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That button does not exist....

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  • That button does not exist....

    This is my first post, so I will give you some history.

    I work customer service for a certain phone company. I am on the pre-paid part.
    This company will be known as "The worst cell phone company".

    This first story isnt mine, but my best friends who also used to work there.

    Bf- My best friend
    Me-Me, sitting next to bf.
    Sc- explains it all.

    BF- "Thank you for calling theworst cell phone company,this is blah blah, how may I help you?"

    Sc-"My phone hangs up everytime I answer it.

    BF- "Ok I'll be able to look into this.. When you answer the phone, what button do you push?"

    SC-"The press while ringing button"

    Bf- (places cust on mute.) (to me.)Hey... this lady is pressing the press while ringing button---

    Me-*look of confusion*

    BF To Sc- "There is no press while ringing button."

    SC- "Yes there is. Its red and it says pwr. Press while ringing.

    BF-*slams head on desk* That is the power button.

    Me-Cracking up

    There should be an iq test in order to have a cell phone.

    This story happened to me a couple ofmonths ago

    Me-Thank you for calling the worst cellphone company, this is cellphoneslave, how can i help you?

    SC- My phone ain't working.

    Me- Okay so your cell phone is not working, what seems to be the problem?

    SC- There aint no dial tone.

    Me- *hits head over and over with the book i was reading.* With cell phones, there is not a dial tone.

    SC- Well on my other phone there is a dial tone. I want a dial tone on this phone to.

    Me- The dial tone is used when calling from a land line phone because you are using telephone wires. With cellphones, everything is done with signal so there is no dial tone.

    SC- so make there be a dial tone on my phone

    Me-*eyeing the release button* Ma'am, there is no......*hits the release button* Oh,Darn, she hung up.

    I've worked at this company for over a year now, there will be a lot of entertaining stories to come

  • #2
    Aaaagh. time to make funeral arrangements for the million or so brain cells that committed hara-kiri right there.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth CellPhoneSlave View Post
      SC- "Yes there is. Its red and it says pwr. Press while ringing.
      Hi Mom!
      Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

      I'm a case study.


      • #4
        Scary thought: these people were probably driving while making the complaint calls!
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          This reminds me of a woman who called me needing a refill on her meds. She did not have any refills, yet kept insisting that there was a code I could enter to give her her medication without a prescription! Lady, there is no code that makes me a doctor!


          • #6
            cellphone slave reminded me of something with:
            Me-Thank you for calling the worst cellphone company, this is cellphoneslave, how can i help you?

            SC- My phone ain't working.

            Me- Okay so your cell phone is not working, what seems to be the problem?

            SC- There aint no dial tone.
            This reminded me of a guy who came in while I worked SPCS.
            Things where kinda busy up front so they gave him "special" service and let him talk directly to the instore tech (I know sounds so much special but thats good customer care for ya.)

            The customer was having some issues with his phone where he couldnt dial out. He had no problem getting calls but couldnt dial out. Why couldnt he dial out? he would hit talk and then dial. That might work for a cordless phone but not a mobile. It was just backwards enough to throw this guy and it took about 10-15 minutes I think to get it explained to him so he could make his calls. At least he knew he didnt have a dial tone because it was done by those microwaves the phone gave off.


            • #7
              Quoth Azalea View Post
              This reminds me of a woman who called me needing a refill on her meds. She did not have any refills, yet kept insisting that there was a code I could enter to give her her medication without a prescription! Lady, there is no code that makes me a doctor!
              Ooh! You get those too? I had one today from a woman who wanted to just buy a few Adderall off of me since her doctor wasn't in to write a new script. Let me think about, no. Buh bye.


              • #8
                PWR = Press While Ringing

                Hmmm, sounds like the guy who labled all the power buttons in the general use computer labs at my collage with the words "Any Key" in black marker has struck again.
                The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                Hoc spatio locantur.


                • #9
                  Quoth CellPhoneSlave View Post
                  BF To Sc- "There is no press while ringing button."

                  SC- "Yes there is. Its red and it says pwr. Press while ringing.

                  BF-*slams head on desk* That is the power button.
                  It's a good thing that I'm off from work today. It'll take a while for my brain to recover from THAT one.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    Press While Ringing???
                    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                    • #11
                      Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                      Ooh! You get those too? I had one today from a woman who wanted to just buy a few Adderall off of me since her doctor wasn't in to write a new script. Let me think about, no. Buh bye.
                      My last day of pharmacy last week was a reminder of why I quit, a guy called in 3 Rx's, 2 couldn't be filled, they were out of refills. But I filled the one he had that was still good.

                      Because some people don't like making more than 1 trip in, I call anyone who phones in somthing that's no good, so they can decide for themselves how many trips they want to make.

                      SO I called this guy

                      AJ: Hi, it's Argabarga from Pharmacy, just wanted to let you know that 2 of your scripts couldn't be filled. I have your "A" med, but your "B" and "C" meds are out of refills, so we'll fax the doctor for more, but right now I only have "A". I'll probably have the other 2 by Monday (it was Friday) but I have 1 right now.
                      Guy: Okay, that's fine
                      AJ: So you'll be in for the one med?
                      Guy: Yeah

                      So he comes in an hour or so later

                      AJ: Here's your med
                      Guy: Where's the rest?
                      AJ: you were expecting more?
                      Guy: YEah! (getting angry) There was supposed to be 3 things here! "B" and "C"!
                      AJ: I spoke to you on the phone earlier sir, I told you those 2 were out of refills and we'd be calling your doctor.
                      Guy: There not here!
                      AJ: Yes sir, we had to call the doctor, I told you when I talked to you that we're still waiting to hear back from them.
                      Guy: I don't know why you always do this! YOu should know I need these... can't you just give me more
                      AJ: I can't do that without a script
                      Guy: Yeah, I know, gimmie that *takes pen, signs* mumble mumble mumble...

                      Geeze, I even TOLD him it wasn't going to happen, and he still expected it to happen???? I am so glad I'm outta there.
                      - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

