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What Difference Does it Make?

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  • What Difference Does it Make?

    While I was in the electronics department we had this looping DVD that played movie trailers, concert videos, and commercials. After the year ended and all of those movies were finally on the shelves Direct TV came in and installed their service. So now the TV's are playing actual television.

    The remote is there and the box is hooked up so you can select any channel you wish.

    I haven't been back there since the beginning of the New Year, but generally my idea is that you pick a channel that doesn't have anything in the slightest bit entertaining and you leave it so customers can see how clear it is.

    The manager who worked back there today had it on Fox News and while I covered her lunch break I had a customer come up to me.

    She was a little over weight with peroxide white hair and a shopping cart full of puppy training pads. She carried a little dog with her that was dressed in...The thing I can think of was she took the Santa clothes off of one of the singing Santa statues and put her dog in it, but I digress.

    Santa Dog Lady = SDL
    NateSean = Me

    SDL: Why is hat always on Fox News?
    Me: *Thinking it isn't* Um, well sometimes we just leave it on a channel and let it go.
    SDL: Well is it stuck there?
    Me: Nope. We just put it on so that customers can watch it.
    SDL: Well can't you change it?
    Me: Sure. I just don't like to fool around with it because we're not really supposed to be watching it.
    SDL: *Smugly as she leaves* Well you can just tell your boss that a customer said she doesn't like Fox News.

    Me: Okay.

    Mind you any customer can walk up and fiddle with the dials. We don't have the box locked away or anything. Secondly, I don't see what difference it makes what channel we leave it on because it's not like we, or more to the point, you, are going to be watching it all day anyway.

  • #2
    What a stupid complaint.
    Don't wanna; not gonna.


    • #3
      I was so happy when they took out those looping DVD's. They're ok the very first time, then you just want to take it out and smash it so you don't see the same thing every time you glace at the TVs.

      Our TVs are set to ESPN, and customers actually do stop and watch it(sometimes employees too).

      I haven't had any customers complain about it being on a certain channel, but I guess a manager got kind of angry because one person who worked back there would have it on the food network, and then another person would change it back to ESPN. So the manager got tired of it being changed and we were told to just keep it on the channel that it was on.

      That lady didn't need to complain though. I hate messing with those boxes either, I always seem to mess something up.


      • #4
        I wonder if she was supposed to have her dog in the store?
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


        • #5
          This is probably the same person who came to my bookstore and turned all the faced-out books by a certain political figure around so you could only see the backs.

          Obviously she has nothing better to do.


          • #6
            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
            This is probably the same person who came to my bookstore and turned all the faced-out books by a certain political figure around so you could only see the backs.

            Obviously she has nothing better to do.
            Funny you should mention that because I ran into that same lady at a certain competitor's store later that evening and she still had the dog, and I pumped into her while she was looking through women's clothes.

            I politley joked about how we seem to be running into each other and her exact words were, "Oh, I'm just looking around. I've got nothing better to do."


            • #7
              Quoth Summerfly413 View Post
              I was so happy when they took out those looping DVD's. They're ok the very first time, then you just want to take it out and smash it so you don't see the same thing every time you glace at the TVs.
              I hear you, there's this one store in town, it's tvs have been stuck on Shrek the Third for like 2 years or so.

              Quoth NateTheChops View Post
              I pumped into her while she was looking through women's clothes.
              Now that's just rude. That's what changing rooms are for!
              Last edited by Shironu-Akaineko; 01-28-2010, 01:40 PM.
              Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

              "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


              • #8
                I wouldn't be able to stay in that department very long if it was on FOX... but I wouldn't bitch out the staff about it, I'd assume the manager wanted it there or that it was store policy.

                Every single time I've gone to Best Buy recently (I've been looking to see if they have something in stock, so I've been in a few times) all the TVs have been playing the same clip from the recent Witch Mountain movie.


                • #9
                  Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                  and I pumped into her while she was looking through women's clothes."
                  A little Freudian slip there, eh?
                  Actually, I know what you meant to say, but I'm sure glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read it.


                  • #10
                    Back about 10 years, I worked at a net cafe that required me to walk through a department store to get to the section that we were located. Never failed, every morning as soon as I walked off the elevator, there was Twister playing on every TV they had seemingly at the same spot in the movie as well. They had this movie looped all day and all night.

                    I only had to deal with a few minutes of it passing through, I can imagine the people who worked the electronics department never want to see that movie ever again, even being 10 years later.
                    Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


                    • #11
                      I caught my mistake too late but I don't think I'll bother editing it.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LillFilly View Post
                        I wonder if she was supposed to have her dog in the store?
                        Wouldn't have been a dog, would have been a 'Fashion accessory"....
                        "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
                        Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


                        • #13
                          Quoth NateTheChops View Post
                          ....I don't think I'll bother editing it.

                          Please don't, that's classic!



                          • #14
                            Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                            Please don't, that's classic!

                            Think before long people will have it in their signatures?


                            • #15
                              Ah yes, the "I will die unless I drag my politics into everything" types. Dontcha just love them?

                              We had one of those at the swamp a while back going off on Richard Simmons because we were daring to show "steaming conservative garbage", aka Fox News, on one of our display TVs.

                              Here's the thing though: Almost all the display tvs show a movie in a repeating loop. The ones that show Fox News are A) smaller, B) off to the sides and the bottom of the display, and C) have the sound turned way down so as not to drown out the movie playing on the other TVs. So in order to see and understand Fox News, you have to pick out one of the smallest, most hidden TVs in the display and put your ear up to it.

                              I really wish I had gotten this nutcase. I would've told her "You don't like our steaming conservative garbage? Fine. For the next month we'll put on steaming liberal garbage from MSNBC to balance things out. Then we'll put on CNN and leave that on and everybody will be happy. Deal?"
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

