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Craziness Today.

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  • Craziness Today.

    A LOT of craziness today. Just...a lot. I will make new threads in Cursing Out Coworkers and will bump the ongoing thread about C I have going on there. But for today, here's 2 stories about SCs.

    Random observation for tonight: I always seem to be more drained when I work cashier work than truck work. My guess is that cashier work is constant stretching, lifting, running about, acting cheery, plus I come into contact with people's bad vibes more. Sick people come in, people with bad moods because they're sick or medicine's too expensive come in, that sort of thing.

    I Am Glad I Don't Work In the Pharmacy Part.

    Sweat Lady (search through this forum if you want to know more) told me about some lady who was sitting in her car acting all weird. A small crowd had gathered in the entrance. She said the lady had driven around the parking lot, screaming or laughing to herself (she was making all sorts of crazy gestures), nearly caused an accident at the entrance of the lot, then saw the cop car across the street. It was Officer Mike, we knew because he had been in earlier and he likes to patrol the neighborhood. Lady parked back in her spot, waited for the cop car to peel out, and when he didn't she slowly made her way around the parking lot and drove off. Other customers said it might have been the same lady who caused a commotion earlier and screamed at poor "Dawn".

    I asked "Tam" for the full story when I went into the back. Apparently the lady had been consistently trying to pay for her medicine with EBT cash and it kept getting declined because she had no money. She got angrier and angrier, even when "Dawn" did a balance check and showed her that there was no money. Finally the lady yelled at "Dawn" that she must incompetent, didn't know how to run a register, is a fucking bitch and must be purposefully trying to avoid her getting her medications. "Dawn" finally told her to get out. Lady stormed out and into her car.

    "Tam" was mad and so was I. "Dawn" is known as the store's universal grandma, we call her Grandma, she's been working there since God was a little boy. She puts up with a LOT of shit and it takes a lot to get her mad. But "Dawn" was PISSED at this woman.

    Debit Is Down! Oh Noes!

    Our debit/credit/gift card/EBT system decided to nosedive for no reason, so I had to refund one woman's money. She was looking at me with a mixture of disbelief and wide eyed horror, like I told her her cat would die within the hour. "What do you mean I can't get my phone card?"

    "Our system is down, Ma'am. I'm sorry but we can't activate anything. your best bet is to visit another store."

    "I have to visit another store?"

    "Yes. I'm sorry."

    She took her refund and left.

    One lady stormed out of the pharmacy because her debit card wouldn't work.

    Edit to add:

    Red Nail Polish

    One winner decided that opening a bottle of nail polish would be a bright idea! She spilled it on the floor and didn't tell anyone about it, just left it there. Customer walked through it, went "Crap", ran up to tell us. I race to grab paper towels and mop it up before it sets into the floor. Too late.

    Protip: Nail polish remover, plus the Mr. Clean Magic eraser (or even generic versions) work wonders for removing that, but they strip the wax from the floor. I'd rather have a slightly stripped floor than a red sparkly one.

    To bed, too tired, working almost full time hours even though I'm a full time student AGAIN this week because of bloody C. *SIGH*.
    Last edited by ralerin; 02-23-2010, 02:20 AM.
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