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Two more days...I can't wait til it's over

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  • Two more days...I can't wait til it's over

    Well, the procrastinators are out in full force this fine weekend. There's only 2 shopping days left til Christmas and our store is being taken over by idiots who just can't understand why there's nothing 'good' left to buy or are so damn lazy they refuse to even look for 2 minutes for whatever it is they think they want.

    SC: "Is this ALL you have??? You would think that since it's the biggest shopping season of the year you'd have more of a selection."


    SC: "Where are the women's socks?"

    Me: *crickets* (points to the women's socks which are two feet from this idiot's head.)

    SC: (already pissed) "Do I have to drive all the way across town (5 miles BTW) to the other store to get some slippers. WHERE ARE THE SLIPPERS?"

    Me: "They're in the shoe dept."

    SC: "WELL! My daughter is a manager in this store and I have a (name of store) credit card. You work here and I expected customer service and you're very poor at it." Walks away.

    Me: Merry f*****g Christmas to you, too. (I didn't say it. Not out loud anyway.)

    I just keep telling myself it's almost over.
    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    I hear ya. Love the ones who are pissed that we ran out of boxes. Sorry, they didn't send us enough. Get over it.
    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


    • #3
      I got off work an hour late tonight (and last night too, le sigh), and to my surprise, there was a freaking LINE at register one at a quarter to 1AM! Jeebus people, go home and go to bed!


      • #4
        I've been getting off at least an hour late every day I've worked since Thanksgiving. I work to closing tomorrow (which is only 6 pm, thankfully). I refuse to stay later tomorrow. I frankly couldn't care less what the hell the store looks like when I leave. Kill me now.

        Also, regular craft store shoppers are quirky, insane and infuriating in their own special ways...Christmas craft store shoppers are complete and total morons. Gah, we still have people coming in looking for the dang flags.

        And the phones. What moron thought it would be a good idea to put the phones at the registers? How is this a good idea? And why oh why do the dumbasses who call in not realize that they Do NOT get priority over the customers who are physically in the store?

        There was a customer who wanted someone who look up a product to see if it was on sale. Fine. We could have done that at the register. I told her I'd have to put her on hold. I put her on hold and checked people out. It took forever, and there was no lull. So apparently she hung up. Only to call back pissed off "I've been on hold forever, all I want to know is..."... The other cashier told her she was sorry but we were busy...and put her back on hold. Whether or not she was ever helped, I don't know. Don't care either.

        Then there was the jackass who called wanting to know about a class she'd signed up for. My line was many many people long so I could not check it out for her. I put her on hold and paged someone who could (usually). A few minutes later she called back, I answered again, and she had that bitchy "I've been on hold a very long time" tone. And I told her "We ARE BUSY, you ARE going to have to be put on hold", before she ever finished her bitchy spew. Again, whether or not she was helped is beyond the realm of things that I care about.

        Then there was a woman who wanted to know the name of another establishment in our shopping center. I told her I didn't know it, and put her on hold. Mostly because it was near the end of my shift and I was tired of morons calling for stupid things. And this was the dumbest. After about 5-7 minutes of hearing the phone beep, one of the other cashiers caved in and told her the name of the place. Whatever. I know it was petty, but I felt very petty.

        Seriously you call a store DECEMBER 22, do not be surprised if you are put on hold. YOU will be dealt with eventually. If it's THAT important, drive your ass out there like everyone else and find out yourself. Because I care very very little about whether or not you get the imformation you want.

        And again..a clue to the location of the bathroom. It's underneath that GIANT RED SIGN that says RESTROOMS. Seriously, it's not a trick. We're not trying to confuse you, it's really there.

        I'm afraid I might just explode this weekend.
        you are = you're. not "your".


        • #5
          I just want to apologize, because I was one of those procrastinators.. only because I did my grandma's shopping for her (she doesn't get out much) and she didn't tell me what she wanted me to buy until yesterday.

          Edit: I just wanted to clarify that I didn't get angry/upset because they didn't have exactly what I was looking for, I knew I'd be lucky if I found the right stuff and made substitutions if they didn't have the item.


          • #6
            Quoth Retail Associate View Post
            SC: "Is this ALL you have??? You would think that since it's the biggest shopping season of the year you'd have more of a selection."


            SC: (already pissed) "Do I have to drive all the way across town (5 miles BTW) to the other store to get some slippers. WHERE ARE THE SLIPPERS?"

            Me: "They're in the shoe dept."

            SC: "WELL! My daughter is a manager in this store and I have a (name of store) credit card. You work here and I expected customer service and you're very poor at it." Walks away.

            Me: Merry f*****g Christmas to you, too. (I didn't say it. Not out loud anyway.)

            I just keep telling myself it's almost over.
            To SC#1: And you'd think people wouldn't go out 3 days before Christmas but whatever.
            As for Sc#3 What'd they expect you to run up with all available slippers??? Even then they'd be pissed? Is this ALL YOU HAVE???

            Yeah, we had a woman cursed out an electronics associate because we didn't have a Wii. She said she'd go on the website and file a complaint. Another woman passing by says, "Do it! it's totally great to get these losers fired!!!"
            Yeah, it's all our fault that you waited until the last minute to buy one of the hottest gifts of the season. Jerks. Of course after Christmas they come in and return all the stuff they just "had" to have.


            • #7
              And this is why I've been doing my Christmas shopping off and on since October, and I'll be finishing up sometime next month.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Holidays bring out the worst in people, especially tourists. Yesterday the state had tire chain requirements up and for the most part people were being ok. I had a couple hanging around the store deciding whether they wanted to go skiing bad enough to buy chains to get there and were bordering on becoming SC's. I was on the phone with someone and within earshot of both of them started talking about how the holidays tends to bring out the worst in people, how I'm tired of getting blamed for the weather, etc, etc but that so far only a few had been that bad...
                When they did finally decide to come to the counter, their attitude had improved a bit.

                Last year however, it was storming on New Years, had stormed most of the kids holiday weeks off and when it storms we have to work, somtimes around the clock depending. New Years day I had had enough of the bitching, enough of the shoplifting, enough of picking up after people, enough of people dumping their trash in the parking lot, enough of people in general. I don't even remember what the conflict was but I walked away from a customer, told my Mother-in-law the place was all hers, and spent the day upstairs in the stores apartment watching spongebob with my daughter.

                They drove me to Spongebob!

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #9
                  understand that, people still think they can get tony romo jerseys. well im going to brave the masses and go out shopping b/c i dont know what to tell my mom to get me so i fully understand that theres nothing left but i dont even know what i want so, whats left is something i might get or just get money and figure it out later. i have a co-worker and my second job and like to shop and the last days since there are bigger sales to get rid of stuff.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, we had a woman cursed out an electronics associate because we didn't have a Wii. She said she'd go on the website and file a complaint. Another woman passing by says, "Do it! it's totally great to get these losers fired!!!"

                    What a pair of bitches! (especially #2 for offering her totally worthless and unasked for opinion)
                    ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

