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I feel like an IDIOT!!

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  • I feel like an IDIOT!!

    The reason...I witnessed an illegal action that took place in front of me and felt helpless to call the guy on it. Here's the story:

    I was doing my cashier thing when the lady I was ringing up told me that a guy in my line was trying to sell his foodstamps for cash. I thanked her for letting me know but I knew in my gut that if I attempted to call him on it without witnessing any cash exchange that I would be in trouble. At this time, he's chatting away with a lady. I kinda thought at this point he gave up his pursuit of money and knew this lady.

    So nice lady and guy are now up and I ring up her non-food items and she pays by card and then it's time for food stuff(happens all the time so I thought nothing of it). He pays with EBT and she asks for change but I directed her to the bank since the PDAs the CSM's use are out of order and it would take some time since it was very busy. So off she goes but he stays. I start ringing up the next lady's food.he was talking to her also so I thought they might have known each other but looking back it should have been a BIG red flag. He pays EBT again and Lady 2 hands him cash and he walks toward the back of the store. My first thought was "SHIT!!!! He did not!!!". I switched my light to blinking and not 15 seconds later a CSM shows and I tell him what happened. Management is notified and I'm an hour late for lunch because they wanted to see if the guy came back up. He didn't.

    I know I should have alerted someone sooner but I didn't see any $$ exchange hands with the first lady. I actually saw the first lady waving from the bank to someone but didn't see him walk to her. I felt stupid all day. I feel like if I just turned that light on just a couple seconds sooner, we would have had him. AAAAARGH!!!!!
    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."

  • #2
    They should be able to pull the reciept, which should have the cardholders name on it, or at least the card number even if it's a partial. After that, they just call the agency handling foodstamps and report it. Camera footage should be saved also to verify.


    • #3
      Don't feel bad for erring on the side of caution.

      You at least did something which is more than most of the world would bother with.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        I didn't know the laws concerning those transactions, though now I can see the safety concern regarding making sure the money is used for the right thing. I would have been confused too! Is this illegal?
        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

