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Our "No outside food and drink policy", what does that mean to customers? Nothing!

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  • #31
    Ok, I'll admit that I'm part of this guilty party too of sneaking food in. Of course that was before I got a job at the movie theatre.
    Corporate should have enforced their policy better, but now that they have decided to enforce it, I have absolutely no desire to get into trouble. 1 employee already got chewed out, so yes I am going to be a hard ass if I have to in order to avoid being written up.
    As for the high concession stand prices, I understand how high they are, but there's nothing I can do about it. I would very much apprecaite if everyone drops that subject because I hear enough from customers. Plus I really don't want to hear it.
    The point I was trying to make was, I'm basically sick and tired of customers giving me the look. Put yourself in my shoes, and you will see what it is like, especially with managers looking over your shoulder. I personally guarantee any of you would get annoyed after awhile too. Yes I sympathize with the high concession prices, but I don't want to hear any more about it. Please.
    Last edited by BowserKoopa1; 03-09-2010, 03:33 PM.


    • #32
      i don't go out to movies much, but when i do, i buy at the concession stand. yes, the prices are outrageous, and i'll grumble silently to myself, but i consider it a treat, since most of the movies these days are pure crap.

      what bugs me most are the other movie goers: those who show up late and expect to find the best seat in the house, screaming children, parents who refuse to get a sitter or make them mind, 'clever' jokesters and cell phoners/texters.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #33
        Quoth Estil View Post I'm hearing they just use stale prebagged popcorn...
        Just now you're hearing that?

        One of my buddies was an usher in '68 and told of the room full of bagged popcorn... The bags in the back had been there for a year or more... happy mice...
        I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
        Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
        Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


        • #34
          Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
          I read a lot of health magazines and websites, and often they actually encourage you to bring in your own healthy snacks and avoid the concession stand. Wonder what the theatre execs think when they read those articles...
          That's because a large movie theater popcorn has 1,200 calories and 60 grams of saturated fat.
          Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


          • #35
            Just a quick request please: no more complaining about the concession prices.

            The poor bloke behind the counter doesn't set the prices, corporate does. As many of you have been on that side of the fence before (where customers bitch at you for things that are completely out of your control), please can you drop that particular subject.
            The report button - not just for decoration


            • #36
              In regards to the theatre that insists patrons leave their stuff in their cars, citing homeland security, that's just SUCH BS. Unless the theatre is in a wasteland completely unaccessable by walkers or public transit, what's with the ASSuption that everybody has a car?

              I would not go to such a place, namely because I don't have a car to leave things in!
              Mind you, I don't go around heavily burdened, but there's NO WAY I'm going to surrender the one bag I do carry, or anything I've bought during the day. ( I wouldn't show up at the theatre with a carload of stuff, mind you).

              A friend of mine would really hate this- she DOES go around heavily bag-laden. Let's see- at least three small purses at any given time, a fully stuffed knapsack, and usually at least two full tote bags. And this is how she leaves the house, not the result of a day's worth of shopping!


              • #37
                The AMC Theater near my house gives you coupons for free/reduced prices on concession stuff if you have an AMC Watchers card.

                Also, on the days that I take Child Rum to the "Sensory Friendly" films (once a month), we are told we can bring our own snacks incase our child doesn't/can't eat the stuff at concessions.


                • #38
                  I once had to go back to a cinema and ask if I'd left a box of muesli.

                  I hadn't been eating it there - I'd bought in on the way to the cinema and lost it. Found it in the cafe we'd been in before the film in the end. We felt really stupid asking about it, and were also worried we'd cause some sort of bomb alert (there seemed to be a lot of those at the time).

                  I admit to sneaking things in sometimes - but if they started really being insistant I'd either comply or stop going to the place. Those are really the only choices as a customer.

                  I really like taking in iced drinks (slushie type ones) from Starbucks. They aren't as ridiculously big, they last longer than an actually liquid drink and the cinemas don't do a slushie drink which isn't really really obnoxiously sweet.

                  Otherwise I normally take a small drink/snack or do without for "ordinary" trips to see a film, and buy popcorn and a drink etc. occassionaly when I count it as actually "going out" or a treat. I have no idea why I class some visits as everyday, and some as special Now I don't understand myself.

                  Back to cereal - I do like eating Crunchy Nut cornflakes as a popcorn alternative (I think they once had adverts about that), and I've recently corrupted my baby sister to do the same. She laughed when I bought some to eat when we had a DVD watching day, but she loved it, and she can't stand pop corn. I wouldn't mind sneaking some into a cinema, but I'd feel self conscious taking anything so noisy.

                  Quoth Amanita View Post
                  A friend of mine would really hate this- she DOES go around heavily bag-laden. Let's see- at least three small purses at any given time, a fully stuffed knapsack, and usually at least two full tote bags. And this is how she leaves the house, not the result of a day's worth of shopping!
                  Off topic and none of my business, and I'll understand if you don't answer - but why does she carry so much stuff ? The only people I've seen who carry so much regularly are either those with very small babies, or those who have compulsive type problems.

                  (I'm a bit of a hoarder, and I tend to accumulate bags. I have a satchel-y bag but I slowly fill it up, and then I mostly carry a big supermarket bag around as well. And then I end up switching to another supermarket bag, having forgotten what was in the first and end up leaving half full bags everywhere at home. I can't imagine carrying 6 bags and it working well or ever being able to find anything).

                  Victoria J


                  • #39
                    I too sneak food in. but not because of prices. I always get a drink and a pop corn of some sive drink always being the largest they have. but out side of the pop corn i cant really eat much at the movies. I have issues like being lactose intolerant which i ignore enough with the pop corn and I have IBS so certain foods are and extreamly bad idea. Now I wouldnt sneak them in if they would listen to me when i say you food could send me to the ER but they dont. So i use my backpack which is my purse as it holds extra clothing and meds and such and sneak the food in that way.


                    • #40
                      Quoth Amanita View Post
                      In regards to the theatre that insists patrons leave their stuff in their cars, citing homeland security, that's just SUCH BS. Unless the theatre is in a wasteland completely unaccessable by walkers or public transit, what's with the ASSuption that everybody has a car?

                      I would not go to such a place, namely because I don't have a car to leave things in!
                      Mind you, I don't go around heavily burdened, but there's NO WAY I'm going to surrender the one bag I do carry, or anything I've bought during the day. ( I wouldn't show up at the theatre with a carload of stuff, mind you).

                      A friend of mine would really hate this- she DOES go around heavily bag-laden. Let's see- at least three small purses at any given time, a fully stuffed knapsack, and usually at least two full tote bags. And this is how she leaves the house, not the result of a day's worth of shopping!
                      That's nothing to do with this topic and it's better suited to fratching. Take it there, please.

                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.


                      • #41
                        I too have been known to sneak food into a movie. Mostly though it's candy that they may not have there or the one time I hadn't finished my fries before the movie. But I always make sure I get a large soda from the consession stand. Not many places that have coke products serve Cherry Coke, which I absolutely love.


                        • #42
                          On the rare occasions I go to the movies, I bring my own food in. I just put it in my purse. If the theatre wants me to buy their food they need to stop charging redonkulous amounts of money for it.
                          Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                          • #43
                            I don't anticipate that i'll be changing my smuggling ways in the future...


                            • #44
                              OK, folks. What part of iradney's warning wasn't clear?

                              This thread is about SUCKY CUSTOMERS who bitch at employees about concession prices and give employees crap when caught sneaking food into the theater.

                              The OP posted here to vent about them, but instead got a bunch of replies from people acting just like the SCs in his story.

                              Not nice.
                              Last edited by Dips; 03-12-2010, 03:39 PM.
                              The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                              The stupid is strong with this one.


                              • #45
                                It's much the same where I work; people are always bitching to me about the petrol prices, when it's not my damn fault they went up and I don't control them anyway. -.-
                                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                                My DeviantArt.

