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And she calls ME a bitch?

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  • And she calls ME a bitch?

    So, first off, hi everyone. I live and work in Indiana, yes hickville USA. I work at Wendy's which is apparently old and stupid people capital restaurant of the world! I've worked there for over five years now (since I was 16!) and you would think I know what we have and don't right? Apparently not, at least according to this woman.

    So, a few weeks ago I was working the second window (where you pick up the food) and I was also taking peoples orders. I had been there about an hour or so when this woman comes up and orders a 10 piece nugget combo with teriyaki (sp?) sauce. Now, in the FIVE YEARS that I have worked there we have NEVER carried teriyaki sauce. We have sweet and sour sauce as well as asian sauce for our boneless wings (which tastes NOTHING like teriyaki). I kindly inform her that we don't have teriyaki sauce. She immediately flies off the handle saying she just got it last week, blah blah blah. One of my co-workers (*Rae*), who is known for telling customers off, comes over the speaker and very nicely tells the woman we don't have teriyaki sauce.

    The woman continues to claim she just got it last week blah blah blah. Rae continues to be very nice to the woman and tell her we have never had teriyaki sauce. Finally, Rae tells her we have asian sauce. The woman screams at us saying "why couldn't you just tell me that in the first place??" At this point I'm just like whatever so I give her the total and move on. She gets up to my window I open it and am about to hand her the food when she says "Are you the one who took my order?" I say "Yeah..."

    She says "Fuck you you stupid bitch, now give me my food!" while sticking her finger as close to my face as her position in her car will allow. Me, being super shocked, stare for a moment while what she has said to me sinks in, then when it finally does, I shake my head move her food off to the side and call for one of my managers (*Terry*) to come here NOW. I was trying so hard not to throw the fucking food at her that I was shaking. Terry comes over and just as she comes to the window the stupid woman says something, I don't know what I couldn't hear her due to the ringing in my ears.

    I lean out the window over Terry and scream at the woman "You have NO RIGHT to cuss at me!" and I stopped myself short there before I said something worse than that. Terry talks to her for a moment, hands her the food and closes the window. Rae is just standing there laughing. Turns out she didn't even want asian sauce, she wanted sweet and sour! And she was super nice to the person at the first window! Stupid woman.
    Last edited by iradney; 02-18-2010, 10:47 AM. Reason: please use paragraphs, a wall of text is very hard to read :)

  • #2
    First off, welcome

    People like that suck. I'd have half a mind to break someone's finger if they did that to me...glad it never has though.

    5 years? [does math] At least you can drink away your ills


    • #3
      What'd she have for breakfast, Carnation Instant Bitch?! There are loads of reasons to lose your temper; chicken sauce is not one of them. And there are ways to handle things better, like, say, listening to what the customer service rep has to say rather than screaming like a banshee. That loony is working her way to a heart attack with all that screaming and tantrum throwing.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Depends on the city you live in eternal. I dont consider INDPLS hickville, although i do meet a few of em. (yeah, i live there)

        The sauce that i hate THE MOST that we serve is Thai sauce. If some of you dont know what that is, i personally think it is very close to nuac mam. Not as close, mind you, but close nonetheless.

        But sounds like you got a weekly winner! I bet she'll come by next week with the same old "teriyaki sauce" and get mad at someone else. Probably tries it on purpose too.


        • #5
          Okay, the lady was a bitch, no doubt. BUT. Couldn't you have told her "We dont have Teriyaki sauce, but we do have Asian or sweet and sour"? Not condoning what she did, but it seems that offering her the alternatives right away might have prevented the blow up.
          Life's too short to drink cheap beer


          • #6
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            What'd she have for breakfast, Carnation Instant Bitch?! .
            Lol! I love this line!
            I no longer fear HELL.
            I work in RETAIL.


            • #7
              Hi welcome. I was born and raised in Indiana. It's pretty much hickville no matter where you're at.

              That lady was just a bitch plain and simple.
              Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

              Proud Air Force Mom


              • #8
                Quoth Enjis View Post
                Lol! I love this line!
                I stole it from That 70s Show.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  First of all, welcome!! Second, you handled the situation about the same way I would've. Thankfully, no one has ever said that to me...yet. Last, but not least, I couldn't help but notice the number in your screen name. Are you, by chance, a Dale Earnhardt, Junior fan?
                  "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                  • #10
                    I'd have snapped too... well maybe not as bad but they'd probably at the least be getting a wrong drink
                    Telling a cop, "My taxes pay your salary!" is dumb.
                    Telling a cop you demand your shit without paying taxes is even more dumb.
                    -Automan Empire

