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Short and Sour

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  • Short and Sour

    So last night I'm up at the register watching the clock tick off the final minutes of my shift when a regular customer comes in. A regular Grade A Douchebag. I dread seeing this guy because it's just never a pleasant experience. After awhile I see him coming up and I'm hoping that he's heading out the door. No such luck.

    Douchebag: (slamming his Dr. Scholl's shoe inserts and razors on my counter) I HATE when things get moved around.
    Me: (Please just go away.)
    DB: It's not your fault.
    Me: (Ya think?)

    I finish up the transaction and send Douchebag back into the night. Another customer came up soon after this guy and saw his outburst. Once the doors were safely closed I finally opened my mouth.

    Me: The funny part is the stuff he was buying was moved over a year ago.
    Nice Customer:

    Then I went back to watching the clock.
    I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.

  • #2
    The even funnier part is when I still get customers complaining "everything's moved around! I hate that!", and all those moves were done 5 years ago.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      The even funnier part is when I still get customers complaining "everything's moved around! I hate that!", and all those moves were done 5 years ago.
      I can actually top that. Shortly after I started my big box store job (a long time ago), I witnessed a customer walk into the carpeting section and start screeching about how she couldn't find the TVs, and last time she came into the store a few months ago, the TVs were right here, and why do you change everything around all the time, and blargle blargle blargle.

      It was funny for two reasons. First, if she'd looked to her left, she would have seen that the TVs were in the next section over, in plain sight.

      Second, as the carpeting guy told me later, the TVs hadn't been in that part of the store for over 10 years!
      "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
      "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


      • #4
        I've also had people ask me where the electronics are, and when I tell them they tell me "Well they always used to be in the corner over there!"

        "The corner over there" is where candy and grocery are. Electronics hasn't been over there since at least 1998, when I started at the swamp. In fact I would guess they got moved during the remodel in 1994 or 95.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Where I used to work, you had to walk through homelines to get to Customer Service and the business offices and on the other end of the department was a somewhat long hallway to the fire exit.

          I don't know how many times we found people either wandering down to the fire exit or around in Customer Service looking for the bathroom.

          When told that they were over on the other side of the store, they would invariably say, "Oh, did you just move them?" Really? I feel safe in assuming that they don't know just how difficult it is to move plumbing.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Quoth Douchebag
            (slamming his Dr. Scholl's shoe inserts and razors on my counter) I HATE when things get moved around.
            For one brief moment I thought he was saying, because things got moved around, he accidentally put razors in his shoes.
            Why do they make Superglue but not Batglue?


            • #7
              I liked when I worked at Blockbuster and people would bring back movies late, then say, "When did you change your return time?"

              I got to answer, "Two years ago." and stare at them until they looked away.


              • #8
                We have three registers in the front. One along the wall and two across from it. People come in and ask when we put the second two registers in because they never noticed them before. Or ask if the registers used to be "over there" which is across from where they are. One of our other stores does have them opposite of ours but it's more fun to stare at them until the shut up.
                I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  I've also had people ask me where the electronics are, and when I tell them they tell me "Well they always used to be in the corner over there!".
                  Oh, wow. Even if the electronics were moved yesterday, that makes no sense. My brain is in pain.


                  • #10
                    Quick backstory: My store is divided into two clear segments: Music, games and movies on the left (gray carpet), electronics, pcs, TVs and phones on the right (blue carpet).

                    While I know the games have been swapped around last year (pc and console switched place) I also know the overall design NEVER changed place. EVER. Games on the left, PC on the right.

                    Guy came in a couple of days ago arguing with me that the softwares (PC) were on my end before (no).

                    I direct him to the computer half, he looks around, COMES BACK, complains nobody was there (Store is small and I am staring DIRECTLY at one of the pc clerks, so that's bullshit) and that the software he was looking for was in my half BEFORE. Swore up and down.

                    He finally kinda sorta believes me seeing as I cannot expell his software from my neither regions, returns to the pc side and actually bothers to ENTER THE AISLES.

                    Found his damn software.

                    Another one went to my co-worker while I was in the back, dropped an empty box of diskettes on her counter and just stared at her.

                    When asked, gave her the good ol' "THEY WERE HERE BEFORE!" Shpiel.

                    Don't get me started on the "out of stock+stating we had some before=Magically pull one out of our ass" math they got going on...
                    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                      I've also had people ask me where the electronics are, and when I tell them they tell me "Well they always used to be in the corner over there!"
                      I'm suspecting that a lot of these people are saying that not so much because they think you're wrong, as they're trying to excuse why they made the mistake. Of course, it's all in how they say it, so you're the expert here.

