So, I was cleaning the UScans at one point last night, and in the middle of cleaning one, I get called off to help someone on another UScan, so I leave my paper towel and water bottle on the one I was busy cleaning, as I have done ever so many times. No biggie.
I return from helping the customer, only to find someone taking my paper towel, moving it aside and throwing it on the floor! "Excuse me, but that's my cleaning towel you just threw on the floor!"
Multiple layers of suck here: Making the lane open because she wanted to use it, tossing what she obviously thought was trash ON THE FLOOR! No concern about the lane being wet?
To top it off, it turned out the customer on the next lane over was her neighbor, and they got into a massive talk when they both finished. She had her whole family with her, he was alone, but had a massive purchase to be made. And they just stood there, taking up the two UScans, for a good thirty minutes, not moving, just blocking the way for everyone else!
I return from helping the customer, only to find someone taking my paper towel, moving it aside and throwing it on the floor! "Excuse me, but that's my cleaning towel you just threw on the floor!"
Multiple layers of suck here: Making the lane open because she wanted to use it, tossing what she obviously thought was trash ON THE FLOOR! No concern about the lane being wet?
To top it off, it turned out the customer on the next lane over was her neighbor, and they got into a massive talk when they both finished. She had her whole family with her, he was alone, but had a massive purchase to be made. And they just stood there, taking up the two UScans, for a good thirty minutes, not moving, just blocking the way for everyone else!