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New Job, New A-holes

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  • New Job, New A-holes

    So I got a new job for when I'm at school. Since it's tax season I get really flexible hours dressing up as a certain mascot for a tax service, I think some of you Americans know what I'm talking about if there's one in your town. We stand on the corner and wave and dance and shake-it, hoola-hoop, blah blah blah.

    Things that have been screamed at me out windows:





    "GET A REAL JOB!!!"


    People on the street:

    There was a woman who came up with a dog and because of my outfit her dog was afraid of me, it's a normal thing, most dogs either want to run away. It was the way she SAID it, not exactly what it was but it was how.

    "MY DOG IS AFRAID OF YOUUUU!!!" Like it was the craziest damn things in the world and like it was my fault. It was said in the tone she would have had if I was attacking her dog. I was standing three yards away! D:<

    The worst was a drunk-ass guy without the first four front teeth on the top, he literally hugged me really tightly and told me in all seriousness that he was glad that the "planes" had missed lady liberty. He smelled like...poo. I nearly thew up. My other coworkers have been similarly accosted...oh sorry, the LADY coworkers.

  • #2
    I've seen you guys in my town.

    You have my deepest sympathy.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      Quoth Panacea View Post
      I've seen you guys in my town.

      You have my deepest sympathy.

      You should be issued mace.


      • #4
        The ones who worked in my old town would come into Old Bookstore and give us candy.

        I felt kind of bad I never used their tax service, since we got free candy, but Husband does our taxes.

        Do you really shake it? I think dancing would make the time go faster at least.


        • #5
          Quoth Panacea View Post
          I've seen you guys in my town.

          You have my deepest sympathy.
          Mine too. People just don't care that there is a real person inside the costume. They see "costume" and think it's fair game for their abuse.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            There is one that right around the corner from my parent's house.

            Sometimes they jump into the extremely busy street they are on... I'm always afraid one will get hit.
            There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413


            • #7
              Funny, I've done this too... you think it's bad being a girl try being a guy and dressing up like her... I was so thankful no one I knew saw me
              Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
              Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
              -Automan Empire

