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Wow, what the hell did I do to deserve that?

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  • #31
    Another response to the guy, much shorter than some of the ones posted here, would be something like this:

    "I may be fat, but you are ugly. Just remember...I can diet."

    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
    ...the other being the little Hispanic kid who came up to me and said, with a big s**t-eating grin on his face, "Tu eres gordo!" (You're fat!) and was given a glare and told, "Y tu eres feo!" (And you're ugly!)
    I don't know that I would have been as nice as you were. My response probably would have been something like, "Y tu eres el hijo de puta!" (If you don't know Spanish, look it up, or trust me that it is far worse than calling someone ugly. Them's fighting words!) Trust me, that woulda shocked the little fucker. And of course, if his mom came over to confront you, you can always fall back on, "Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about. Your son here called me fat, and then ran off, and is now apparently making things up about what I said to him." Etc., etc., etc.
    Last edited by Jester; 01-23-2010, 02:23 AM.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #32
      Thanks for the comisserations guys. The only person whom I allow to call me fat is myself, and I do it plenty enough.
      And maybe I'm just tired but this response by 42_42_42 made me burst out laughing: "8- Oh, God! Insult me more! Insults make me so horny"
      This site kicks ass.
      I am the commander commando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #33
        I actually like fatness on the women I date. But I never know their level of comfort in how they prefer to be described, so I can't say things like "I like your hot, sexy fat" right away (calling them "hot" is apparently OK, though sometimes they think I'm lying to them!)

        At another forum (Google "dimensions magazine"), they have lots of terms generally used by the size acceptance community, such as BBW (Big Beautiful Woman), to help circumvent the description problem, but it still makes for awkward dating, and then there's those who simply don't know the terms.

        In any case, this sort of thing is a matter of the individual. Everyone has different preferences, and people generally do not like to be categorized.
        Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?

