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vacation rental nazi 2

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  • vacation rental nazi 2

    A lady called me and asked for her check out time to be extended because she has kids and they can't be out by 10. I told her I am sorry it's not possible. She then says to me that she was not asking, she was telling and she doesn't care what time the check out is, she is leaving at 2 PM. I told her housekeeping would be there shortly after 10 and she said she wasnt letting them in. I told her they have a key and if she refuses to leave, security will come and escort her off the premises. She said I wouldnt dare call security on her and if I did, there would be "hell to pay". Of course, she talked to the manager and got her late check out and the manager scolded me and said the lady was really sweet and I shouldnt have threatended to call the police on her and then made me call the woman and apologize. UGGGGGGGGG!!!!

  • #2
    This manger need to be fired, from your descriptions he/she is allowing customers to abuse employees and other customers, and rewards the SCs for their bad attitude. Write to the owner or corporate affars and tell thim of this manager's behaviour, and document every time he breaks a company policy. As for the SCs they deserve this:


    • #3
      Why bother having a checkout time, then?

      I don't like people today.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        So, if the room was already booked for the next customer, which is highly likely this time of year, what are you supposed to tell the next guest(s)? Will the mis-manager make you apologize to them, and have you take the brunt of their displeasure?

        And if this selfish, arrogant bitch would not have been one, and and asked kindly AND had a legitimite reason other than she is incapable of getting her lazy kids' asses up and out of there, you may have been able to accomodate her, if the room hadn't been rebooked.

        That was total Bullshit that the mismanager made you apologize. If you actually just threatened to call Security, as you first indicated that's acceptable in my book. If you had threatened to call Police, that may have been overkill early in the discussion, but would have been ok if the situation escalated, or continued for any great length of time.



        • #5
          As I said in the other thread, report your manager pronto. This person is going to sink your business with decisions like this!


          • #6
            Quoth at_your_service View Post
            I told her I am sorry it's not possible. She then says to me that she was not asking, she was telling and she doesn't care what time the check out is, she is leaving at 2 PM.
            Ah yes. This is how mature adults ask for accommodations, isn't it?

            And she has kids! Plural! Gah!
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
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            • #7
              On the bright side, the way our legal systems seem to be heading, by the time her kids grow up, they'll be able to sue her for parental malpractice.

              "Your honor, it is our case that the defendedent deliberately did not teach her children responsibility. We're requesting $50,000 per year for our clients, as they are now incapable of making responsible choices...."


              • #8
                What the hell is her problem with her kids that it takes her an additional four hours to check out?

                When I was little, the person that took the longest to get ready to leave a hotel was my mom. Our bags were always mostly packed and ready to go the night before.


                • #9
                  Okay, the story is... well, sucky, of course. But thats what happens. Managers don't back up their employees because of Lackofspineitis, it's a sad disease that makes Managers whimpering babies that bend in unnatural ways for the whims of morons.

                  But, what teeves me about this story? He made you apologize. I would outright REFUSE to do so. You were doing your job, you informed her of the policy that cannot be changed, and she bluntly refused. Informing her Security would escort her out if she did not leave the room by check out was not only right, it was more polite than just sending them up without warning.
                  "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
                  ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

