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Don't you check the bag?

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  • #16
    I check my pharmacy pills at the counter. This seems to surprise the employees.


    • #17
      I always try to check bags too. On those occasions that I don't check, the order is wrong, and it's always my husband's food. He thinks I mess up his order on purpose.

      One fast food restaurant worker messed up my food so badly, that it ended up costing him his job. He steamed the stub of his cigar into my mexican pizza and the smell pretty much tainted all the rest of the food in the bag. That was 2 years ago.. and I haven't been back to that restaurant since.
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #18
        I once ordered something from a certain coffee store that starts with an s, and I didn't think to check, but when I got back to work I realized that they had given me the wrong thing. I tried it to see if I liked it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but I just did not like the taste. I called and let them know I had gotten the wrong thing, and I was just 2 minutes down the road but couldn't get out cause my break was just about over. They were so nice and said as long as I brought back the cake to prove I just wasn't trying to get free food, they'd exchange it. I had to hide it from coworkers. You couldn't bring food into that place without it disappearing. I think I hid it in a broken pot that was in damage.


        • #19
          I usually don't check, unless maybe my order comes up before a person that ordered before me, or, I just get a "feeling". Haven't had a wrong order in a long time. *knocks wood*

          One time, probably around 20 years ago after finishing up work Downtown, I walked over to Wendy's to get dinner to go. Went back to the parking garage I was working at, hopped in the car for the 15-ish minute drive home.

          Got the TV turned on, and sat down and took my burger and fries from the bag. Unwrapped the burger, and there was No Meat!!

          So, I called down to Wendy's, nicely let them know what had happened, (probably even laughing about it, I was disappointed, but understanding that mistakes happen, and it was so damn bizarre, I couldn't be mad ) and the person I talked to apologized, (and probably laughed too) and said to let them know the next time I was in, and they'd comp me another. So, I did that likely just a few days later, and I think they may have comped the entire meal, and not just the burger.

          So, I'm at home, left with a meatless (and I don't mean veggie) burger, with all the fixin's, excpet for cheese which I usually omit anyway, fries, a drink, and an empty, growling stomach. So, what do I do ? Hop back in the car, head down to the grocery store, buy some hamburger to cook up into my own patty, and slap it together with the Wendy's burger fixin's!

          When I thought back on the whole scenario, the only clue I had was that the order seemed to come up fairly quickly, but I probably attributed that to the fact that I usually went there, dining in, during weekday lunchtime, when they were quite busy, and this was at maybe 4:00-5:00-ish p.m. and maybe on a Saturday. The only other thing, may have been as soon as I grabbed the burger out of the bag, it may have seemed lighter and/or smaller, before I unwrapped it.



          • #20
            Quoth Lots42 View Post
            I check my pharmacy pills at the counter. This seems to surprise the employees.
            I used to be in retail next to an apothecary. They didn't check the pills at the counter. Without fail, they'd get just outside the door far enough to be blocking it and turn into an imoveable object while inspecting every vial and bottle they could find in their bags.

            Saw one guy do this and something went amiss. Pills everywhere.

            I got inside before laughing.


