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Natural Selection

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  • Natural Selection

    Be warned, this is a level of stupidity rarely encountered:

    One of the morning ops was having difficulty on a call this morning, so me, being le uber supervisor, start listening in to see what the heck is going on....

    As you may or may not know, we got slammed on the west coast by a storm the other day. So we have tons of trees, powerlines, etc down. Power is still out in a lot of places. Thus sets the scene of our story:

    This woman is calling in on one of the city district emergency lines. These lines are basically for clearing trees off roads, dispatching salt trucks, attending to broken water mains or other such damage to public property, etc etc. Her problem is the powerlines in front of her house have been blown down by the storm.

    At first I thought she's calling to complain about no power. Which isn't our area anyway, that goes to BC Hydro, who's been working like a dog since the other day to fix all the downed lines. But that wasn't quite it....she flipped out when the op tried to refer her to hydro.

    According to her the powerlines have come down onto a tree in her yard and she wants them taken off the tree. Again, we tell her thats a hydro issue. Our district tree guys aren't equip'd to deal with live wires and aren't about to risk their lives trying. Well, here it comes....

    She DEMANDS that we taken the lines down out of her tree within like, the next hour, or she will get a ladder and take them down herself.

    Yes, you heard that. Not only if she pulling an SC "RIGHT THIS INSTANCE OR ELSE" moment, she's doing so in a way that will risk her life. In fact I'd say judging from her level of common sense it would be practically gurantee'd that she'd kill herself. She was completely serious too and really pissed off. She even gave us an ultimatum timeframe "You'll have this taken care of by x o'clock or I'll get a ladder and do it MYSELF".

    My op keeps telling her there's nothing we can do, its not even our problem and she's calling the wrong number. But to no avail. Finally she asks me what to do with the call and me, having been at the office over 8 hours already, just said "Tell her to go for it." =p ( Obviously not seriously, well, seriously but don't anyway in case her retarded next of kin sue us. )

    The woman finally hissed and spat her way off the line, but left us with that ultimatum no matter how much we tried to reason with her. I'll have to check the news when I go to work tonight to see if anyone ended up killing themselves from farking with live wires. =p

    I smell a Darwin Award.

  • #2


    Wow. There's just no words for that level of stupidity. Of all the 'You get over here now or I'll do it myself' things I've heard of, that has to take the cake.

    Not just the cake, actually. That takes the entire freakin' bakery.
    Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


    • #3
      Do you have her address? If so, phone the local police and warn them about this.

      After that, notify the local newspapers and watch for the fireworks!



      • #4
        Dunno, sounds like if she follows through, the local gene pool will benefit.
        "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

        "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


        • #5
          That because she's got the "all-mighty SC" problem. She must feel that she's soooooo important, she's threatening to deal with live wires herself and that everyone will just drop everything they're doing to help her.

          Let's see - the ladder is probably made of metal . . . then you've got the ground, wet from the recent storm . . .
          This area is left blank for a reason.


          • #6
            Darwin Award if she does it and dies. Merely a Stella Award if she attempts to and lives. Either way, our latest -a-thon is in progress.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Well, after I was able to pick myself off the floor and wipe my eyes off so I could see, I checked with both CNN and the Darwin Awards site and so far, there's no word.

              Maybe one of her relatives stopped her before she could get the ladder out and took her to the hospital for assistance.

              There again, CNN may have something in the next day or two. I'm sure something that idiotic should make the international headlines.
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                so me, being le uber supervisor
                Shouldn't that be "il duce, le uber supervisor mas grande"?
                Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  Well, that's a problem that will solve itself. The best kind, IMHO.


                  • #10
                    Jeez! I SO hope she tried to do it herself!

                    Retail Haiku:
                    Depression sets in.
                    The hellhole is calling me ~
                    I don't want to go.


                    • #11
                      And Darwin, George Ohm, Kirchhoff, James Watt & a few others share a hearty laugh as this git fries herself...

                      *watches Times Colonist for funny article*
                      "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

                      Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


                      • #12
                        Okay, so let me get this right...she wasn't calling to say her power was out...just that she had some unsightly wires tangled up in her beautiful trees. Then, she wouldn't take the help that you could give her - telling her to call the people who could help her - but rather, her self-importance and self-centeredness entitlement whore attitude - felt that if she threatened to do it herself - you could drop everything and help her then...even though it wasn't your job nor something that you could even handle.

                        The level of stupid is great with this one. Natural selection would suit her just fine.

                        I'm with Raps on this one - I would've called the local authorities - if only just to call her bluff.
                        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                        • #13
                          Why am I picturing the one Simpsons where Homer was locked out of the house during a thunderstorm?

                          "Using a piece of sheet metal to shield myself, I quickly ran to the tallest tree for shelter."
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

