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Wherein there are many things that I don't know

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  • Wherein there are many things that I don't know

    Would-be guest comes into the hotel, wants a room with 2 beds. I still have one such room available, no problem.
    Would-be guest, who is dressed like he's auditioning for the role of 'pimp #3' on Starsky & Hutch, actually has a valid credit card and ID. Much surprise.
    Guest bitches, whines, and haggles over the price. No surprise at all there, but we eventually come to a slightly discounted agreement in the neighborhood of 90 bucks.

    Guest immediately returns to front desk as his room is not satisfactory. It seems by '2 beds' he meant he wanted a suite with at least 2 separate bedrooms.
    I inform him that the only hotels I know of which might be able to accommodate him are the super-high end fancy places, and there's no way he'll get a 2 bedroom suite for under $200 dollars a night.

    Wouldn't-be guest says to me "Well, I guess you don't know that <near-by cheap-ish 3-start hotel> has rooms like that."

    My reply:

    "You're right. Since I don't work there and they aren't part of the same company, I don't know what their rooms are like.
    I also don't know why you're here instead of there since they have exactly what you demand.
    I don't know why you didn't think to make a reservation when you needed a room on the Saturday night of a holiday weekend.

    Finally, since we're on an island, and the last ferry came in over 5 hours ago, and the last plane landed 4 and a half hours ago, and it's now 4:30 in the morning on the Saturday of a long weekend, and I have absolute no idea why you thought it would be a good idea to spend, at minimum, 5 hours bar-hopping BEFORE trying to get a room instead of checking in and THEN getting shit-faced."

    He went really red. I thought, (and kinda hoped) he would take a swing at me, but he just flashed me a catbuttface and stomped out wordlessly.
    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain