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Where are your parents?

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  • Where are your parents?

    I see shit like this all day long. I know I'm not the only one.

    Again, I work in a casino. It was a slow day and I looked up at the line to see a seven year old girl by HERSELF in our line just standing there looking lost. She was close enough for me to do this:

    ME: *in a sweet non-scaring voice* Hey, where are your parents?

    LG (little girl) ....

    Me: Are they around?

    LG: ....

    I look all over and then I realize I saw her with them earlier. Guess where they were? Playing at a nearby machine!

    I saw red at that point. The LG got scared because people were starting to get into the line and she smushed herself in a corner between a pilar and the ticket machine.

    I called security and at the positon she was at they couldn't see her. It's funny security is RIGHT next to the cage but they take FOREVER to move their asses.

    And ten mins of that LG being there the parents finally left that machine to get her. I called back and said nevermind.

    Do they realize how fast their children can be stolen!? Just because we have cameras doesn't mean we can catch the kidnappers. And WHY THE HELLL would you leave your BABY in a line at the cage or out of your sight at all AND at a casino!!! GAH!!

    Sorry I needed to get that one out. I was shaking for a long time afterwards from being so damn angry.

  • #2
    Idiot parents forget about this:

    May 29, 1997 ... A 7-year-old girl was raped and strangled in a hotel-casino


    • #3
      Makes me glad that in my state, is is ILLEGAL to bring ANYONE under the age of 21 onto the casino floor. It's a $500 fine for you if you're caught on the floor and under 21. No children, no screaming babies, just adults who act like them at times.
      Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

      This happens more often than most people want to believe.


      • #4
        We had some morons let their 2-year-olds wander all over the library! When my manager made an announcement for the parents to get them, they didn't do anything! They were too busy playing on the computers!!!
        "I used to be Snow White... but I drifted."~Mae West


        • #5
          Why would you take a kid to a casino in the first place? It's not exactly child-friendly.


          • #6
            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
            Why would you take a kid to a casino in the first place? It's not exactly child-friendly.
            Because they're selfish and not mature enough to put the kid's needs into the equation.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth Tuxian View Post
              Makes me glad that in my state, is is ILLEGAL to bring ANYONE under the age of 21 onto the casino floor. It's a $500 fine for you if you're caught on the floor and under 21. No children, no screaming babies, just adults who act like them at times.
              And then we get the case from the other current thread, with kids left in the car. If the parents don't care they don't care. I've given up on trying to understand that sort of person.

