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Don't cuss out the service, or you won't get any more

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  • #16
    Quoth Argabarga View Post
    Imagine our surprise when the rep on the other end noted that according to her information, this was the THIRD time they’ve requested service, and the THIRD time the responding tow company has filed a complaint about their behavior. As a result, they’re paying us, and then are going to immediately cancel the member’s service.
    Three times, and they still haven't figured out that they should use their manners?! I would not be surprised if this wasn't the first company that's cancelled service with them either.

    People this rude and stupid need to be made into fertilizer before they can breed.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #17
      Quoth Amina516 View Post
      I hate Operation Repo..its so fake..they say as much in the beginning of the show (that the scenes are reinacted or some shit..) and people still watch it. Its bad acting @ its best.
      no. it is actually fake. the whole thing is made up as a parody. actually, that's the only reason we watch it. makes it funnier.

      Hobby Twitter.


      • #18
        Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
        no. it is actually fake. the whole thing is made up as a parody. actually, that's the only reason we watch it. makes it funnier.
        I thought it was "real situations" that were remade for TV....knowing that makes me hate it even more!


        • #19
          It's an entertaining show.

          I just enjoy it. Just enjoy the show.
          My Guide to Oblivion

          "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


          • #20
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            Three times, and they still haven't figured out that they should use their manners?! I would not be surprised if this wasn't the first company that's cancelled service with them either.

            People this rude and stupid need to be made into fertilizer before they can breed.
            What's the saying? "When will you realize that the common denominator in all your bad experiences with people, is YOU?!"
            - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


            • #21
              Whenever anyone uses the term "she-beast" surrounded by any grouping of adjectives and verbs, I think of that MonstroChick. The one that needs to put her Juggalo make up BACK ON! She doesn't portray a whit of intelligence, her personal hygiene habits leave a lot to be desired (and if I can spot that shit through the TV, you know its BAD). She makes that banjo playin kid in Deliverance look like a Harvard Graduate.

              You wanna know why the truck don't go? CAUSE YOUR ASS IS SITTING IN IT! There's only so much a rig can take in 4wheel drive before your sheer mass is going to blow the transfer case! What you can't find your cell/purse/whatever? That's because its currently in its orbital path somewhere behind you, OR heavens forbid, the blackhole that resides between two badly-clad Spandex Nebulas sucked them in! I can SEE SEE! the fur on your teeth, yeah it was gone the next episode, but then I read that news story about the whale trainer that got eaten, and figured you just accidentally scraped off some plaque.

              I feel the utmost sympathy for that guy that has to ride with you, at least he tries. He may not be the brightest guy, he may not be the most well-groomed, but dammit, he's trying, despite your fatass sitting in the cab and whining that you need more McDonald's every 2 seconds. Can you ask him what life is like without a sense of smell?

              That's why you're out there, because even your own brother can't stand to be around you. Unless you're bringing in the money that is. And I don't mean bringing in money by working, I mean the producers SAW you by accident when you broke through the restraints and came through the trailer door, charging for the refridgerator, and said, "WHAT IS THAT? WE MUST HAVE IT! CAN YOU IMAGINE THE RATINGS!" Realizing of course that deep down, even a seemingly politically correct crowd likes to ogle at the Freak Show. You should really stop shaving your beard, it'd help your popularity.

              Ok, I'm gonna edit the rest and be done for now. (Sorry, fat chick rant about another fat chick).
     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

              Chickens are Asexual!


              • #22
                Quoth Argabarga View Post
                They then decided that lug nuts were a capitalist plot to line the pockets of the nut and bolt manufacturing cartel and that they didn’t need them after all. They put the spare tire on, and figured they could make it home just fine.
                Now that truly took some...nuts

                Speaking of nuts, did I ever tell you all about what the 'garage' did to a certain vehicle in my possession? When I went to pick it up, they didn't bother to tell me that they'd not only damaged one lug nut, but they'd lost another as well. Did they replace them? Of course not! Imagine my surprise, when, after I've driven home (about 20 miles or so), I find that both front wheels are held in place with only 3 nuts...and the damaged (the idiots managed to strip the threads) nut is rattling around in the rear floor area I was further pissed off, when I had to fork out $25 for an entire set, because nobody locally carried that size. Bastards.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

