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Great, even kids question my credibility!!

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  • Great, even kids question my credibility!!

    For the record, I work at the public library. You could argue that makes me an evil government agent who doesn't deserve to be trusted. I'm used to adults questioning my credibility (I've worked with the public for over a decade), but now even children do it!

    We have an ESL class that meets twice a week. Many parents use that as an excuse to dump their kids with us while they're there. It's a pain in the ass, but that's not the point. The point is, I had this one kid, who could not have been older than 7, who believes I'm an incompetent moron. I would check out books to her (which consists of scanning the barcode and printing out a receipt with the due dates, easy stuff) and hand her the receipt. She would then proceed to stand where she was and read the receipt and nag me every two minutes if something seemed wrong. By wrong, I mean that the whole title of the book wouldn't show up on the receipt paper. Of course it isn't going to, because it's a small piece of paper. I tried to explain this to her (her English was just fine, in case you're wondering), but she wouldn't have any of it. She would even ask me while I was helping someone else (don't worry, I made her wait 'til I was done).

    As much I hate when people do this sort of thing at, say, the grocery store, I understand why because money is involved. But this child is questioning my abilities as a library employee for what is essentially giving her free stuff! WTF?

    Am I a horrible person for being annoyed with this behavior? I think it's good for kids to question, but this is ridiculous! It's pretty degrading when even innocent children think you're a moron!
    "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West

  • #2
    Quoth Marxfan View Post
    It's pretty degrading when even innocent children think you're a moron!
    Simple, kids learn from their parents. And there are a lot of EW people out there who don't really grasp the existence of a world past the end of their nose, and when dealing with a public servant, place heavy emphasis on the "servant" part. Some of these people have unfortunately bred, and thus we get "Mommy thinks you're too dumb for a real job like she has, and always says we can't trust that sort of person, so I better keep an eye on you."
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


    • #3
      Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
      Simple, kids learn from their parents. And there are a lot of EW people out there who don't really grasp the existence of a world past the end of their nose, and when dealing with a public servant, place heavy emphasis on the "servant" part. Some of these people have unfortunately bred, and thus we get "Mommy thinks you're too dumb for a real job like she has, and always says we can't trust that sort of person, so I better keep an eye on you."
      I also don't think most people realize that you need an MLS (Masters of Library Science) to be a librarian. They do a lot more than just sit behind a desk and check your books out for you.

      At the (tiny) library where I work, the students seem to think that all the library assistants are librarians! Even someone who was in my class and knows I'm just an undergraduate called me the "librarian."


      • #4
        Quoth Marxfan View Post
        ...By wrong, I mean that the whole title of the book wouldn't show up on the receipt paper...!
        "Well young lady. Just because your whole mattress isn't wet in the morning, doesn't mean you didn't wet the bed."
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          Librarians deal with WAY too much crap for WAY too little pay. Yes, I am the child of a librarian, why do you ask?

          Do you read the webcomic Unshelved? It's about librarians, and it's awesome.

          And yes, that girl was being a total jerk.
          "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

          My pony dolls:


          • #6
            Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
            "Mommy thinks you're too dumb for a real job like she has, and always says we can't trust that sort of person, so I better keep an eye on you."
            "Perhaps you should ask your Daddy why Mommy's kisses are salty, then."
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Aww, poor you.

              When I was a kid, I thought the librarian of my local library was the best ever. XD She'd let me sit in the library and read books, and she'd always save any new books that came in that she thought I'd like and let me use my parents' check outs if I chose more books than I was allowed. Explanation: there was a limit of five books per week to check out. Everyone had little cardboard sleeve things where the ticket in the book went. I believe that this little custom died out and was replaced by a computer system. XD The library was one of my fave places to go when I was a kid.
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #8
                OMG that girl probably is just copying what her mother does at stores. i bet she thinks she's funny...ha...ha...ha. no your not a bad person for getting annoyed

