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Smart Scam, Dumb Criminal

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  • Smart Scam, Dumb Criminal

    Back in February, we had a guy buy 2 phones without contract (combined over $600) and a few prepaid cards with Credit cards. The cards wouldn't swipe (no big not unusual). Well, being such a high dollar value when the card wouldn't swipe we actually took an imprint of the card, just incase they tried to charge back the sale. Well, a few weeks ago, the credit card company did charge us back. When we got the paper work the name on the account was a woman's. When I examined the card imprint it had a man's name on it (completely different name including last name). Turns out the card we ran was manufactured by the man.

    On this past Thursday, the man came back. Picked out about over $300 in merchandise. This time I was waiting on him. (Yes, where I work the manager sells same as everyone else.) Our store is set up with two desks to sit at with customers and a counter at the back. The credit card machine is on the back counter, so usually when we run credit cards the customer just sits at the table and we're back in a few minutes. While I was trying to run the credit card and stall for time, I whispered to an employee sitting at the back counter to go to the pizza place and get the police who I'd just saw in there having lunch. The guy kept following me around the store, I couldn't pick up the phone.

    Unfortunately, the customer realized I was on to him (this card wouldn't swipe either) before the police could get to the store. As he first tried to pay in cash before I had even said anything about the card being a problem. Then when he tried to run for the door. This is where I was a little stupid. I ran past him and locked the door and stood at the door as he tried to get out each trying to get the other away from the door. He eventually got the door unlocked and out. I followed him through the parking lot. He did get away but I got his plate number. The employee (who wasn't moving too fast) finally got out of the pizza place with the police as he got in his car.

    The Police told me the tags were registered to the same name on the cards and his ID I checked while trying to stall him. He was using his real name for all of these fraud transactions.

  • #2
    That way if you check for ID you won't reject the sale as the card belongs to another person?


    • #3
      Right, but you'd think if he's got fake Credit Cards he'd make a few fake ID's too.


      • #4
        I would think a guy capable of printing his own credit cards would also be able to do a halfway decent fake id.... But evidently this guy ain't too bright.

        Actually, now that I think about it, my guess is that someone smarter made the card and sold it to him.
        Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

        "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

