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bad scammer bad

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  • bad scammer bad

    As a word of advise to those who try to use the relay system to scam people who wonder just how we knew you weren't legit and you received a cease and desist letter... well, a good first step isn't to when you are registering your new screen name that you need to register this one because your last one was flagged for potential fraud. So guess what is going on this screen name? Yup, a flag for potential fraud... funny how that works

    Another good way is to do your scamming when the call is being handled as a team call with a manager(we can't call them monitored calls for FCC reasons, so we handle them as a team call... and theoretically on these calls I'm allowed to ask my manager for help without fear of repercussion or affect to my score, after all, technically if I don't ask him for help then it is monitored and not team... it's weird, what do you expect from the FCC). Bonus double kudo points if you make it obvious by calling multiple numbers and doing copy/paste for all of them... triple bonus kudo points if you forget to change the (item) you are looking for and just leave it as the template. And the grand prize for changing your name halfway through a call.

    As a warning to those who are thinking of abusing the system, the great thing about team calls, as a user you will NEVER know it is a team call, we are only required to announce the primary CA number for as long as the second is only on the line to assist with verify accuracy and isn't going to be speaking or interpreting. There is also a list of 34 actions for which any CA can request a profile to be flagged for (of course I can't list any of them for confidentiality purposes). So, yes you will get caught... so please just stop trying.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Last year I had several relay calls that were scams (wanting prices for large quanities of goods & paying with stolen CC's). The second call, a relay supervisor got on the line and stated the call was a possible scam (not her exact words). The third time I had a relay call (the 3rd in less than 2 weeks), I told the relay operator that the caller was a scammer. The relay worker kept saying that I couldn't talk to him, that I needed to talk to the caller. So, I told the caller that I was on to his scams and to not call anymore, then requested a relay supervisor. A local contractor got taken for several thousand dollars from this same scammer.


    • #3
      Evillebee, the relay operator was right that we are not permitted to join the conversation. If you get a call from the scammer again the best course of action is to request the relay operator to relay your message about you knowing it is a scam and ask for the customer care email address/ phone number (some companies go by email others phone, so ask for either), all relay operators are legally required to provide the company contact information. Request the relay operator's operator number, write down the time of the call and that number, and report the fraud to the company's customer care department. Talking to a supervisor doesn't do much good because all they can really do is provide the disclaimers and give you the exact same information I just gave (really, that's it)... and at any given moment, the floor supervisor can easily have 10 to 15 things that need to be done so adding to the workload is taking away from someone else who needs to have the supervisor (be it for a language transfer if a call was misrouted to an english speaking CA when they needed spanish or a gender transfer when the deaf user needs a specific gender, or shift change handoffs, or making determinations on whether or not technical difficulties are bad enough to either handoff the call or ask the deaf user to place the call again with a different CA, or watching call flow to make sure not too many people are on break at any given time, etc).
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Thanks for the info Smileyeagle. Scammers like the one who kept calling really piss me off! It was obvious that the guy was a scammer because he sounded like the Nigerian emails that are always going around.


        • #5
          I may have had a scam relay call the other night. I was asked to reserve 20 rooms, but when I told the person that group bookings go through a mngr, they hung up.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...

