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Love Letters from Me

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  • Love Letters from Me

    Patience is a virtue.

    Attention drive-through patrons: At our restaurant, we do not have one particular person in charge of answering the drive through intercom. As such, you may have to wait anywhere between 1 and 10 seconds for someone to answer you when you drive up to the speaker. Saying "helloooo?", whistling, honking your horn (!), or yelling will not make as answer you any faster. In fact, most of us make you wait an additional 5 seconds for each instance of the above-mentioned behaviors. So please, learn some patience.

    I hear perfectly well, thank you.

    Dear Drunk Redneck in my drivethrough: I do not like you. No one who works at this store likes you. The only reason you are still permitted to come into the restaurant is because you have not pulled any of your shit with the store's owner yet. Acting like you can't hear us over the drivethrough speaker is annoying. What's even more annoying is that you like to play games with us. My least-favorite game is the one where you order one thing at the speaker, get your total, then while driving around the building to me, you change your order. However, you decide to change your order without telling me. Then, when I hand you your food, you look in the bag and scream at me for getting your order wrong even though I repeated your order to you before pulling your around and you told me I had it right. Oh, and yes I have "cleaned out my goddamned ears lately", thanks. Oh, I see that open can of Miller Lite in the cupholder of your car. That explains a lot. Oh, and have fun on the drive home; I've just called the police to give them your license plate number.

    No, you can't substitute that...

    We include cole slaw with our meals at no additional charge, so no, you can't substitute that for something would cost money like, say cheese sticks (???) or more mashed potatoes. Yes, I realize that New Girl let you do that before, but that was because she was new and forgot. It was a lucky mistake on your part. However, I am far from being new and I will not be making the same mistake. Thank you for playing.

    We don't have that.

    We do not serve fucking pizza. We never have. I am not lying. So stop calling me, you seven different people who have each called at least twice about our "Pizza Special". And yes, these people do mean to call us. I've asked each of them each time they've called.

  • #2
    Something I've seen (heard, actually) at DT speakers is an "auto respond". You drive up, and a friendly car-salesperson voice comes on and asks if you'd like to try the "expensive choice of the month". Moments later a real person comes over the speaker. But sometimes they're long moments. Which means the customer is left wondering why someone answered the speaker, but is now ignoring them. Which means the customer starts going "Helloooo? Hellooooooo?." I hate the auto respond.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      My Favorite, really, is after you do the welcoming through the speaker, ask what they'd like, and they say "Hold on just a moment."

      You wait 5 seconds, then they say "Hellllllloooooo???? Are you there?!" Bonus points if they yell it.


      I've seen some of those, and they are rather annoying, but i can actually tell when its a guy or its the auto response.


      • #4
        This reminds me of Dane Cook and the BK Drivethrough routine. If you haven't heard it, give it a listen. It's funny and I'm sure those that work in drive-thru can relate to it.
        Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

        Proud Air Force Mom


        • #5
          Quoth mae View Post
          Gotta love old school Dane Cook. Heh heh.
          You know, I'd forgotten about that routine. But I DID think of Dane Cook while reading this thread, thinking the "Pizza Special" was a prankster's version of the spaghetti basket.
          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


          • #6
            I think I've kind of figured out the "Pizza Special" thing. I got another call about it earlier today and apparently, the restaurant I work for and the Pizza Hut in my town have very similar numbers. I think the last number is off by one. I've never asked them if they meant to call Restaurant, I've just always told them they've got the wrong number. Not too sure why it took me so long to realize I should ask "did you mean to call ****?" *sigh*


            • #7
              Quoth bainsidhe View Post
              Something I've seen (heard, actually) at DT speakers is an "auto respond". You drive up, and a friendly car-salesperson voice comes on and asks if you'd like to try the "expensive choice of the month". Moments later a real person comes over the speaker. But sometimes they're long moments. Which means the customer is left wondering why someone answered the speaker, but is now ignoring them. Which means the customer starts going "Helloooo? Hellooooooo?." I hate the auto respond.
              Speaking as a customer, I hate the auto respond too because sometimes the auto repsond is a person and they don't say anything like "What would you like to order?". I'd like to find the marketing genius that came up with that idea....


              • #8
                Quoth Krivak View Post
                My Favorite, really, is after you do the welcoming through the speaker, ask what they'd like, and they say "Hold on just a moment."
                I wish they would put the menu board further back in the queue so that people can look at it before they get to the speaker and have to order.


                • #9
                  Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                  I wish they would put the menu board further back in the queue so that people can look at it before they get to the speaker and have to order.
                  Yeah, i agree. However, the instance i refer to is when they ask for a moment, then immediately turn around and yell "HELLO!?!?!" in my ear like i abandoned them at the speaker...


                  • #10
                    Quoth Flying Grype View Post
                    I wish they would put the menu board further back in the queue so that people can look at it before they get to the speaker and have to order.
                    Jack in the Box has 2 menu boards, one a car-length behind the order board and one at the order board. I'll regularly stop at the first one to finalize my order before driving up to place my order.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

