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I'm Stupid, Compensate Me!

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  • #16
    Right now I am totally picturing my downstairs neighbor (old Bitch the snowbird) kicking and screaming down in Texas because this winter seems to have affected everyone. It has snowed and iced and froze in areas that it hasn't in years.

    I wonder if she's going to demand a free lease next winter.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #17
      You wait until you see a bunch of Idahoans in winter. Rain and snow strike them as being the worst things that could possibly happen. These morons here assume it's supposed to be summer all year long. Yuck! Who needs the heat?
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #18
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        While we were waiting, it clouded up and started pouring down rain. No thunder or lightning, so everyone just stayed in line. I guess everyone was used to it. After a few minutes, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and dried everything up, and it started getting hot again. A few minutes later, it clouded up and started raining again. I think this cycle repeated 4 or 5 times while we were waiting in line.
        Sounds just like Europe! Except for the sun bit in the middle. Yeah, pretty much. Oh and it's not hot.
        Melody Gardot


        • #19
          This all reminds me of one of my stopovers in Cozumel, it rained hard for about 30 minutes and ten bright and sunny for the rest of the day, I snapped a picture of the ship from the bar at TGI Fridays

          AP Cozumel - Storm

          and of course there were about a dozen passengers raising hell at the front desk trying to get compensation for their "ruined" vacation...


          • #20
            This reminds me of a couple I know. They went to Florida and it rained for most of their honeymoon. When they came home, all they would talk about was how terrible it was that it rained and they couldn't go outside. It took someone pointing out that most people don't spend much time outside during their honeymoon to get them to stop whining.


            • #21
              Quoth dalesys View Post
              ...get a tan from standing in the English rain... (1967)
              Psst. That's rust.



              • #22
                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                Psst. That's rust.

                And you are the egg man! (I'm the walrus)
                I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                • #23
                  Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                  This reminds me of a couple I know. They went to Florida and it rained for most of their honeymoon. When they came home, all they would talk about was how terrible it was that it rained and they couldn't go outside. It took someone pointing out that most people don't spend much time outside during their honeymoon to get them to stop whining.
                  Actually my husband and me spent a lot of time outside on our honeymoon (we went to Hawaii) but that was cause Mother Nature decided that my red headed cousin needed to visit about a week early. God that sucked...but we made the most of it. What was I gonna do? Demand compensation for my 'ruined' honeymoon because of blood loss that was out of everyone's control?

                  Even then we had 1 day were it rained while we were there. We actually walked down to the aquarium and took a look. It was amusing comparing it to others we had visited (mainly Chicago's Shedd) and finding that while we loved checking out the ocean fish, most locals seemed more fascinated by the fresh water ones or ones that were from colder regions. Surprised for folks in the tropics huh?
                  "It's not what your doing so much as the idiotic way your doing it." Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7.


                  • #24

                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    I'm from the desert myself, but I know that the tropics by their very definition do get rain. And most of the people that bitch about the rain when they are here also know that.

                    Now, were I ignorant of that fact, and I was on vacation somewhere, and it rained, and they locals told me "this is perfectly normal," I would not have a hissy fit and bitch till my face was blue. Why? First, because I am not a complete jackhole, and second, because a blue face is very unattractive.
                    I guess you haven't seen Avatar.


                    • #25
                      Quoth MiddleofNowhere View Post
                      CS: Hi, how can I help you today?
                      SW: Yeah, I was just wanting to let you know, I really like your store...
                      CS: (told me she could sense the 'but' coming a mile away) Well, thank you. That's nice to hear.
                      SW: But, the other day, I drove two hours to get here and you guys were closed!
                      CS: Oh, was that last Thursday? We had to close due to the fact that the mall was closing and all major roads to here were closed because of the blizzard. I'm sorry about that. That's *ourstate* in Winter.
                      SW: Well, what are you going to do about it?
                      CS: What do you mean?
                      SW: I spent two hours of MY time and MY gas to get here and you were closed! I demand compansation! (and yes, CS confirmed she used that exact verbage)
                      CS: Well, I guess I don't understand you. As soon as we knew we were closing, we alerted all local media. But, most everybody stayed home anyway. You know, because of the blizzard. (CS told me she exaggerated the word BLIZZARD to hopefully get through to SW)
                      SW: This is ridiculous! I checked before I left, your store was open! You should have stayed open!
                      CS: Well, you know, you said you took two hours to get here. A lot can happen in two hours. It's not our decision, it's the mall's. We also have to make sure our associates are safe and not on the road in bad conditions.
                      SW: Get me your manager!
                      And it is precisely this thinking that causes stores to remain open even in extreme severe weather like a blizzard. (Aside from any rules that might require the store to pay all the employees for shifts missed when a store closes)

                      We've gotten this attitude at the swamp too. People will complain that there are no employees because they all couldn't make it in to work, or the parking lot is full of snow and ice and is pretty much impassable. "Did you really thing nobody would be out shopping today?" they moo.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

