For those who don't know (or have forgotten) I work as a text relay interpreter for the deaf. One thing our company does for our clients is to assign them phone numbers so that hearing users can call them. The system is quite simple, you call the number assigned to them, it rings through to our call center, our software automatically looks up the person's user ID from the number, transfers the call and the ID to the next available interpreter to start the call.
Once the call is to us we verify the number with the caller before attempting the connect to the deaf user. Once verified we try to connect the call, if we can get a connection we let the hearing user know and tell them to start whenever they are ready. Sounds simple... right...
Me- everyone's favorite communication assistant
SC- well, you know
Me- Thank you for choosing [relay company], this is Communication Assistant [number], may I verify the number of the person you are trying to reach is 555-555-8822? (number obviously changed... except the last four, those are important).
SC- Is this [restaurant], I want to order for delivery.
Me- Sir, you have reached [relay company] a text relay interpretation service for the deaf or hard of hearing. Are you sure you have the correct number, did you wish to call 555-555-8822?
SC- I know I called the right number, it's on your ads... I want to order...
Me- I'm sorry, what ad?
SC- you must be stupid, the one that says your number is 555-555-KOCH.
Me- Sir, 555-555-KOCH would be 555-555-5624, you have dialed 555-555-8822.
SC- no, I dialed the right number, 555-555-KOCH, which I know is 555-555-8822.
Me- I'm sorry, that is not the number you dialed... if you would like though I can attempt a connection with the deaf user at 555-555-8822?
SC- whatever, I just want to place my fucking order.
Me- one moment while I attempt to connect the call.
[computer pops up with a message that the user is away, leave a message?]
Me- I'm sorry, that person is not available right now, would you like to leave a message?
SC- you know, if you guys are going to play this game, I'll just order somewhere else.

Seriously dude... what in ANY of what I said made you think you had reached a restaurant and how dense do you have to be to not understand how the letters work in dialing
Once the call is to us we verify the number with the caller before attempting the connect to the deaf user. Once verified we try to connect the call, if we can get a connection we let the hearing user know and tell them to start whenever they are ready. Sounds simple... right...
Me- everyone's favorite communication assistant
SC- well, you know
Me- Thank you for choosing [relay company], this is Communication Assistant [number], may I verify the number of the person you are trying to reach is 555-555-8822? (number obviously changed... except the last four, those are important).
SC- Is this [restaurant], I want to order for delivery.
Me- Sir, you have reached [relay company] a text relay interpretation service for the deaf or hard of hearing. Are you sure you have the correct number, did you wish to call 555-555-8822?
SC- I know I called the right number, it's on your ads... I want to order...
Me- I'm sorry, what ad?
SC- you must be stupid, the one that says your number is 555-555-KOCH.
Me- Sir, 555-555-KOCH would be 555-555-5624, you have dialed 555-555-8822.
SC- no, I dialed the right number, 555-555-KOCH, which I know is 555-555-8822.
Me- I'm sorry, that is not the number you dialed... if you would like though I can attempt a connection with the deaf user at 555-555-8822?
SC- whatever, I just want to place my fucking order.
Me- one moment while I attempt to connect the call.
[computer pops up with a message that the user is away, leave a message?]
Me- I'm sorry, that person is not available right now, would you like to leave a message?
SC- you know, if you guys are going to play this game, I'll just order somewhere else.

Seriously dude... what in ANY of what I said made you think you had reached a restaurant and how dense do you have to be to not understand how the letters work in dialing
