thought it was a giant grey junebug at first)-don't worry my first husband and several of my friends hate junebugs as well-apparently it's a popular bug to hate....I just don't like them getting caught in my hair....
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            Quoth Kara View Post
            I can't wait til Valentine's Day.
            I can only imagine.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              I never knew prison was THAT entertaining! Love the Xmas song, did they make that up themselves? The fake weed was just mean. And you DEFINETELY gotta send that beautiful love poetry to Hallmark; they will eat it up!

              And hey, I thought there was ALWAYS a mole in a prison; or maybe it's a pigeon?
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                I just don't like them getting caught in my hair....
                That's the reason I hate them. Their legs are pokey and they make that... junebug noise on your head. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

                Quoth LillFilly View Post
                Love the Xmas song, did they make that up themselves?
                Yeah, uh, I wrote that. There was a sketch of said reindeer with a furry hat with a big flamingo feather sticking out and jewel-encrusted antlers, but it no longer exists.

                Quoth LillFilly View Post
                And hey, I thought there was ALWAYS a mole in a prison; or maybe it's a pigeon?
                Around here it's a rat.
                "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                • #9
                  Quoth Becks View Post
                  I can only imagine.
                  *sits down beside Becks*

                  I brought Diet Dr. Pepper to go with the popcorn. I can't wait to hear about Valentine's too . . .

                  I suppose in prison it could be referred to as VD.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kara View Post
                    Ever wonder why there aren't any Christmas specials set in a prison?
                    Wait, Oz didn't have a Christmas special?
                    Quoth Kara View Post
                    I find a book titled "How to Turn Your Boyfriend Into a Toad," and it's full of spells. The only useful one I saw was "How to Get Rid of Noisy Neighbors." Meanwhile, my coworker asks me to look at something he found tied off in a plastic sandwich baggie.
                    Lol. As soon as you mentioned the bead in the baggie after the book of spells, I knew it was some type of spell set-up. There's a good chance that the hair belonged to a different inmate.
                    Quoth Kara View Post
                    I am Evil
                    Yes. Yes you are.
                    Quoth Kara View Post
                    That's actually kind of shocking, if it's true. I mean, if ex-cons can't get jobs at fast-food restaurants, that pretty much leaves construction and drug dealing as post-incarceration career choices. No wonder they don't stay gone long.
                    Actually, there are a lot of ex-con telephone sales jobs out there, specifically because it can be tough for them to find jobs.

                    I used to buy a really good anti-stink spray from one of those places. The stuff is damn good (and expensive, too), and I've been wondering how I'm going to replace it since the ex-cons haven't called me for several years...

                    Depending on what they did, it's quote probable that my work would hire someone who did time.
                    Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                    don't worry my first husband and several of my friends hate junebugs as well-apparently it's a popular bug to hate....I just don't like them getting caught in my hair....
                    June bugs are about the stupidest critter to ever be seen by man.

                    I hate the things.

                    Nothing like being woken from a dead sleep by something hissing at you a few inches from your ear, and you sit up to realize the damn thing is caught in your hair!

                    ... then there's the time a June bug flew itself down the back of my pants... >.<

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      YaY!! was just telling my daughter and her boyfriend that we needed a post from Kara. Glad to hear you're still doing okay. Love the green tea bit!


                      • #12
                        Kara, I have been giggling to myself all day about the pie crust comment. You should make your own company, screw Hallmark! "Inmate Greetings" by Kara. I would buy them!
                        "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                        • #13
                          Kara, this stuff is comedy GOLD. I cannot get enough of your inmate related whatnot.


                          • #14
                            The glove was evil....but funny.


                            • #15
                              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                              *sits down beside Becks*
                              Be prepared to move over to the perv thread.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

