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A couple of pet peeves...

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  • A couple of pet peeves...

    and a minor suck from last night.

    Just a couple of points:

    -While I am old enough to serve cigarettes and have been trained, I am not allowed to so that if the drawer winds up short, it's easier to track who's been on there.
    -My state is plastic bag free. We do not provide boxes to customers for various reasons.


    That's my scales you idiot!

    One guy got pissy because I put his stuff down on the bag racks, like everyone else does when they want to put their stuff in the trolley. He wanted me to put it up next to my register where my scales are. When I pointed out that everyone else will walk around and pack it the other way, he got pissy and stated "well get used to doing it my way." Excuse me, since when are you royalty?! I mentally flipped him off as he left.

    Petrol splitting.

    I found out a bit more from the guy who splits his fuel vouchers because he "buys fuel every day." He puts in 60L a day. The CW who served him pointed out to me later that it was about 250km per day at the most (in comparison, I put about $20 in, which gets me about 1/3 of a full tank. My tank is 45L) Next time he comes in, I'm getting his name and going to start doing some research to see if his story checks out. If it's a courier business or something similar, then he may have a semi-legit reason to do so.

    I've also made the decision, which I'm running past my manager today, that under no circumstances will I serve this guy. I'm also going to explain his behaviour, although actually showing her will be harder as he seems to come in when she's not around...there are plenty of other people who can/will serve him. I refuse to part with my spine in this case.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    60L a day? Holy frack he must get around!
    Also, for the 'do it my way' guy - "We're not Hungry Jack's/Burger King!"
    Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

    Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


    • #3
      Quoth Mishi View Post
      60L a day? Holy frack he must get around!
      Also, for the 'do it my way' guy - "We're not Hungry Jack's/Burger King!"
      With the 60L guy, given that petrol in my state at the moment is between $1-$1.30 (depends on the place), the vouchers he keeps getting only save him a total of $2.40 per purchase. Unless he's putting in 10L at six different stores, in which case it still works out to be the same. Hence why I want to find out if he does have a legit reason to be doing 250km per day. The reasons I can think of are:

      1) he goes away camping every week and does long trips.
      2) he works for a courier business of some sort which screws him on his fuel allowance.
      3) he's a trucker (most trucks take diesel AFAIK and the vouchers do allow for diesel, which is more expensive, about $1.50 a litre)
      4) he's blowing smoke out of his ass.

      Which is why next time he comes in, I'm getting my manager to talk to him. Because frankly I'm sick of him scamming us out of vouchers, while every other customer is only allowed to split it once (a healthy comprimise for everyone-however, I don't do it on peak days, simply because we're too busy.)

      Re the "have it your way" I don't think we have that slogan in Ausland.
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        "Have it your way" slogan - We used to have it in Qld many years ago.
        I still don't understand the point of going to so much effort to save such a small amount of money, what does $2.40 buy here? Ummm let's see, an alright loaf of bread OR a 500g block of butter OR around 2L of petrol.Doesn't even pay for a one way trip over the Gateway :P
        Probably (4): Blowing smoke out his ass, or driving a V6/V8 around town and chewing up petrol.
        Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

        Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


        • #5
          As someone who's not lived abroad (not since the age of 2 at any rate), I don't understand the voucher bit. Are they just coupons issued by the government to help gas prices, or are they vouchers that are required to buy gasoline?
          Coworker: Distro of choice?
          Me: Gentoo.
          Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


          • #6
            Or my thought is that it is the same as what we have in NZ, when the price of fuel was way above what it is now, the fuel companies joined with the supermarket chains and if you spend $50 at super market A you get 4c off a litre at fuel station A, but not at station B or C, but D takes all of the supermarket vouchers so you can there.

            So essentially they were trying to tie people into using certain super markets and service stations together. The only good deal was when they had thespend $200 and get 10c a litre off.
            Began work Aug as casual '08
            Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
            Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
            Why do I still work there again?


            • #7
              Quoth Midorikawa View Post
              As someone who's not lived abroad (not since the age of 2 at any rate), I don't understand the voucher bit. Are they just coupons issued by the government to help gas prices, or are they vouchers that are required to buy gasoline?
              they are voucher at the end of your shopping docket which entitles the bearer about to get a discount of usually 4c a litre off the price of petrol.


              • #8
                Quoth dawnfire View Post
                they are voucher at the end of your shopping docket which entitles the bearer about to get a discount of usually 4c a litre off the price of petrol.
                Aha. It's all so clear now... :-P

                Thanks to both of you. :-D
                Coworker: Distro of choice?
                Me: Gentoo.
                Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.

