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The line would go much faster if you...

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  • #31
    SEPARATE YOUR WIC ITEMS FROM YOUR NON WIC ITEMS! Wic is very very very specific and everything must be documented. WIC orders take long enough, why make it take longer?

    Don't holler and fuss because dog food and fingernail polish remover aren't covered by EBT, nor is lobster from the lobster tank (I just remembered the Walmart in my town has a lobster tank and they sell for $13something a pound).
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #32
      Cell phone. Lather, rinse, repeat. pet peeve I have is people who mumble. Please speak clearly, at a reasonable pace and audibly.

      Dont let your kids come back behind the register.

      Dont let your kids scream loudly because they like the sound of their own voice. I dont like the sound of their voice.

      Have your check written out before I tell you how much it is.

      If "your jam" comes on over the PA, dont proceed to dance and sing loudly and off key to it.


      • #33
        The line would go much faster if you...

        Did not place your items at the checkout until you are bloody ready to check out! Do you really think the people behind you are going to appreciate you re-trying on two pairs of shoes, heming and hawing and generally wasting their time when they've already got all their items in order?

        No, I am not going to let these people sit on the back burner while you 'quickly' go back to forage for another item on the shelves.

        No, I am not going to 'start ringing you through' while you decide to wander off to find your SO/kid/aged parent/parole officer.

        I'll be too busy cashing out the customers that are actually ready. Tough.
        Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

        - "Puma Man", MST3K.


        • #34
          Quoth BeckySunshine View Post

          Why do I want to say "Don't forget rule #8!!!"?

          I was thinking that, too.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #35
            The line would go much faster if you...

            ° Did all your shopping before you got to the checkout and didn't just dump your full basket on the belt before wandering off to get more. Believe me, I am not going to sit here waiting for you. I'm going to encourage the next customer to come up to move your shopping to the end of the till so I can serve them cuz they have the decency to only come up to the till when they're done.

            ° Didn't stand there whining about how the queues are huge and how you're going to complain to Customer Services. Get it thru your thick skull that if the entire town decides to come here the day before Christmas Eve, then of course there's going to be queues. Either suck it up or bugger off and try the store next door. That one is bound to be empty cuz everyone's in here!

            ° Unloaded your own shopping, rather than let your under 5 kids do it. Yes, I know that you think it's cute and funny to let your toddlers delude themselves into thinking that they're helping Mummy by unloading her trolley at a snail's pace, but spare a thought for the cashier who's grinding her teeth waiting for you and the poor sod behind you who's being held up. Wait til you get home before you have your toddlers help, that way you're holding no-one up.

            ° Didn't wait til we'd gotten to the end of the transaction to bleat "Can I have some stamps?" You see, the stamps are in the till and I can't get them out til we're done. The same goes for CDs and DVDs; give me the case at the beginning so there's plenty of time for a supervisor to go fetch them.

            ° And finally, get off your damn phone!
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #36
              * Have your money already in your purse when you enter the store. Don't tell me "Oops, I forgot and need to visit the ATM for some extra cash." If you have to do that, just use your ATM card.

              * If you are using an ATM card, or wish to write me a check, know for sure that you have the money there before creating chaos. I don't feel like having 200 items to bag, then discover you don't have the money to cover it. And we don't do COD's or IOU's.

              * Control your children before you approach my line. I do not feel like talking over them, nor do I feel like having to repeat your total four thousand times.

              * And once again, get off your damned cell phone!

              That last one is the quote that definitely bears repeating!


              • #37
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                SEPARATE YOUR WIC ITEMS FROM YOUR NON WIC ITEMS! Wic is very very very specific and everything must be documented. WIC orders take long enough, why make it take longer?

                Don't holler and fuss because dog food and fingernail polish remover aren't covered by EBT, nor is lobster from the lobster tank (I just remembered the Walmart in my town has a lobster tank and they sell for $13something a pound).
                To add to this:

                * Sir, please remember that your food stamps do not cover beer, wine, cigarettes, or sugary cereals, let alone caviar and lobster. And no, I am not going to ring those items through on your food stamps benefits no matter how loud you scream at me.

                * And, once again, get off that damned, blasted cell phone! I am not interested in listening to you argue with your one of sixteen girlfriends, nor do I want to listen to you bitch and complain to your unemployment office about how they're ripping you off on your unemployment benefits.
                Last edited by greensinestro; 01-30-2007, 05:52 PM.


                • #38
                  Quoth csdrone View Post
                  [*]Be aware of the line of people behind you.
                  I parsed that as "BEWARE of the line of people behind you," which is equally appropriate, I guess!
                  He loves the world...except for all the people.
                  --Men at Work


                  • #39
                    At public boat ramps

                    * When launching your boat, have everything ready. Sure, I understand you need to undo the strap at the ramp, but don't park it on the ramp, then climb into your boat and get your shoes, check your cooler, arrange your bait and tackle, and do not choose this moment to see if your boat has enough gasoline in it. You should have done that before you even left the house.

                    * And, launching your boat would go much, much smoother if you would simply get off your damned, blasted cell phone!


                    • #40
                      Hee! Kids echoing? Seriously?


                      • #41
                        Dont come up to me and ask me if I speak spanish, and ask me in perfectly fluent english. It not only throws me off, it annoys the living shit out of me.

                        Don't assume because I'm white I don't speak spanish, and then wait for the only other worker in the store, who is busy with a phone activation, and then get pissed and yell at me in spanish, WHICH I DO UNDERSTAND, when I help someone else.

                        I don't give a damn about how things used to be here. I really, really dont. I mean that. I really, really do not care if we used to give massages with happy endings and free ice cream for a 3.00 purchase (exaggeration, btw), it doesn't happen anymore.

                        Please, shut the fuck up. I know what I'm talking about. I'm certified on every product we sell, I had to take a lengthy effing test to do it. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


                        • #42
                          Quoth DarthRetard View Post
                          Dont come up to me and ask me if I speak spanish, and ask me in perfectly fluent english. It not only throws me off, it annoys the living shit out of me.
                          Perhaps that's one of the few english phrases they know?

