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Does it really matter?

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  • Does it really matter?

    These are from a couple of days ago but I've neglected to post it.

    Coupons, I know how to scan them

    Usually when I get a coupon from someone, and I don't have to type in the percentage due to an unreadable bar code, I take the coupon off at the end of the transaction. The coupon will take whatever percentage the coupon is for ( 40-60% ), for the highest priced item that isn't already on sale, off of books and magazines ( because of our vendor, coupons are not allowed on books any more ) , or some custom-made stuff.

    Most, if not ALL, of the customers I ring up understand this. They get that I scan the coupon at the end, they ask if it went off the highest priced item possible, and I say it does and the receipt verifies this, the customer goes about their business with a shrug and is happy. But this one customer got a bit miffed when I rang up the two coupons for her, the one from our competitor and the one from us, at the end. Basically she ranted for a couple of minutes that she wanted it off of the highest items, which it DID when I showed her the receipt. She still didn't seem to believe me, gave me a dirty look, and walked off.

    Look, if the coupons were taken off of THE HIGHEST PRICED ITEM and it SHOWS on the receipt, it really doesn't matter if I scan it with the highest priced item or at the end. The computer will do it itself, it always has. To my knowledge this is the only customer that has had a fit over how I scan coupons.

    You can stand there next time then

    I still don't completely understand this, even a couple of days later so please help me process this logic.

    A customer was sent to my register because the co-worker who had her in their line had a few other customers in line ahead of this customer. Said customer had a return, I processed this return and everything seemed to be fine until the end of the return. Customer then started to complain that she was sent to my line, with no other customers ahead of her, and wanted to know why.

    Um, because there were other people in line you were in? Because I was open with no other customers in my line? Because my co-worker didn't want you to wait? I dunno, she didn't seem satisfied at these responses and was STILL complaining when she was leaving.
    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.

  • #2
    Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
    You can stand there next time then

    I still don't completely understand this, even a couple of days later so please help me process this logic.

    A customer was sent to my register because the co-worker who had her in their line had a few other customers in line ahead of this customer. Said customer had a return, I processed this return and everything seemed to be fine until the end of the return. Customer then started to complain that she was sent to my line, with no other customers ahead of her, and wanted to know why.

    Um, because there were other people in line you were in? Because I was open with no other customers in my line? Because my co-worker didn't want you to wait? I dunno, she didn't seem satisfied at these responses and was STILL complaining when she was leaving.
    You expect SCs to employ things such as logic? You're funny!

    Just proves that they can get exactly what they want and they will still have to find something to bitch about.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Some people just go out of their way to be miserable.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
        I still don't completely understand this, even a couple of days later so please help me process this logic.
        Just a classic case of someone who *always* has to have something to bitch about.

        It was a no-win. If your CW had left her in the line and she had had to wait, she'd have bitched about that too.
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #5
          Every once and a while when I'm trying to waste time I don't mind waiting in a long line, but I wouldn't ever complain because an employee sent me to somewhere that had no line. It's actually happened, and it's no big deal at all. I don't even care, I find another way to waste my time, and I'm happy the employees are actually doing their jobs instead of letting a line get crazy.

          Why someone would complain about that is beyond me.


          • #6
            Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
            Why someone would complain about that is beyond me.
            Oh, I know! I know! I know!

            Alex, what is "because they're fucking idiots"?

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Quoth Android Kaeli View Post
              I still don't completely understand this, even a couple of days later so please help me process this logic.
              I suspect this is the same phenomenon in certain places where all cars line up in single file on a 4 lane road at a stop light. There's 2 cars in each of the other 3 lanes, but the one lane (not even a turn lane, or the only straight through lane) has 10 or more cars, and then of course I see drivers slamming fists on steering wheels when they don't make it through that light cycle. Don't try to understand, you'll just get a headache and lose IQ points. :-P
              Coworker: Distro of choice?
              Me: Gentoo.
              Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


              • #8
                I am now required to scan coupons at the end of the order.

                Actually, it used to be we could scan them at any time after the items in question had been rung up. So some customers would group the coupons with the items-- a very sensible idea, since any coupon that said "FREE" instead of an amount would have to be looked up.

                Now we get to corporate interference in the name of green dough. (Didn't Han Solo shoot him?)

                Once we got new registers (which, I might add, cost us a lot of money that corporate was willing to spend), everything had to be reprogrammed, and suddenly (probably because of the ease of scanning coupons made it rife for abuse) scanning a coupon required you were in Subtotal mode.

                A few years ago, another asinine directive arrived. This one went to asieleven!

                It said something like "Pressing Subtotal all the time is a waste of ink and paper. Just scan the coupons at the end, so you only need to press Subtotal once."

                I was actually called out and given a talking-to once, for pressing Subtotal twice by accident, because it "wasted paper". Truly we have gone beyond micromanagement and entered the sub-atomic.

                So, now we get all kinds of customers who group their coupons with items, and though I wish I could appreciate it, I have to take the coupons and pile them up on the side for later. And of course they complain, "Why aren't you taking my coupons?" or "No, I'm supposed to get that one for FREE!!!".

                Sometimes they even reach for the pile, take back the coupons and stick them back in their purse or wallet. Then, when I ask if they have any coupons at the end of the order, they reply with, "You already scanned them!"
                Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


                • #9
                  Quoth Zoom View Post
                  I am now required to scan coupons at the end of the order.


                  Sometimes they even reach for the pile, take back the coupons and stick them back in their purse or wallet. Then, when I ask if they have any coupons at the end of the order, they reply with, "You already scanned them!"

                  Whoa, invasion of personal space and if you've got them by you, that means they're reaching OVER onto your side of the register? Then trying to say you are letting them get away with re-distributing a used coupon?
                  People are dunderheaded fools. I weep that Darwin's Natural Selection is frowned upon.


                  • #10
                    Quoth KymmyKyller View Post
                    if you've got them by you, that means they're reaching OVER onto your side of the register? Then trying to say you are letting them get away with re-distributing a used coupon?
                    Well, not quite; the sensor eye to stop the conveyor belt takes up space in front and is put underneath a tiny mini-counter area which is closer to the SCs than myself, and the coupons are routinely put there because anywhere else and they'd fall into a crevice.

                    Because people used to re-use rainchecks (especially if not completely redeemed due to out of stockitude), some of them probably think I'm giving them back their coupons when I put them there, and they can use them again. No such thing was ever implied, and since the coupons are not yet scanned the SCs can take them back if they want for all I care. But I do tend to ask, "Hey, weren't there some coupons there a minute ago?"
                    Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Zoom View Post
                      Sometimes they even reach for the pile, take back the coupons and stick them back in their purse or wallet. Then, when I ask if they have any coupons at the end of the order, they reply with, "You already scanned them!"
                      Don't you know the customer is always right? Hit "total" and tell them how much they owe.
                      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                      • #12
                        Would be nice if they were concerned about paper usage at Glitter Hell. Customer buys one item...and if they're the lucky 5th (or whatever) customer, they get the survey, and the damned receipt is 12 inches long. Plus whatever coupon might print out.

                        If I've got a big or complicated order (like someone buys a cart load of christmas picks, or several carts worth of stems, or several yards worth of several different by the yard ribbon... [or if the damned customer doesn't stop TOUCHING STUFF as I'm scanning it]), I hit the non sale button all the time. It might waste paper, but I figure it evens out in the end, since I make sure I'm not over or under charging people. I can see them making a rule about that, and then not telling the cashiers, and definitely not telling the backup cashiers/floor people.

                        When customers have a coupon and they are adamant that they want it applied to a certain item (and it will definitely come off of that item)... scan that item first, then all their cheap crap, then the coupon. Because...uh, it annoys them, and it's one of the few bits of joy I get during the day. Especially if they shove me on a damned register. heh

                        You know you've been with Glitter Hell too long when you don't even run a register all that often and you know the bar codes for the coupons pretty well.

                        I STILL get customers who ask me to sign the coupon log. It's been a year and a half since we've done that! A YEAR AND A HALF!

                        Hell, I love it when we get lectured by the old ladies who are pissed they can't use their coupon. Because I'm in charge of that, apparently. And hell, I can understand their point if the item they wanted was discounted for less than the coupon, but if they're the same, wtf are they bitching at me?

                        Coupons, they are the stuff of nightmares.
                        you are = you're. not "your".


                        • #13
                          Quoth simplyanother View Post
                          I STILL get customers who ask me to sign the coupon log. It's been a year and a half since we've done that! A YEAR AND A HALF!

                          We've stopped doing that about the same time as well with our coupons, and I've gotten a handful of people within the last month to month and a half with this. I'm actually surprised that these customers actually remember it, as it's been about a year and a half to almost two years since we no longer have customers sign for coupons. It sucks, I know, but there's nothing I can do about it either.
                          Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                          • #14
                            Do they insist that y'all did it the last time they came in? "Really? So, you haven't been here in over a year and a half?"...


                            Maybe I shouldn't antagonize the customers.
                            you are = you're. not "your".


                            • #15
                              Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
                              and I'm happy the employees are actually doing their jobs instead of letting a line get crazy.
                              I wish certain of my co-workers would learn this....

                              Quoth simplyanother View Post
                              Do they insist that y'all did it the last time they came in? "Really? So, you haven't been here in over a year and a half?"...
                              Right up there with the old bat yesterday that insisted that she's never had to sign for pseudoephedrine or buy it in the pharmacy before. Even though the law's been in place since around 2006.
                              It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

