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First Post, kinda long

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  • First Post, kinda long

    Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster. I love this site, even though the “sucky customer” stories make me upset for humanity in general.

    A little background info on me:

    I work part-time at a large bookstore that likes the color green.

    I started working there in July of 2008. It’s my first job, and I decided to work there because I absolutely love books. I’m also a full-time college student.

    My particular store is one of the small-scale stores, meaning we have books and a café, but no music or DVD department. Because we’re a small store, we have a smaller staff, and most of us are trained at cash-wrap (being a cashier), at customer service, and in café. I work about 60% in customer service, and 40% café. So I’m well-trained in both areas. I like it; it keeps things from getting boring.

    When I first started my job, I was surprised to find out that I actually liked working with people. 95% of the time, I love my job. The customers are great. And I’m one of those really annoyingly perky people. I’m happy almost all the time, and it takes a lot to get me upset. But I do get some sucky customers. And thus, the reason I am here.

    Anyway, here are just a couple of my stories. I’ll post more later.

    Serial Killer Lady
    Me = Me!
    SW = Sucky Woman

    One day I was working customer service and received a phone call from a woman looking for a book on serial killers. Not just any book, though. She wanted a serial killer dictionary, because she was writing a research paper on serial killers.

    Me: [Looking through system to see what books we have on “serial killers.”] Well, it looks like we have some books that detail some of the most notorious serial killers.”

    SW: [Very snippy] No. I don’t want that. I want a book that lists the different types of serial killers.

    Me: Different… types?

    SW: [Sighs, upset] Yes. There are different types of serial killers. They have different methods, different motives. There are… [She lists some types, I suppose, the names of which I don’t remember. She’s very detailed in the type of book she wants: a very short book that only lists the types of serial killers and a short definition of each.]

    Me: Okay… [Looks through system some more.] I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t see any books that list the different types.

    SW: [Still persistent] It wouldn’t be a long book, just a dictionary that lists the different types and short explanations for each one.

    Me: [Looks through search results again, knowing that I didn’t miss anything] I’m sorry, ma’am, but there just aren’t any books on that subject.

    SW: Well, what am I supposed to do then? I have to write my report.

    Me: You could try the Internet. I google just about everything.

    SW: [Pissy] I tried that. I searched the Internet for hours and there was nothing.

    Me: *If there’s nothing on the Internet on that subject, what on earth would make her think that there’s a book on it???* I’m sorry. But there aren’t any books like that.

    SW: Well, why not?

    Me: *Why not? Because most people would prefer to have real-life examples, more in-depth explanations on serial killers, not some tiny “dictionary” of sorts.* [Takes deep breath] I don’t know, ma’am. I assume no one has ever written one.

    SW: Well, someone should. They would make millions. Millions.

    Me: [Unsure what to say.] Um, yeah.

    SW: [Continues her rant on how someone should write this book because he/she would become a millionaire, then hangs up, much to my relief.]

    Cheesecake Man
    Me = Me!
    SM = Sucky man

    Late last year, I was working in our café, when a man came up to the register.

    Me: Hi [Big smile] What can I get for you today?

    SM: [No greeting, no smile, just] Do you sell whole cheesecakes?

    Me: [Still smiling] Yes, we do! If we don’t have a whole one of the type you want here, we can order it for you as well, and it will be in within a week. [I said this because it was a Friday or Saturday, and we get shipments on Mondays, so there was a good chance we wouldn’t have an entire cheesecake available. At the time we carried original, key lime, some chocolate cake thing, Godiva cheesecake, and one other flavor, I think.]

    SM: Do you have a whole key lime?

    Me: Let me go check.

    I go to the refrigerator in a little room behind the café area that the customers see. We’re a smaller store, so we don’t have a lot of space. Our cheesecakes are stacked two deep, two wide, and 4 tall. So I have to pull the ones in front out to look at the ones behind them. I find a key lime, and I open the lid of the box to see if it’s a whole cake or if some pieces have already been put on display. It’s not a whole one. I do some more maneuvering to see if I can find another key lime, but we don’t have any others. *Note: This took approximately 2 minutes. I know this because I sing. All the time. (Have the time I don’t even know I’m doing it.) I did know it this time though, and the song is normally 3 minutes with intro and guitar solos and stuff. If you take all that out and factor in the fact that I sing (and talk) really fast, it’s about 2 minutes.* Anyway, I go back out to tell the customer

    Me: I’m sorry. We don’t have any whole key lime cheesecakes. We can place an order for one for you though, no extra charge.

    SM: [Looking very impatient and upset at having had to wait] No, I don’t want to order any. [Looks at our options again] Do you have any whole Godiva?

    Me: [Internally sighing, all while keeping a brilliant smile on my face.] I’m not sure. I’ll have to go check.

    And off I go again, to look through each cheesecake again. (In hindsight, I should have seen what whole cheesecakes we did have the first time, but at the time I didn’t work in the café too often and didn’t think to anticipate that.) Again, the checking process didn’t take but a minute ot two. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any whole Godiva cheesecakes either. I go back out to tell the customer.

    Me: I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t have any whole Godiva cheesecakes either.

    SM: [Snaps at me] Well it took you long enough. I've been waiting for more than 10 minutes! You should know what product you have.

    Me: [Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy… Ms. Nice Girl? Either way, once someone gets pissy with me, my nice attitude disappears into the ether.] I do know what product we have. I don’t know how much of it we have, because I don’t have a perpetual inventory system set up in my head to know how much of every item we have at all times. I don’t work every day, and I have no way to keep up with all of that.

    SM: [Looks slightly surprised that someone stood up to him, but is still very pissed] Well getting mad isn’t going to help matters.

    Me: Well, being impatient isn’t going to help anything either.

    SM: [Glares at me, then walks off]

    I was in a bad mood the rest of my shift.

    The Medicine Man
    NSM: Not sucky man
    Me: Guess who?

    This wasn’t really a “sucky” situation, but it sure was… uncommon. (I was working customer service, by the way)

    NSM: I’m looking for one of those medicine books that shows pictures of all the different types of pills.

    Me: [Takes him to the section and shows him the most popular book of that kind]

    NSM: Thanks. [Starts flipping through the book, looks confused.]

    Me: Is there something else I can help you with?

    NSM: Well… Do you know if there’s a way to look up in this book to find out what a pill is?

    Me: [Confused] I’m sorry, what?

    NSM: [Reaches into pocket and pulls out a Ziploc bag with a small white pill in it.] I found this in my daughter’s room, and I need to know what it’s for. My friend told me I should look it up in one of these books. But I didn’t know they’d be so big. [The book’s probably 1000 pages or more]

    Me: Well, it’ll definitely take you a long time to find it in that book.

    NSM: So what should I do?

    Me: Maybe you could google it? Or maybe take it to a doctor or a pharmacy and see if they can identify it.

    NSM: [Looks happy] That’s a great idea! Thanks!


    In hindsight, I wish I had just wished the guy good luck finding it in that book. I hate that I gave him the idea to go to a pharmacy. Maybe he had good reason to suspect his daughter of doing drugs, but as a teenager (well, at the time I was 19. I'm 20 now), I felt like I was betraying a friend. Not really sure why.

    Anyway, that's all for now! I'll post more of my awesome tales later.
    Last edited by bookgirl; 01-19-2010, 07:19 PM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the board! And I think it's a great idea to steer the father to a pharmacy. Don't feel guilty, instead feel glad that he's actively interested in what his daughter is doing. He's also unwilling to jump to conclusions without complete information, which is nice. I've seen enough parents who "act" caring, but who don't really care what their kids get into.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
      Welcome to the board! And I think it's a great idea to steer the father to a pharmacy. Don't feel guilty, instead feel glad that he's actively interested in what his daughter is doing. He's also unwilling to jump to conclusions without complete information, which is nice. I've seen enough parents who "act" caring, but who don't really care what their kids get into.
      Bingo! Don't feel guilty. It could have been as simple as a store brand acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which of course wouldn't say Tylenol or Motrin on them. (Probably not that simple, but just for argument.) Most parents who act "caring" wold have just gone off. He sounds like one of the good ones, the ones who don't go off half cocked.

      Oh, and to

      Edit: I've been waiting centuries to say that.
      Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


      • #4
        1. Library. Reference. Psychological index. She should have gone to a library in the first place. That's where writers go when they want to research something. If you're writing a researched book, you go to a Uni library; you don't call a chain bookstore.

        2. Go to a friggin' grocery store!

        3. Your suggestion was great.


        • #5
          The serial killer info person probably would find a helpful book in the library. I really don't remember any particular book with what she wants...we have a lot of true crime books. OH, and books on poisons, how people look at diff. methods of being killed. I just googled "types of serial killers" and I found it. Not to hard .

          Well, someone should. They would make millions. Millions.
          Well, sounds like someone (you) should get off her ass and do it!

          I hope it's not birth control pills. Some parents go ballistic about it.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            Serial Killer Lady

            Strange that you should get one of those. If she’d done any actual research on the topic she’d have known there are such books. There called psychology books. Unfortunately there are so many psychological types/reasons for people to become serial killers that having a book that just says something along the lines of “Is your Neighbor a Serial Killer? Read more to find out what type” would just be creepy. And before you ask, Yes I have had some weird interests/hobbies. Just ask my friends about my odd fascination with hemorrhagic diseases.

            SW: [Sighs, upset] Yes. There are different types of serial killers. They have different methods, different motives. There are… [She lists some types, I suppose, the names of which I don’t remember. She’s very detailed in the type of book she wants: a very short book that only lists the types of serial killers and a short definition of each.]

            From that I’d guess she’s talking about sociopaths/psychopaths and organized/unorganized types. Again any abnormal psychology book will probably have them listed. What I don’t understand is if she already knows this much about the subject why she doesn’t just compile all of her info and write a book herself instead of looking for one. After all she’d make millions.

            Cheesecake Man

            Man got what he deserved. A nice PW.

            Medicine Man

            Cool a parent who is actually willing to check things out before going off the deep end. They do exist.


            • #7
              A couple people beat me to the punch on the first lady...Yes, a library would probably have a book like that. I can't imagine a store having one on hand. You might have been able to order it but it sounded like something she needed now. I know when I was doing research, I wouldn't go looking for the book at a bookstore...Unless of course the library hated my guts.

              On number 2, who the hell would go to a bookstore to buy a whole cheesecake?

              On number 3....I concur with the other folks.


              • #8
                I love how you stood up to the second guy. Pure win.

                to !


                • #9
                  Quoth bookgirl View Post
                  SW: [Very snippy] No. I don’t want that. I want a book that lists the different types of serial killers.
                  Next time just sell her a copy of the DSM-IV. It has the complete list.
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • #10

                    is all over the place and I believe that EvilQueen has cookies.

                    As for Serial Killer Lady. She couldn't find anything on the interwebs? Really? Really?!
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      1) If you were in Los Angeles, I'd swear the first lady was one of my exes. She has an obscene fascination with Serial Killers. I seriously think she gets off while reading about them.

                      2) Sing to keep time? Watch Hudson Hawk much?

                      3) Agreeing with everyone else. Pharmacy and/or Google was a great suggestion.

                      Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                      • #12
                        woo hoo welcome and "long posts" = "yay" for me. =)

                        NSM: Well… Do you know if there’s a way to look up in this book to find out what a pill is?
                        i actually know what book to use, but it's not easy if you're not use to using it.
                        the most current edition of the PDR

                        the easier way is to just google it.


                        • #13

                          1. Serial Killer Woman: I'm fairly certain the reason she wanted her "research material" is such a specific format is because she had a psych or criminology paper due in that format, and she was looking for something to outright plagiarize, perferably without even having to actually read it.

                          2. Cheesecake man:"This is an outrage! I was made to wait when I went to the bookstore to buy an entire cheesecake! And later, when I went to the one-hour photo place they told me they couldn't vulcanize my tires for me! It's ridiculous, no one understands customer service anymore! I'm gonna go to 7-11 and get someone there to file a lawsuit for me!"

                          3. At the hotel I work out, I once had someone freak out because they found a pill behind the toilet. She started ranting and screaming about how we rent rooms to drug addicts, and she's not safe because they'll break back in to get their stash, and shes not safe, and she wants an extra night for free. (That's right, she was so scared for her own safety she wanted to stay longer, as long as it was for free.)
                          I looked up the pill, it's medication for type-II diabetes, dropped by the sweet 80+ year old lady who had stayed in that room the night before.

                          Great first post. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we look forward to hearing more from you.
                          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                          • #14
                            Just typing it in Google will frequently get results, without even going to a specific page. I've looked a thing or two up that was found rolled under a piece of furniture and covered in dust before. Nothing exciting of course, generic Aleve type stuff.
                            "English is the result of Norman men-at-arms attempting to pick up Saxon barmaids and is no more legitimate than any of the other results."
                            - H. Beam Piper


                            • #15
                              Quoth PepperElf View Post
                              i actually know what book to use, but it's not easy if you're not use to using it.
                              And providing that the company that makes said pill has paid to have it listed.
                              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

