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Christmas, Be Gone!

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  • #16
    Quoth Zombi View Post
    Her: "Why? That's why they have people working here, they can put it away!"
    The correct answer is: "No, the job of the people who work here is to help customers buy things. The only reason they put things like this away is because customers are too lazy and inconsiderate to do it themselves, and they wouldn't sell anything if they didn't clean up after them.

    I have lots of friends who work retail. I would be castrated if I did any of these SC things.


    • #17
      Of course in the supermarket, we get the usual idiots who put perishables in the most stupid places; behind the baked beans, in with the crackers, sitting on the ends of the tills where no-one can see cuz of all the Christmas displays in the way... All they have to do is go put it back or hand it to a cashier to call a supervisor to put it back, but noooo.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #18
        Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
        Of course in the supermarket, we get the usual idiots who put perishables in the most stupid places; behind the baked beans, in with the crackers, sitting on the ends of the tills where no-one can see cuz of all the Christmas displays in the way... All they have to do is go put it back or hand it to a cashier to call a supervisor to put it back, but noooo.
        Oh, yes. Apparently, that section of the magazine rack that says "TV Guide" really means "ground beef." And it can ruin both the magazine and the meat.

        It's gotten so that if I notice, say, some cheese in the refrigerated cake section, I'll be half relieved and think, Well, at least *this* person put it with something cold. Halfway across the store, sure, but still cold.

        However, peoples! You can't put ice cream in the refrigerated cake section. It'll still melt, because it's supposed to be kept frozen, not just cold!


        • #19
          On the same topic but different time of year. In the summer I work at the local amusement park. It is amazing how messy the stores get. It looks like the store threw up on itself. When we fold t-shirts or sweatshirts and put them on tables we put them out by size. In the stores I am in charge of we keep everything sized daily. AS we go around and straighten up we size. Get the picture. That is why it is so frustrating to see some guest go up to a pile of shirts and unfold every shirt in the pile to see if it will fit. I see them doing this and I run over and say "this pile is all the same size. Can I help you find your size?" All the while thinking thanks for messing up my shirt table and my sizes. It just burns me up to see that.


          • #20
            Quoth basketseller View Post
            On the same topic but different time of year. In the summer I work at the local amusement park. It is amazing how messy the stores get. It looks like the store threw up on itself. When we fold t-shirts or sweatshirts and put them on tables we put them out by size. In the stores I am in charge of we keep everything sized daily. AS we go around and straighten up we size. Get the picture. That is why it is so frustrating to see some guest go up to a pile of shirts and unfold every shirt in the pile to see if it will fit. I see them doing this and I run over and say "this pile is all the same size. Can I help you find your size?" All the while thinking thanks for messing up my shirt table and my sizes. It just burns me up to see that.
            I always try to fold/stack the shirts by size, too. It never fails, some slob will have to pick up several of the same shirt, the same size, look at it then throw it on top in a pile. Makes my blood boil.

            And speaking of perishables being left anywhere, when I was cashiering I once saw a woman drop a box of those ice cream balls dipped in chocolate (can't remember what they're called) on the floor. Rather than picking them up, she started kicking them under the pop cooler at the head of the check lane.

            I said, "Stop that! I'll pick them up!"

            She never said a word. Just walked away.
            Retail Haiku:
            Depression sets in.
            The hellhole is calling me ~
            I don't want to go.


            • #21
              I'd have to say the absolute worst messes were at B&N and Borders. People would leave piles upon piles of books everywhere. The rare occasion I saw someone reshelving something they didn't want - I thought I was hallucinating.

              Those nifty little hand carts that stack about 45-50 books that the booksellers wheel around...on a typical Friday or Saturday night - I'd have a minimum of 7 cart fulls to put away. And that usually didn't include all the magazine strewn all over and the entire childrens' section. On the weekends, you were lucky if you could tell what color the carpet was in the kids section b/c it was covered with a layer of books.

              I truly wish I could say that I am exaggerating. But I'm not, and it's disgusting and sad that people are like that.

              To answer the OP's question : Yes, people are getting more and more rude every year.
              If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

