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Happened to a coworker: "I'm sorry you hit me with your car."

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  • Happened to a coworker: "I'm sorry you hit me with your car."


    About three weeks ago there was a HUGE buzz going on at work, and I could not walk past any coworker in the building without hearing about (for this story his name is) Gary the cart pusher. This got me curious, but I did not ask anyone what was going on. However, while I was on break, Gary came into the break room, and I got the story from him, and bits and pieces of the rest of the story later on from management.

    Gary was collecting carts in the parking lot BETWEEN lanes where people park their cars, and NOT in the road itself. An obnoxious sucky customer was trying to take a parking lot shortcut by driving through a narrow space across the parking lot lanes where two spaces did not have cars. She saw Gary moving closer to the narrow space with some carts (with his back to her), and guess what she did? She tried to beat Gary by GUNNING IT! This god damn hillybilly lunatic was driving ACROSS parking lot lanes to save a few seconds, and decided to risk another human beings life to save at most 10 of those seconds. Well, this would not be a very good story if the "lady" did not clip Gary. Fortunately it was very cold during that week so Gary was wearing a very thick jacket which helped to absorb the blow, that and he is built like a linebacker. Garys back was to the evil bitch redneck who hit him, so he did not even see her coming. When he was hit, Gary did what most of us would have done, he let go with a few choice words.

    Are you ready for this?

    No, no. Are you sitting down?

    Are you REALLY ready for this?

    She came in and complained to management.

    Fortunately, the parking lot cameras got everything, so Gary still has a job, but this EVIL BITCH, actually came in and complained because while she was driving recklessly through the parking lot without any reguards to human life she clipped someone who did not know she was there in an attempt to shave a few seconds off of her exit. The managers told Gary that they were siding with him, but asked him to appologise, and for whatever reason, he did. If it happened to me, I would have gone to the hardware department, bought a hammer, and given the floor a new coat of paint.

    Seriuously, wtf is going on where people can hit people in the parking lot due to their own carelessness and then come in and complain? Does this evil spiteful bitch honeslty view herself as a victim?

    I know managers are always trying to make difficult situations go away in an attempt to get customers to come back, but when something like this happens what is wrong with telling that ONE customer "please do not come back". They asked Gary to appologise? They should have called the police.

    A few days ago I finally worked a shift when Gary was working. It was the first time since the incident happened where I saw him working. I had actually been wondering if they fired him for yelling at the customer who hit him with a car.

    When did common sense become inverted?
    Last edited by Grrrrrrr; 01-31-2010, 02:59 AM.
    "Sorry, the restaurant is closed in honor of customer appreciation day."

  • #2
    Words fail me on this one. It sounds like Gary is okay, thank goodness! But were cops called? Seriously? My guess is Gary is younger and naive, since many veterans of retail would choose to be checked out by a doctor. Unless it was a very mild bump, you don't want to mess around with this.

    I'm shocked the woman came inside. I hate that she complained, but I'm surprised it wasn't a hit and run. Good grief.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      She complained about him swearing? If it was that cold, I assume she had the windows up and wonder how she heard him. Did she also complain that he scratched her car?

      Seriously, the police and ambulance should have been called. Gary should not have aplogized. Management did not back him up ENOUGH!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        He should see a doctor. He may feel okay now, but soft tissue damage has a nasty way of not showing up for a while... And the injury could anywhere, not just the point of impact... getting thrown off balance stresses the back, the neck, knee joints....
        There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


        • #5
          Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no no No NO NO NO.

          I would not be apologizing for a damn thing. I would be quitting right on the spot. Any company that would ask me to apologize for being hit by some fuckwad's car, or even swearing after being hit by said fuckwad's car, is a company that is not worth working for. Because they just made it clear they do not care for your safety.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth Grrrrrrr View Post
            The managers told Gary that they were siding with him, but asked him to appologise, and for whatever reason, he did.
            Hopefully it was only an apology for the swearing and not for the accident. A sleazy lawyer will convince a court that an apology is an admission of guilt.

            In any case, I too am glad that Gary's okay. But I think the managers should be fired for not calling the cops.


            • #7
              What the hell?


              • #8
                Like others before me have said, I would NOT have apologized. Unfortunately, it's a little late for that. Please tell me they got a tag number or something.
                To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                • #9
                  If I were him I would've given the managers both fingers and then walked away. What reason would he have to apologize? The stupid bitch clipped him with her damn car. She could've waited until he was safely out of the way.


                  • #10
                    I can see that happening at Mal-Mart. Some good for nothing consumer runs over a courtesy clerk, it's happened before, and all management would give a damn about is if 1) the c. clerk in any way harmed the consumer's car and 2) the c. clerk was wearing a yellow targeting vest.

                    Never wear a yellow targeting vest if you have to work outside. Corporate/management pretends its a rule so that you'll be seen by consumers and they won't hit you. The truth is, when a consumer is behind the wheel of a car, the less they know you're a staff there in that parking lot, the safer you are.
                    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                    • #11
                      "I'm sorry you are such a stupid twatwaffle that you think you are entitled to hit me with your car. I'm sorry I didn't damage it, and I'll be sorry to spend my time reporting you to the police for a hit and run instead of going home to my well deserved bed."


                      • #12
                        The police should have been called. What would have happened if that stupid bitch had killed him? Would his family have had to apologise to the bitch for him bouncing off her car? That manager should be fired.
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13
                          I agree that the police should have been called, and Gary should have sought medical care if for no other reason to document what happened.

                          Some injuries don't rear their ugly heads until days later. Good documentation means its covered under Workman's Comp.

                          That nutjob SC should have been arrested for reckless endangerment. He could probably still file charges on his own if he wanted to, if he got a name or plate number.
                          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                          • #14
                            please tell me he consulted medical help. I've been hit by cars before (hit and run on my way home from school one day. totaled my bike, but I got out of it with a skinned knee), and the next day oh man did I hurt. Took me 20 minutes to get out of bed the next day. I really lucked out, as did he, but that doesn't mean other damage hasn't occurred. Adrenaline has a funny way of hiding injuries.

                            I'd have quit on the spot for being asked to apologize too. Hell, I'd be on the phone with the police filing attempted manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon charges.
                            Coworker: Distro of choice?
                            Me: Gentoo.
                            Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I hope Gary saw a doctor.

                              Your company is lucky that Gary doesn't seem to have much a spine himself, because many people would have contacted a lawyer by this point.

