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I guess the world revolves around him.

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  • I guess the world revolves around him.

    So two nights ago I'm working at (insert electronics giant here). It's a truck night so rather than working the floor, I and a few other coworkers are unloading a truck and putting the stuff out on the floor.

    So I wander over to the computer section to put away some portable harddrives when this guy asks me:

    Guy: Do you work in this section?

    Now, we'll pause here in reflection. Just because we all wear the same uniform does not necessarily mean that we work in a certain area, nor do we have encyclopedic knowledge of every department in the store.

    Me: Uh, I don't work in computers sir. Thinking( I unload trucks and work in the CD/DVD department) Let me see if I can get someone for you.

    Now, I knew damn well that we only had 2 guys working computers and that happens to be an area that gets a lot of traffic no matter what day of the week it is. But I figured, what the hell, try anyway.

    And of course my efforts were in vain as both my coworkers had their hands full. So I scuttle back to the guy.

    Me: Sir, unfortunatly both of our computer guys are busy at the moment with customers.

    Guy: So is someone going to come over here and help me? (said with an air of pompous windbaggery)

    Me: (thinking) WTF?, Did I not just say that they were busy? Was I speaking a foreign language? Did I even have an accent? You know what? Why don't I use my magical powers to make an employee appear as per your beckon call.

    Me: No, sir. You'd have to wa...

    Guy: (cutting me off) Okay, thanks.

    Now, I can read body language and I knew the guy was pissed as he left the store in a huff. But seriously, what did he expect to happen? That everyone would drop what they were doing to throw themselves at him?
    Screw normal. You know why? 'Cause if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader.

    Christopher Titus.

  • #2
    What a twatwaffle!

    That said I have some advice, feel free to ignore. In this type of situation it might help, once you've determined that no one that works in that dept is open with a disclaimer of this isn't your dept but you'd be happy to try to help and ask what they want. It can blow up in your face but will more often diffuse the situation. You might be able to help, most suckies are totally helpless in any retail situation so it could be something stupid simple or at the very least if you can't help you did try (that actually counts with a lot of people) and you may buy a couple of minutes until the coworker for the dept is free.

    but you're right, he was a total ass
    Last edited by ta2ooed1; 01-29-2010, 11:29 PM. Reason: typo
    I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


    • #3
      If I was that guy (well he'd haveta be a girl lol) I would have thanked you for trying and have waited patiently. Why is everybody always in such a hurry?

