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My Money! Mine! Give It!/Paranoid, Much?

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  • My Money! Mine! Give It!/Paranoid, Much?

    What a busy day at my Aid of Rite. There was a parade, we had the start of the Children's Miracle Network (donate money to support the children's hospital in the communities Aid of Rite serves; ours goes to the children's hospital in Boston), I had Easter baskets to wrap for the raffle to raise money for said network, and we were short staffed to boot.

    Paranoid, Much?

    Now, I get that people don't like to donate to charities because there have been certain ones that keep a percentage for themselves; however, on request, they send us binders of percentage of kids helped from local towns in our state and (if I remember) the breakdown of where your donation goes. All donations go 100% to the local hospitals. I need to ask SM if we can have one of the past year's binders up front in case this happens again.

    I had one guy BADGER me when I asked him if he'd like to donate, accusing me of keeping the donations, asking me what percentage I take and not believing me when I say I'm not allowed to keep money.

    My Money! Mine! Give It!

    And the original reason why I wanted to post tonight: I was reminded by this thread that being so short can be a curse; if I remember, there's been threads about it before.

    Why do dillweeds feel the need to hold money above my head or else squeeze it tightly so I can't take it out of their hands? You purchased this, you need to pay for it. GIVE ME YOUR MONEY, DICKWEED. If I was 6" tall and did that to you, you would hate it too. The stupidest part? The guy who did it to me today was only an inch or so taller than I was and CACKLED at me when I tried to take his money. Seriously?

    Bonus: Haha, I Guilted You!

    I guilted some guy into donating a dollar to the CMN fund today, he had a purchase of small items, paid with a $50. I said something to the effect of, "My! With such a large bill, surely you can afford a dollar?" He slapped down a dollar and left.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Quoth ralerin View Post
    My Money! Mine! Give It!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Charity fundraising brings out the worst in people. When I was raising for March, I ended winning the little prize at the end(not that I actually got it) for fund raising solely because everyone else stopped asking- they just couldn't take the abuse any more.

      People would get near violent, we had to threaten one guy with the police just to stop him from ranting in drive through.

      The worst part was that every ticket we gave out got them something free, so their donation wasn't really a donation at all, but really a coupon for cheaper stuff.


      • #4
        Ah, I manufactured my first successful Deathglare on someone playing Catch Me If You Can with their payment. Just held out my palm, looked 'em dead in the eye, and he got all huffy and upset that I was a killjoy, I guess.

        I don't know why those twits think such games are funny.
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          Quoth ralerin View Post

          Bonus: Haha, I Guilted You!

          I guilted some guy into donating a dollar to the CMN fund today, he had a purchase of small items, paid with a $50. I said something to the effect of, "My! With such a large bill, surely you can afford a dollar?" He slapped down a dollar and left.
          I'd have done the opposite.

          me: "You'd think so, but I won't."


          • #6
            I like the CMN because money raised local goes to your local kids hospital.

            I worked in a DQ (where they are always rasing money for the CMN) and we used to sell those entertainment books to help raise money (its a 50$ book with hundreds of coupons from everywhere.) We stopped selling them the year after all of our donation money "disappeared"...along with all our safe money and a supervisior. Stealing from sick kids, ugh.


            • #7
              It would serve the dickweeds right if, instead of trying to take their money, you simply voided the sale and put the product(s) under the counter, then called for the next customer. If they're going to act like that, they shouldn't be allowed to buy anything.


              • #8
                Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                I don't know why those twits think such games are funny.
                'Cause they're twits, obviously.

                People like to feel superior. That's universal. The only real questions are how mature they are about it and how much they're willing to put someone else down for it. SCs like this happen when immature collides with self-centered. I think actually most SCs happen that way.
                » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                • #9
                  Quoth Eireann View Post
                  It would serve the dickweeds right if, instead of trying to take their money, you simply voided the sale and put the product(s) under the counter, then called for the next customer. If they're going to act like that, they shouldn't be allowed to buy anything.

                  I think that I've only had one or two people try that with me... they are usually met with a blank stare of DEATH and my hand held out waiting for the money to be placed in my palm. They never liked that..... poor idiots.
                  "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

