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Assaulted over gas fill-up

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  • Assaulted over gas fill-up

    Working in the fuel station the other night, a woman came in to pay for gas. All she said when she came to the counter was, "I got $10 on five." I told her that pump wasn't finished yet, so she'd have to wait.

    SC: I wanna prepay.
    ME: That pump is in use right now.
    SC: Yeah, I'm gettin' $10 on it.
    ME: You can't prepay on a pump that's already pumping.
    SC: I SAID I'm prepaying $10.
    She threw a pile of wrinkled $1 bills on the counter and left. I called after her a couple times, but she kept going. I was too busy to chase her down, so I stopped the pump (which had actually almost reached $10 by this time) and continued to take care of the line of customers.

    A minute later, she stormed inside. "Did you shut off my gas?"
    ME: Yes. I asked you to wait until the pump was finished, but you may not have heard me.
    SC: I said I wanted to prepay!
    ME: The pump you wanted to prepay on was already running when you came up.
    ME: You can't prepay on a running pump. You have to wait unt--

    I started to drop her change into her hand. Instead, she grabbed my fingers and dug her nails into them as she took the coins, carrying on and basically making a fool of herself all the way out the door.

  • #2
    Geez, childish much? And when are customers going to realize that they don't know who's behind the counter? You wouldn't normally treat strangers that way for fear of how they'd react, yet SCs assume cashiers aren't human and won't retaliate? Fortunately for the SCs, most employees are decent human beings who know how to behave.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Quoth CarcinogenCrunchies View Post
      I started to drop her change into her hand. Instead, she grabbed my fingers and dug her nails into them as she took the coins, carrying on and basically making a fool of herself all the way out the door.

      I'm glad this wasn't me. People causing me pain tends to trigger my temper, and I've got fairly good reflexes. Chances are I'd grab her wrist and ask for an apology without even thinking about it. Probably lose the job at the same time.

      Why, oh why is it so hard for people to be polite to cashiers?? Are they not people?? If you prick them, do they not bleed?? If you mock them, do they not feel??

      And one last thing, thank you for doing your job, so someone like me doesn't have to.


      • #4
        You have NO idea how many times at the gas station (which was not pre-pay and we could only Emergency Stop the pumps....not just one, but all of them...and not just to stop at a dollar amount *whimpers*) someone would waltz in at rush times, throw a $20 or whatever at me, or even better, someone would want to skip the whole line and just try to ram a bill in my hand or on the counter, and I'd tell them to wait or tell them I needed the pump number, and they'd just run off and some even yelled "Fuck you I'm in a hurry!" or "I don't have time for this!" and flounce off.

        I really, really wish we had a way to shut certain pumps off.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I would have got that woman's license plate number, and filed assaullt charges. Her ass needs to be in jail.
          Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

          Proud Air Force Mom


          • #6
            Quoth CarcinogenCrunchies View Post
            Instead, she grabbed my fingers and dug her nails into them as she took the coins, carrying on and basically making a fool of herself all the way out the door.
            Yet, if someone treated her the way she just treated you, she'd be the first to cry foul, to scream how cruel and horrible that was and demand restitution. Looks like Karma's got some catching up to do...
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!

