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Annoying/amusing Maccas customers!

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  • Annoying/amusing Maccas customers!

    This is my first post so please let me know (nicely!) if I'm complaining about nothing!

    I get this every shift as I give people their drinks: "Um, I asked for Fanta (orange soda), not Sprite." Well I actually put into the register what you asked me for, so obviously you've changed your mind in the last 1-2 minutes. However, it's much easier to just get you a Fanta than to explain that.

    And it's very hard to know how many apple pies we're going to sell; sometimes none at all during my whole 5-hour shift, other times every second customer wants one. Apple pies cook for 8 minutes I believe, so if there's none in the warmer, that's how long it'll be. Of course if you want me to I'll charge you for it now and you can come back in 8 minutes, if it's not busy I'll even bring it to you. "That long, huh?" is a valid comment. "Eight minutes, wtf, I want one free!" is not.

    One more story... I worked a weekend overnight shift a few weeks ago, because we're open 24/7, and apparently it was my turn. So around midnight a group comes in, all couples who order separately and everything was fine except the couple I was serving.

    DC = drunk customer (female)
    BC = boyfriend of DC
    Me = duh.

    DC: We were just robbed a knifepoint! Can we get a free meal or something?
    Me: Um, I'm sorry, do you want me to get a manger? (I always ask this if I'm not sure what to do.)
    BC: (To DC) Why don't you go sit down? (To me) Sorry about that, she's a little crazy. [orders meals, pays, receives food]
    DC: [Returns from talking to friends] Um, I was here 1 or 2 days ago and I ordered an apple pie, but I never got it.
    Me: Do you want me to get a manager?
    DC: Yeah, I want my apple pie!
    [I go get J, a manager]
    J: What can I help you with?
    DC: [Repeats story]
    J: I'm sorry, we can't do that now. If you'd asked on the same day, sure, but not a few days after.
    BC: Okay, that's fine, we'll pay for one.
    Me: So that's $1.95.
    DC: This is stupid. [Goes to sit with friends again]
    BC: [Pays for and takes apple pie] Sorry about her, she's a little crazy.
    Me: No problem, enjoy your night!

    The funniest thing was that DC came back over after they'd eaten and, as we were hiring people (there was a poster up), asked if she could have an application. I told her, as the managers said to do, that she could apply online.

    DC: What website?
    Me: mcdonalds . com . au
    DC: Oh, could you write it down for me?

    I pretended to look for a pen (the managers hoard them so there were none around), then told her that I didn't have a pen, sorry, it's pretty easy to remember anyway. She left without a fuss.

    Another time I'll post about the guys who ask me out or want to "hook up." Most people who ask what time I'm finishing just go on to mention that it's a long shift; only the idiots think I'd want to meet them for coffee after working 11pm-8am.
    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
    <3 Arrested Development

  • #2
    I used to work at maccas, and I worked at a few different stores, and one of them was a 24 hr store... I can totally understand how you feel!! Some of my common gripes...

    Yeah, an apple pie takes 8 minutes to cook, no you cannot get one for free because you had to wait for them

    Ok, every meal is automatically served with coke... If you want something different... SAY IT WHEN YOU ORDER!!! Don't wait until your meal is in front of you and whinge that you want Sprite, Fanta or Diet Coke instead. No, you cannot have a large chocolate shake instead of a soft drink!

    In the drive thru... We have to get the cars through in a certain amount of time, if you change your mind about the soft drink and the flavour sundae you want after you have paid, and driven to the next window and your order is waiting, don't be surprised if we are ticked off... Because we will get screamed at by the manager for taking so long to serve you.

    In the drive thru, don't bother telling us it is to go, we do know that you want it to take away! (I once gave someone in the drive thru their food on a tray, I was so sick of being told "It's to go")

    One of the stores I worked at did not have a customer bathroom - Do not come up to us and ask continually if we have one, we do not want every single customer walking through the kitchen and out to the back to use the only 1 toilet in the store. It is for staff only.

    The morons who come up to you and ask what time we finish work... We know you really don't care, so why bother asking us? When we say 11 - 7 or whatever, don't even think about stating the obvious "wow, what a long shift". We know it's a long shift Einstein! No, we do not want to go out with you when we finish work, so don't bother asking us this either.

    Throwing pickles on the walls, windows and on the ceilings is not funny, we are the ones who have to stand on a chair and scrape them off. You can't just chuck the pickles in the bin like anyone with half a brain cell would? I guess not

    I think I have dredged up enough bad memories for now, there are heaps more though!


    • #3
      No, you cannot have a large chocolate shake instead of a soft drink!
      My local McD's allows this, as long as you pay an extra 30p which I'm happy to do so.
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #4
        Throwing pickles on the walls, windows and on the ceilings is not funny, we are the ones who have to stand on a chair and scrape them off. You can't just chuck the pickles in the bin like anyone with half a brain cell would? I guess not

        Uh, actually, I think anyone with half a brain cell would ask for no pickles. Makes sense to me...
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I lasted 4 hours on trial at mc donalds

          they called me the next day wanting me to work 30 hours, when on my application I said no MORE than 15....

          then there was the whole... lets put the headphones into your deaf ear and put you on drive through on your first day

          I ran, I ran far away.
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            Not trying to be a trouble maker or anything, but aren't restaurants with a sit-down area required to have a public restroom for the purposes of hygiene? Something about being able to wash your hands or something. I'm just surprised there's a McDonald's out there with no public bathroom.


            • #7
              Quoth sibermaus
              Not trying to be a trouble maker or anything, but aren't restaurants with a sit-down area required to have a public restroom for the purposes of hygiene? Something about being able to wash your hands or something. I'm just surprised there's a McDonald's out there with no public bathroom.
              It may have been a store in a mall, with a centrally located bathroom, or in a gas station, which again, might have a bathroom elsewhere. But if not, that is kinda weird...
              I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

              Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


              • #8
                We have two levels to our store, and the only staff on the second level EVER is one person cleaning tables etc. So heaps of people, mostly teens, sit up there and make a mess. Open sauce containers and pickles are often thrown at walls. I don't mind if people leave all their rubbish on a tray on their table, so I only have to empty the tray into the bin & wipe the table. It's those who pull apart their uneaten food and leave shredded lettuce etc all over the table that annoy me!

                And yeah, you can have whatever drink you like with any meal, but some (thickshakes, juices) may cost extra. So if you don't ask for those before paying, you don't get them. This must be a drink, so no I cannot give you a sundae as the 'drink' to your meal, the register won't let me! Oh, and if you pay for two medium meals and two regular sundaes, then as I get your food you can't say, "wait, make the meals large and gimme a brownie [special dessert item, 2 x cost of sundae] instead of one of the sundaes." If it's busy I'm giving you what you paid for, if it's not I'm getting my manager and you're paying the difference.

                So glad to know there are other Maccas people here!
                Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
                Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
                <3 Arrested Development


                • #9
                  Sorry to come so late to this, but with two different people saying the pies take eight minutes to cook... what sort of pies do you have? The baked ones take twelve, and the (long-gone here, but I've heard some places still carry them) fried ones took six.

                  Anyway, I really hate the ones that say "make sure my fries are hot" when they're quite obviously selling as fast as we can cook them. And then get mad when I point that out.
                  Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

