this happened awhile ago but with all the bad father stories i just had to share.
this little boy came up and said he cant find his mommy.
ok so we make a page.
Attention all customers we have a lost mommy please check to make sure you have your whole party.
ok after a few noone shows up we page again
well we finally get the moms name from the boy we page her by name again and again.
managers go around trying to find her.
Well after awhile the cops were called.
they go to where the kids say he lives and guess what the mother is taking a nap.
she told the cop that she just assumed her boy was upstairs. when the cop asked why she left the store with out she said"i have 8 kids i cant be expected to know where they all are"
needless to say that mom's kids were taken away
this little boy came up and said he cant find his mommy.
ok so we make a page.
Attention all customers we have a lost mommy please check to make sure you have your whole party.
ok after a few noone shows up we page again
well we finally get the moms name from the boy we page her by name again and again.
managers go around trying to find her.
Well after awhile the cops were called.
they go to where the kids say he lives and guess what the mother is taking a nap.
she told the cop that she just assumed her boy was upstairs. when the cop asked why she left the store with out she said"i have 8 kids i cant be expected to know where they all are"
needless to say that mom's kids were taken away