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Fine i'll clean it myself!

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  • Fine i'll clean it myself!

    Thought i'd share this. I work security at a library. We've had issues with this guy for a while. He complains about everything and demands we fix things immediately he usually he is imaging things or severally over exaggerating things. Here's just one of the little conversations we've had with him.

    Someone had apparently broken a pen in the glass elevator and some ink was smeared on the glass

    SC: Someone has smeared pen ink all over the elevator, you need to clean it up now!!!

    CW: Ok sir, i'll contact our cleaner

    SC: NO!, YOU have to clean it up right now, someone will get ink on themselves!!!

    CW: Sir we have a cleaner on site, i'll page her right now

    SC: NO!!!, You go and clean it up right now your cleaners are useless!!!

    CW: Sir our cleaner is fine it will get cleaned up shortly *walks back into the office*

    SC: Your Useless! Must be nice to sit on your ass all day and do nothing, I guess I will have to clean it up myself!

    SC then went with a rag and proceeded(quite poorly I might add) to wipe up the ink and then stormed out showing us the rag he used
    Last edited by Mr. Security; 04-03-2010, 02:22 AM.

  • #2
    Wow, that guy really has some control issues, doesn't he?

