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Take my underwear too why dontcha

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  • Take my underwear too why dontcha

    I work the customer services desk....

    So, putting through a refund for a customer, pleasent enough woman, little bit of chit chat. She comments when I hand her the pen to sign the slip that it's a lovely pen. (I'm attached to the pen, my hubby gave it to me and it is a really nice pen and I always carry it, she's not the first to have commented)

    Me: Ok that's us all done, thank you.
    EB: (Entitlement B***H) Um, could I keep this pen?
    Me: Um, actually that's my own pen, it was a present from my husband
    EB: ......looking at the pen
    Me: ......hand out to get the pen back
    EB: So I can't keep it then?
    Me: No
    EB: But it's really nice
    Me: I know, it's my own, personal pen, it was a present from my husband (through gritted teeth)
    EB: So I can't have it then?
    Me: NO!
    EB: Oh, ok hands me the pen reluctantly

    I felt like saying to her that the knickers I had on were really nice and also a present from my husband would she like those too....BTW: pen stays in handbag now.

  • #2
    Well, I suppose that since you were in the store working, her SC senses interpreted that to mean: anything you were using was store property...since they also think that us workers are property of the store, too. Well, we kind of are, but that doesn't mean we aren't just regular human beings. *sigh*
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


    • #3
      Wow, that's almost as bad as the one forum poster who had a co worker who blatantly stole things from thier desk and put them on her own because she "liked" them, including if I remember right, family photos.

      I always assumed the concept of "not yours" was pretty easy to grasp
      - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


      • #4
        oh i hate pen thieves!

        i work as a cashier and i have to lend my pen to customers to sign receipts for credit cards or home delivery slips. I had this lady and I was talking to her, because she just moved here and lived on MY block. She said the pen was really nice and I said "Thanks, it's my good luck pen. I bought it at the museum 2 years ago and it STILL works like a charm."

        So, I tell her to fill out the home delivery slips and she can leave when she's done, as I go get the boxes for the food and the clipboard to note the delivery. As I'm getting the boxes she says "bye" on the way out. I get to the counter and everything is there, EXCEPT FOR MY PEN!

        I wanted so badly to ring her bell on the way home and say "Give me my pen!!" I know sometimes people do things subconsciously and maybe she didn't mean to, but in that case, she could have come back and handed it back to me.

        In the end, I sucked it up and went to the local Duane Reade and spent a good 5 minutes selecting the perfect pens. A 2 pack of great ones for me and one of those cheap 10 Paper-Mate pen packs for the customers. PROBLEM SOLVED!


        • #5
          Sounds like someone doesn't understand what the word "No" means. Or maybe she thought you were speaking in French or Spanish.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth shelly2jn View Post
            EB: So I can't keep it then?
            Me: No
            EB: But it's really nice.
            You: Yeah, I know that. That's why I want it back!

            I wonder how well that would sit if you went to her house and did that. That's a nice TV/coffeemaker/set of car keys/etc.

            On a related note, it's always a really bad feeling where you give a pen to a customer to sign their credit card slip, they leave, and the next customer in line uses a credit card. You print out a slip, you reach for your pen...only to realize that it just walked right out the door.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Quoth shelly2jn View Post

              I felt like saying to her that the knickers I had on were really nice and also a present from my husband would she like those too....
              You could have asked her if she wanted your wedding ring as well... then again bad idea

              What is it with your cuss-tomers???
              Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


              • #8
                I hate passengers who ask for pens, I usually sell them one off the duty free cart!
                No longer a flight atttendant!


                • #9
                  Quoth shelly2jn View Post
                  BTW: pen stays in handbag now.
                  Quoth cinnamaniac View Post
                  A 2 pack of great ones for me and one of those cheap 10 Paper-Mate pen packs for the customers. PROBLEM SOLVED!
                  This is why I tell new servers to buy good but CHEAP pens. Something reliable, but nothing they are attached to or costs a lot. Why? People, sometimes intentionally, sometimes wholly unconsciously, WILL walk off with your pens.

                  I have gotten much ribbing at many restaurants I have worked at for the amount of pens I have been known to have in my apron--often as many as 12. Never less than 4-6. People ask me about it, and give me grief, but I point out one salient fact: I never have to ask any of my coworkers to loan me a pen. My coworkers, on the other hand, cannot say that. Actually, the coworkers that have often given me the most grief are also the ones to come to me to borrow a pen when for some reason they run out/don't have any. At those times, they are not nearly so mocking of me.

                  On another note, I am known for wearing goofy hats for any reason that I can think of.
                  More than one customer has asked me, "Can I have your hat?" Note the word there: "have."
                  Um, no. You can't have my hat.
                  This is especially annoying when I am not even working, just out and about, and some drunk chick (it is always a drunk chick) asks me if she can have my hat. And THEN they get really annoyed when I say no. "Why not?" Um, because it's MINE. Duh.

                  On the other hand, I have had a few people offer to BUY my hat. That is a different story. At least these people are recognizing the fact that it is my property, and they may just have to offer me an inducement to part company with said property. That all being said, 90% of the people who offer to buy something are not actually willing to pay for it if you call their bluff.

                  And yes, the hat in the avatar (at the time of this posting, anyway) is one I have and wear, and get comments on. And no, Drunk CAN'T have it!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    When I work, I have MY pen to do MY work. This pen is a nice black gel pen and it is expensive. When I have customers who have to sign receipts, they use the store's cheap pens. I don't want customer cooties on my pen.


                    • #11
                      While I am very good at getting my pen back when I'm working I also tend to be really bad at handing pens back to someone else.

                      I have a habit that as soon as I'm done with a pen I stick it behind my ear. I stole a pen from Amscot yesterday and didn't even realize it until I was at another store and was trying to push my hair out of my face.
                      "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                      ~TechSmith 314
                      HellGate: London


                      • #12
                        No one except our very brave photographer wants to borrow my pens. I'm a chewer. If the pen isn't in my hand writing, it's in my mouth. I know I look like a dog with a bone most of the time but that's the quickest way to keep a pen safe.

                        I do always enjoy the looks on people's faces when they start to ask to borrow my pen, see me chewing my pen-cud, and they immediately go into their purse/pocket and take out their own pen.
                        "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                        • #13
                          I have a biro for the customers and a nice gel pen for me. The biro cost £1 and is one I got at Claires for spending a certain amount of money; it's pink and glittery and somehow, since it was always suited office men who used to steal my pens, they don't steal this one.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            You know I think I might have actually just yanked the pen back myself, after all it isn't hers and you already told her she couldn't have it.


                            • #15
                              when i was a cashier at heb, i used good pens for me and my customer, i always got compliments on the pens i used. and usully i watched my pens like a hawk. if i remeber right out of the 7 months i was a cashier i only lost 2 pens to customer.

