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cant even name it

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  • cant even name it

    not clever enough

    Crazy Lady
    anyways tonite i was in the Rx closing up, taking drawers. my cw D was vacuuming and the tech was talking to a customer. so no one could really hear anything. and some other customer goes up to my cw D and starts asking her something, even though the vacuum is still going, (D couldve turned it off, but idk she didnt...) and then they turn to me and the lady starts asking me where something is. only i have NO CLUE whats shes saying because
    1)the vacuum
    2) she was mumbling/non-coherent/weird

    so she goes off to find it for her self. who knows what it was.

    i do the drawers and about 10 min later im out on the floor working on some suntan lotions n such. im kneeling and i see/feel/sense someone is coming....and about to stand on top of me.

    crazy lady. she starts asking me where the aloe is. (in your face) but before i can say anything she said "aloe soap" and over and over again. im trying to tell her we dont have that. then asks if we have chamomile soap. nope.

    meanwhile this whole time her crotch is in my face and shes swinging/dancing/wriggling it side to side. IN MY FACE.god

    she walks away. she was wearing yellow latex gloves and had a band-aid taped over her eye.

    then some guy starts asking me about rogaine cuz his hair is "falling down"

    i dont know what part of
    -this is 3 month
    -this is one month
    -rogaine is more expensive
    - seavee-ess is cheaper

    i dont think he could read prices. i gave up on him. plus i cant recommend rogaine cuz i dont know how it works, sir. i have hair (thank goodness)

    Lady calls. i answer
    *not word for word, just the jist of it*
    lady : "do you have any easter candy on clearance"
    me : "yes, its 50% off"
    lady : "50? anything more than that?"
    me : "no. it just went clearance today"///freaking vulture

    Stupid Test
    So again i was working on suntan lotions, only this was in the seasonal aisle.

    some stupid ass kid was playing with a carriage and decided to leave it next to me. and walked away. i gave him a look, but i dont think he saw me

    so i decided i was gonna leave it, and see what happens.

    not one person touched it. theyd all rather squeeze by than use an ounce of effort to push it a little out of the way. FAIL

    which got me and my CW N to the commercial for Aleve

    lady goes into the store fills basket with Tylenol. Sees Aleve. drops basket on floor with Tylenol. Walks away.

    NOOOOO do not condone/endorse this behavior

    *head explosion*

    oh and we're getting a visit tomorrow from the Regional Manager. i got tomorrow off so i dont care

  • #2
    What a horrible day you had. Would you care for milk and sugar cookies to make that nightmare end?

    I'm sorry that you got invaded by the SC barbarians today.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Quoth Kristev View Post
      What a horrible day you had. Would you care for milk and sugar cookies to make that nightmare end?

      I'm sorry that you got invaded by the SC barbarians today.
      its weird though because i didnt think it was a really bad day overall, just had some stupids come in. but i'll accept a few cookies anyway


      • #4
        Quoth sarasquirrel View Post
        not one person touched it. theyd all rather squeeze by than use an ounce of effort to push it a little out of the way. FAIL
        That one I can understand a bit. As a shopper, I rarely will move a cart out of the way, even an empty one, because in my past experience, as soon as my hand touches that cart, someone is gonna swoop around from the next aisle screaming "that's my cart, don't touch it" or some such idiocy. Doesn't matter that they can see I have my own cart, doesn't matter that they haven't left anything whatsoever, even unpaid merchandise in it, it's their precious cart and should be guarded with their lives.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #5
          Quoth Merriweather View Post
          As a shopper, I rarely will move a cart out of the way, even an empty one, because in my past experience, as soon as my hand touches that cart, someone is gonna swoop around from the next aisle screaming "that's my cart, don't touch it" or some such idiocy.
          Unless someone is manning the cart, or it's obviously being used by a staff member, you bet your sweet behind that I'll move a cart if it's in the way.

          Since I have no problems telling people to stop hogging the aisle and get out of everybody's way, I also have no problems telling those people that if they don't want people touching their cart, then they'd better not leave it in the freaking way, or (better yet) they should take it with them.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I may have posted this on CS in the past, but I'm one of those that's paranoid about my cart being "stolen".

            I've had people try to swipe my cart, when I 've parked it for just a moment to grab an item, or do something, in an area the cart won't fit, Or I just don't feel like moving the cart to that spot. It's happened when I've had by personal canvas shopping bags very visible in the cart, and maybe even an item or two I'm purchasing.

            One memorable occasion, was when a buddy and I went to Costco many years ago. We were both hungry, since we hadn't had breakfast, decided to hit up the snack bar before shopping. Since the carts are all outside, I decided to grab one on the way in, and keep it with us, since I didn't feel like walking clear back out to the store entrance, after eating.

            We got to the snack bar line, and as it progressed, I didn't take my hand of the cart. (One of the standard grocery style carts, not a flatbed.) Even as i got up to the register to pay, and needed both hands to get my money out, I kept the cart by me, and put my foot on it.
            My buddy's laughing at me, and says something like; "What the hell are you doing, you dumbass?" I tell him of my experience of cart thieves. He says something like; "C'mon, nobody's gonna steal it if you let go for just a few seconds!"

            After paying, getting my hotdog and drink cup, I head over to the condiment/pop machine area, to put some mustard on my hotdog, and get my drink. At a certain point, there was not enough room between the condiment area and/or pop machine and the tables, and I had to completely let go of the cart.

            I swear, it was within one second, that another shopper grabs my cart, and starts to walk away with it! I yell out something like "HEY!! That'sMY cart!!"

            Turned to my buddy, and said "SEE?!?!?"



            • #7
              It happens where I work, too.

              But then again, the SC's will also stand there in the cart bay, chatting all day long with people, all of whom have phone numbers. The purpose of this is to prevent the courtesy clerks from pushing up the trolleys or bringing any more trolleys in, as well as preventing other shoppers (not that they need them) from getting a trolley themselves.
              Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


              • #8
                Quoth sarasquirrel View Post
                which got me and my CW N to the commercial for Aleve

                lady goes into the store fills basket with Tylenol. Sees Aleve. drops basket on floor with Tylenol. Walks away.

                NOOOOO do not condone/endorse this behavior

                *head explosion*
                I HATE this commercial. If I ever get my hands on that woman, she's gonna find that basket wedged someplace uncomfortable.

                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                Since I have no problems telling people to stop hogging the aisle and get out of everybody's way, I also have no problems telling those people that if they don't want people touching their cart, then they'd better not leave it in the freaking way, or (better yet) they should take it with them.
                And what the hell is it with people parking their cart at the end of an aisle, usually in the way, and then walking almost all the way down to the other end to get something?

                One store I shop at, people seem to park their cart in one place and then go back and forth all over the store, like it's a base.

                Both of these seem like a lot more work than just taking the damn cart with you.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  I've never had my shopping trolley stolen (yet) and haven't been yelled at for moving one (yet). I have, on several occasions, moved trolleys from the disabled parking spaces into the trolley bay. Why the hell do people think it's okay to dump them there, and why aren't the trolley collectors doing their jobs?
                  Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

                  Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Pagan View Post
                    And what the hell is it with people parking their cart at the end of an aisle, usually in the way, and then walking almost all the way down to the other end to get something?
                    I do that occasionally, although I try to be out of the way. It's generally because the aisle is completely blocked, and I don't want to have to wait for the 5 people to move. There's probably a better solution, but this ends up falling in my "eeek! it's a social situation!" reaction.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Magpie View Post
                      I do that occasionally, although I try to be out of the way. It's generally because the aisle is completely blocked, and I don't want to have to wait for the 5 people to move. There's probably a better solution, but this ends up falling in my "eeek! it's a social situation!" reaction.
                      I tend to just use the next aisle over if there are a herd of shopines blocking traffic on the aisle I need.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        I tend to just use the next aisle over if there are a herd of shopines blocking traffic on the aisle I need.


                        As that's where you wait until the aisle you want is clear? I'm confused.


                        • #13
                          Quoth JustaCashier View Post
                          *snip story*
                          I see this same thing happen at the wholesale club where I work. On weekends, especially, the "parking lot" of carts around our food court can get seriously out of control. Lately, we've given up trying to tell people "You can't park your cart in the food court," because inevitably we get distracted assisting another customer or something or other and we have to let it pass.

                          There was a time I was thinking of going to management and suggesting we get yellow paint or something and paint a yellow border around the food court seating area, with some stripes inside of it, and then hang a professional sign on the wall saying "Do not bring carts past the yellow line without permission from the food court employee."

                          But, of course, that would not only have cost money (and our store seems pathologically incapable of spending any), but worse, it would have made sense, and we can't have things making sense now, can we?
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

