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Car 54....

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  • Car 54....

    Will someone tell me how some people barely know how to BREATHE yet are hired to drive a truck?

    I give you two tales of bang your head into the walls stupid. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, not so innocent and the ridiculous.

    Where are you?

    I had a driver come in and it was close enough that I could put him on the pad. I tell him where to go. I point where to go. I give him landmarks where to go. I SHOW A DIAGRAM of where to go. He says he understands.

    5 minutes later, I see his truck getting parked into the restricted section. I get on my CB and the following conversation ensues:

    ME: Idjit 01, where are you?
    Trucker: I'm going where you told me!
    ME: Negative, Idjit, I said to park right beside the island!
    Trucker: That's what I did. I'm on the right side!
    ME: (growling) Idjit, I told you to park BESIDE the island! Parallel to it!!
    Trucker: Oooooohh....I didn't know that!

    And humanity weeps.

    No really, where the hell are you?

    Meatco likes to keep tabs on when their drivers make their deliveries. I'm glad they do. I get a call, she says she has two orders and have I gotten them yet? I say I have one but the other, from Numbnuts Trucking, hasn't arrived yet. She tells me she'll look into it. An hour later, I get a call:

    Me: Security
    Meatco: Hi, did the driver from Numbnuts arrive yet?
    Me: Lemme check. No, not yet.
    Meatco: He told us he was two blocks away from you!
    Me: Really? How long has he been saying that?

    It takes two hours and another driver looking for him for the guy to finally arrive. In talking to him, I think he would have made Lenny from Of Mice and Men feel like a genius. I seriously was waiting to see if he was going to ask me for flowers to put on Algenon's grave.
    Anyway, I give him his dock number, 70 (pointing it out on my sheet) and off he goes. Thirty mins later, I get a call from dry side:

    Me: Security
    Dock: Yeah, where is this Meatco order supposed to go?
    Me: ....Oh, God...what dock is he at?
    Dock: Number 7.
    Me: And it's Meatco, delivered by Numbnuts?
    Dock: Yeah...

    And humanity weeps more.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?

  • #2
    I don't think I'm stupid, but that made me hit my head on the desk.... yeesh.

    Wonder if that second guy was relying on his gps and not paying attention to his surroundings.... you know, like the signs that say 'Turn Here'.
    Make a list of important things to do today.
    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


    • #3
      Submit that creature to the Darwin awards.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Oh my cow, Numbnuts has a trucking company! We're all doomed! Run for your lives!

        Love, Who?


        • #5
          I thought it was apropos

          I hope Irv forgives me.
          I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


          • #6
            My office used to be near the security desk where the truckers checked in at the plant and you wouldn't believe how many of them spoke no english. Most of the Spanish and Eastern European drivers couldn't even read our maps and relied on hand gestures to get to the dock. I have no idea how they function on the Interstates (this was in Virginia) especially since most of them were coming from Michigan and the surrounding areas up there.


            • #7
              Quoth k7eric View Post
              My office used to be near the security desk where the truckers checked in at the plant and you wouldn't believe how many of them spoke no english. Most of the Spanish and Eastern European drivers couldn't even read our maps and relied on hand gestures to get to the dock. I have no idea how they function on the Interstates (this was in Virginia) especially since most of them were coming from Michigan and the surrounding areas up there.
              No, I believe it. Oddly enough, I can get most of them to their docks easily.
              I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


              • #8
                Nurian, depending on the facility, dock 63 might not be between docks 62 and 64. One place I deliver to a lot, it's between docks 61 and 65 (odd numbers on one side of the building, even on the other).

                One that I read about in the trade press was someone arriving about an hour after his appointment time at a facility in Duluth Minnesota, appologetic that he had trouble finding it. Of course, the receiver had no record of the shipment being expected. On looking at the bill of lading, he saw why - it was expected at the facility in Duluth Georgia.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #9
                  Perhaps, but at our facility, it's numbered sequentially. He was already on the property for about an hour and could see how the order went. I just found that particular quote funny because it was another driver that answered.
                  I have a...thing. Wanna see it?

