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Typical Workday.

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  • Typical Workday.

    At the liquor store that I work at, I'm very rarely actually written on the schedule. This job is my extra spending money job and I am only available to work late evenings and all day Sunday. Despite this, I average about 2-3 shifts a week on call-ins alone. I was called in this Sunday.

    I Do The Work of 3 Men!!
    I was called in to work a mid-shift, a nice easy 5 hour shift. The CW who originally had the shift was sick (or drunk, or just sleepy and couldn't be bothered).
    Whatever. I like money.
    Halfway through the shift, the MOD came up to me and asked whether I would be available to stay an extra couple of hours. One of the evening CW's just called in sick (see above).
    Whatever. I still really like money and had nothing else planned.
    After changeover, the evening MOD slinks up to me awkwardly. Turns out the 2nd evening CW also decided to call in sick (etc), and would I be able to stay till close?
    Sigh. Whatever. I'm saving up for a Con, so every little bit counts.
    In the end, on my one day off of the week, I ended up working 10 hours while covering for 3 of my male CW's. There was only Me, one female CW, and the MOD working in our huge and easy to steal from liquor store in a bad neighbourhood. And the store was stocked and spotless by close with no actual thefts.
    I am just that awesome.

    Unsmooth Criminal
    All our liquor bottles have sensor tags on them. They fit around the neck of the bottle, usually around the seal for the lid. These are ALWAYS taken off at purchase and we reuse them.
    Enter SC.
    Now, SC is the stereotypical gangster wannabe. The jeans that are held up through sheer will, long shirt that comes down to their knees, and sideway hat with flat rim. In essence, a douche.
    SC tries to strut around the store (hard to do with pants halfway down your legs) while he looks through our magnificent liquor collection. My CW notices him pick up a mid-sized bottle and a small bottle. He holds the small bottle with a straight arm by his side. CW gives him a glare because that body language just screams "I'm trying to subtly hide this bottle in my pocket! Don't look at me while I do this!" He notices her looking, and decides my till on the other side of the store is the way to go.
    Note--> I didn't know of any of this at the time.
    So...he comes through my till and buys a mid-sized bottle of liquor. All is well until he goes to walk out the door.
    Okay...I get him back in the store, double check I removed the sensor, then start asking the usual questions. 'Any CD's or DVD's on your person, sensor tags from other stores, etc?'
    MOD turns up.
    Same questions asked, then MOD requests SC to lift up the bottom of his shirt.
    Dumbass does.
    Looky! Small bottle of liquor with tag still intact!
    He tries to argue that he had bought it earlier.
    MOD can't be bothered with all the BS this will result in (I'm now an expert at filling out incident reports for police!) so he grabs both bottles of SC, refunds the money and bans him from the store.
    SC tries to argue. MOD and Me both point out his idiocy and tell him to f#*k off.
    SC finally leaves. Store wide conversation on what a moronic dickhead he is results.

    I Have A Nemesis
    I don't often work on till. Generally I'm a floor person. I rock at floor and stock. That, and every time I go on till, the crazies just seem to flock to me.
    Case in point, Crazy Beer Man (CBM).
    Now, I have no idea who he is. All I know is he seems to like our companies brand of beer.
    And that we are mortal enemies.

    CBM makes a point to go trough my till.
    This is hour 8 of my fun filled shift. I am currently bored and watching the tv above my till.

    ME: Hi there.
    CBM: Hello.
    I scan the 3 single beers he has brought up and bag them for him.
    CBM: You don't like me.
    ME: Oh. Okay. Why don't I like you?
    CBM: I don't know. You just don't. I think it's because I speak my mind.
    ME: Oh. Well, that'll be $6.
    CBM: You don't like me, but that's okay, because I'm going to be the better man in this.
    ME: In my not liking you?
    CBM: Yes. I'm going to be the better man no matter what you do.
    ME: But doesn't stating the fact that I don't like you to my face in fact make you the instigator, and me ignoring any such dispute the better person in the argument?
    CBM: I don't care what you say, I'm going to be the better man. It doesn't bother me that you don't like me, because I'm the better man.
    ME: ....right.
    I give him his change and go back to the tv.
    CBM: You just think you're so much better than me. But I'm the better man.

    I ended up walking of to face the liquor shelves. That's an argument I'm just never gonna win.
    Looking back, I may have questioned him on a price of a 6 pack of beer on my 2nd day on the job. He was right, I was wrong. I apologised. Apparently he tends to hold a grudge.

  • #2
    I'm sorry. Shopping just seems to bring out the very worst in people.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Quoth SansDoute View Post
      SC finally leaves. Store wide conversation on what a moronic dickhead he is results.
      That is one aspect of retail I truly miss.

      Quoth SansDoute View Post
      CBM: You don't like me.
      "Just trying to be fair. I dislike all of my customers equally."
      I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
      - Bill Watterson

      My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
      - IPF


      • #4
        I consider applying at a liquor store but my liver says no on account of dealing with customers would mean all my money and health would go into buying alcohol.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #5
          That man in the third story, I think you are on to something: he seems to be someone who holds grudges, ergo, he thinks other people are like that too. His train of thought probably is: "Oh, I once proved that person wrong, they must still hate me for that". While in your mind, this was just a small thing that is in the past, something you left behind. Some people don't know how to leave things behind.


          • #6
            Quoth Julesy View Post
            That man in the third story, I think you are on to something: he seems to be someone who holds grudges, ergo, he thinks other people are like that too. His train of thought probably is: "Oh, I once proved that person wrong, they must still hate me for that". While in your mind, this was just a small thing that is in the past, something you left behind. Some people don't know how to leave things behind.
            That reminds me of a student I had. Student X was pretty good -- did some good work, made some mistakes. Student X didn't like being corrected. Few people doe.

            At midterms, I told Student X, "You are doing a good job. Keep it up!"

            Student X said, "I'm doing good in this class, no matter what you say! You aren't going to stop me!"


            Sometimes people hear what they want to hear.

