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Our "No outside food and drink policy", what does that mean to customers? Nothing!

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  • #16
    And that whole "no outside food or drink" is why I've not been in a movie theater in at least ten years. Why the heck should I pay (at that time) $2 or something for a kiddie Coke when I can get at least three cans of Pepsi from the nearby Wal-Mart for much less (I don't drink Coke)? Now, I used to LOVE getting their popcorn but now I'm hearing they just use stale prebagged popcorn and then make it LOOK LIKE it's freshly popped. That policy is nothing more than a scheme to make a monopoly at the confession stand (and thus charge outrageous prices).

    I'll just get the DVD (or preferably Blu-Ray) and my own popcorn/sodas thank you. Theaters obviously don't give a flying fig newton about the customers so they'll never get my business as long as they insist on that stupid "impose a monopoly" policy.


    • #17
      I haven't been to a movie theater in a very long while, but I can understand why they charge so much for food. Out of the ridiculous price we pay for the movie tickets, the theater typically gets less than a dollar per ticket. If it weren't for the refreshment sales they would rapidly go out of business.

      However, while I may understand the high prices, that doesn't mean I want to pay them! It is one of the reasons I no longer watch the big screen.


      • #18
        Most of what I planned to say was already said

        Quoth Mystic View Post
        I buy from the theater if it's on the discount day, otherwise, I'm bringing my own damn snacks. Already paid $18 in tickets, then they want another $18 in snacks? No wai! :P </rant>
        Quoth fireheart17 View Post
        I comprimise.

        .... I'll buy a frozen coke at the candy bar.

        .....the new rules are:

        -No hot food.
        -No glass.
        -Obviously no alcohol.
        I prefer the slush puppie brand cherry there just something about the consistently of the mix that you can't seem to get anywhere but the movies. I like the rules you listed for your local theater, as they sensible.

        Quoth Estil View Post
        .... Now, I used to LOVE getting their popcorn but now I'm hearing they just use stale prebagged popcorn and then make it LOOK LIKE it's freshly popped. ......

        I'll just get the DVD (or preferably Blu-Ray) and my own popcorn/sodas thank you....
        Let me be another person to agree that it tastes horrible. Also, it appears movies end up on DVD significantly faster than the old days (10-15 years ago??). I think they finally realized it easier to sell a move that is still hyped up. especially to the people such as yourself.

        Unless it the previously mentioned drink of amazing that I occasionally treat myself too. I refuse to purchase anything and ignore no food policy because I think it is a joke with their prices. Of course, if I'm caught I will take my food back to the car. That said I don't make it obvious to the point that a worker needs to stop me. policy is policy and I understand you need to do your job. People need to learn they won't be "hassled" if they don't make it obvious.
        Ex) passing marked police car in no passing zone when he doing the limit.
        I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


        • #19
          Quoth dbblsanta View Post
          Just because the cast and crew aren't in the theater with you doesn't mean they still didn't put a lot of work into making the film...but I'm sensing this is turning debate-y and hence fratching-y.

          I don't care if other people eat during films, so long as they do it unobtrusively. It's just something I don't do. I give my full attention to the film.
          Some of us watch films that don't require a lot of attention!

          I see your point though. I don't care if people eat, but if you're over five, you should be able to do it quietly. If you're under five, I'm not sure what you're doing watching the horror movie, but I feel bad for the nightmares that'll happen later.


          • #20
            Quoth Rapscallion View Post
            Sadly, this used to be the case ... It's now gone the way of the dodo
            We have one of these at the cinema, as well as atrolley that can be ladled full of ice, to keep ice cream cold. I can think of two films in the last 5 years that have had intermissions - Kingdom of Heaven and Pirates of the Carribean 3. These got used then.

            They have also made a comeback during the operas, ballets and theatre that gets screened via satellite and digital.

            Never heard of anyone asking that wrappers should be opened before the film.

            The National Film Theatre prohibits food and drink. Which is great.
            "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


            • #21
              Quoth cinema guy View Post
              I can think of two films in the last 5 years that have had intermissions - Kingdom of Heaven and Pirates of the Carribean 3. These got used then.
              I guess watching anything with Orlando Bloom really would require a break in the middle, just in case you honestly cannot stand another second.


              • #22
                Around here, people have had to be reminded that there's NO GUNS allowed, either.

                Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                Sadly, this used to be the case, with the intermission and the usher wandering up and down the aisles trying to get people to buy half-melted ice cream from the tray around her neck (think Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler, but with something marginally more edible).
                Did they ever have albatross?
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #23
                  Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                  Sadly, this used to be the case, with the intermission and the usher wandering up and down the aisles trying to get people to buy half-melted ice cream from the tray around her neck (think Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler, but with something marginally more edible).
                  Like albatross!

                  ETA: CURSE YOU PAGAN!
                  Last edited by Magpie; 03-08-2010, 11:55 PM. Reason: 30 seconds too slow


                  • #24
                    Quoth Shifty View Post
                    See this is why my wife has a "movie purse". It's way larger than a purse she would normally use. We use it to "smuggle" candy and drinks. I admit to doing that but at least we don't just walk in carrying it. Sorry, but I'm not paying $4 for that box of junior mints that I can get at a store for $1.
                    I carried a little backpack with certain snacks and such in it when I went to the movies. Last time I went, though, they wanted to look through the bag and was quite surprised when I said NO YOU CAN'T TAKE MY INSULIN AWAY FROM ME as loud as I could. They let me in and left me alone.

                    I didn't rely on insulin at the time, but hell if I'm gonna let someone take my cashews.

                    Quoth Crime Scene Scarf View Post
                    Some of us watch films that don't require a lot of attention!
                    We got ADD like that. Oh, look, something shiny!
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #25
                      Around here, common practice in theatres is no outside food or drinks, though it is very seldom enforced. I don't eat much while watching movies anyways, so it isn't an issue for me, but I've been with people who waltzed in with a bag from McDonald's and the employees didn't care.

                      I read a lot of health magazines and websites, and often they actually encourage you to bring in your own healthy snacks and avoid the concession stand. Wonder what the theatre execs think when they read those articles...
                      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                      • #26
                        Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
                        Wonder what the theatre execs think when they read those articles...
                        They curse the day someone come up with them. Turn your head JUST SO and you can hear the screaming.

                        Oh, wait, that's crickets. Nevermind~.
                        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                        • #27
                          They do it mostly cause prices for food are through the roof in movie theaters. But that's where theaters get their money from.


                          • #28
                            If this comment is a wee bit too fratching, please slap my wrist, but I think that if theaters would stop letting themselves get jerked around by studios with regards to ticket prices, they probably wouldn't have to sell a 79 cent bag of popcorn for six dollars.

                            I buy those little kiddie-packs, anyway, for about $5; I haven't even been able to finish a "small" since I was about 25. Hell, sometimes even half the kiddie-pack goes untouched. Still, I was, for a long time, a major food-smuggler, giving it up for reasons of waistline rather than morality. In the winter, with a long coat on, you can sneak $25 worth of groceries into a showing of the Squeakuel. I always told my friends that one day I would sneak an entire large pizza from Papa John's, hot, into a movie, if I could engineer a method. Or a Mr. Coffee. I have this mental image of a father with a family of six, grilling hamburgers on a hibachi, with an usher tapping his foot as the father says, "What outside food?"

                            The Cinemagic near where I work and play has a new sign up in the window stating that bags must be left in cars--for reasons of homeland security. I had to admit, that was an interesting approach...

                            Love, Who?


                            • #29
                              I bring a drink in a bottle in, but I tend to get ice cream and pick and mix at the cinema. Their pick and mix is to die for; only Woolworths (RIP) could compete and the ice cream is Ben & Jerry's so it's the same price everywhere. I bring a drink in only cuz the price for drinks at the local cinema is thru the roof.
                              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                              My DeviantArt.


                              • #30
                                I actually prefer buying from the concession stand - but then again, I'm in South Africa Here, our tickets (for two) are about $10 (R35 per ticket) and for 2 large popcorns and 2 large cokes (or in my case, a large water) it's about....R60? So that's about....$9? Not bad for a night out.
                                The report button - not just for decoration

