i wonder how that would taste
i got into work at 2 today. i didnt think today would be too bad. it was sunny out but not warm so maybe the kids would stay away. (that didnt work)
the first idiot i dealt with was within my first 30 mins being there. i wrote it down to be my idiot of the day but i had far too many today to choose from.
i got called up to help ring. i call "i can take whoever's next"
lady: "oh...are you here?" wtf
throws bag of popcorn on counter.
"i dont need a bag"
i tell her the total.
*throws the money at me.* 2 bucks had to throw them at me separately i guess. bitch.
i love it when im ringing and i take the next person and theyre like "oh, are you open?"
WTF>> did u not just see me ring someone? bastard
anyways. there were a TON of kids today. oh joy.ihatekids. scavenger hunt. who the hell, by the way, puts condoms on a scavenger hunt. really.
some lady asked if we had any more Tide on sale. i go look, yup.. plenty. i go up front and tell her yes we have some. and her and my cw D asked was there some in the back. i was like
theres plenty out on the shelf. the lady was like "really where?" i tell her "aisle 7, all the way down on the left"
"ohhhh i didnt look down the aisle"
WTF. she only looked at the front endcap, which btw had Purex and Cascade....she then proceeded to walk down aisle 8. and i was like *EHEM* aisle 7 *point*
Had a floater pharmacist, old, slow. that was fun...
watched a bunch of kids all day. cuz you know, you really wanna spend your day at seavee-ess. playing with Axe, makeup or condoms. what a fun day!
i had to clean up makeup from 2 different areas.
i noticed this :

and in another area saw someone used foundation to write I *heart* U
the lipstick came off easy. the foundation didnt. luckily i found i was able to take out the panel and flip it. also found 2 stolen Maybelline Vibrating mascaras. bitches.
The Cherry
I see this guy. looks familiar. then it hits me
this guy steals from us. we can never catch him. but we see it on camera afterwords all the time
so i run and tell my cw L to keep and eye on him and his buddy and i'm gonna watch them from upstairs. so i do and see the big guy shoving crap into his jacket and i get on the phone with the cops and he takes off.
they caught him and 3 other guys in a car on the street out back from us.
257 bucks worth of
Dove soap 6 pk
Caress soap 6pk
Secret Deoderant
3rd time ive had to ID someone.
2nd time ive ridden in a cop car
it was a crazy night. also happened to be the busiest...money wise.
the good part? its over....and the cop was realllly cute
i got into work at 2 today. i didnt think today would be too bad. it was sunny out but not warm so maybe the kids would stay away. (that didnt work)
the first idiot i dealt with was within my first 30 mins being there. i wrote it down to be my idiot of the day but i had far too many today to choose from.
i got called up to help ring. i call "i can take whoever's next"
lady: "oh...are you here?" wtf
throws bag of popcorn on counter.
"i dont need a bag"
i tell her the total.
*throws the money at me.* 2 bucks had to throw them at me separately i guess. bitch.
i love it when im ringing and i take the next person and theyre like "oh, are you open?"
WTF>> did u not just see me ring someone? bastard
anyways. there were a TON of kids today. oh joy.ihatekids. scavenger hunt. who the hell, by the way, puts condoms on a scavenger hunt. really.
some lady asked if we had any more Tide on sale. i go look, yup.. plenty. i go up front and tell her yes we have some. and her and my cw D asked was there some in the back. i was like

"ohhhh i didnt look down the aisle"
WTF. she only looked at the front endcap, which btw had Purex and Cascade....she then proceeded to walk down aisle 8. and i was like *EHEM* aisle 7 *point*
Had a floater pharmacist, old, slow. that was fun...
watched a bunch of kids all day. cuz you know, you really wanna spend your day at seavee-ess. playing with Axe, makeup or condoms. what a fun day!
i had to clean up makeup from 2 different areas.
i noticed this :

and in another area saw someone used foundation to write I *heart* U
the lipstick came off easy. the foundation didnt. luckily i found i was able to take out the panel and flip it. also found 2 stolen Maybelline Vibrating mascaras. bitches.
The Cherry
I see this guy. looks familiar. then it hits me

this guy steals from us. we can never catch him. but we see it on camera afterwords all the time
so i run and tell my cw L to keep and eye on him and his buddy and i'm gonna watch them from upstairs. so i do and see the big guy shoving crap into his jacket and i get on the phone with the cops and he takes off.
they caught him and 3 other guys in a car on the street out back from us.
257 bucks worth of
Dove soap 6 pk
Caress soap 6pk
Secret Deoderant
3rd time ive had to ID someone.
2nd time ive ridden in a cop car
it was a crazy night. also happened to be the busiest...money wise.
the good part? its over....and the cop was realllly cute
