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I hate people who skip in line! They always give you the same excuse.

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  • I hate people who skip in line! They always give you the same excuse.

    A while back, I was at the bagel store buying bialys (Jewish form of English muffins with an onion-like taste) It usually takes a few minutes for anyone because not only are you ordering the food, you also have to order the spreads or cream cheeses. I patiently waited in line for the man in front of me, who was ordering his cream cheese, nova, lox, etc. When it was my turn, this woman of about 70, a seasonal customer who lives in Florida four months of the year, jumps right in front of me and starts telling the guy behind the counter what she wanted. I told her, "Excuse me, maam, but I was next." She proceeded to tell me, "Oh, I didn't see you there." This really burns me at times because she knew I was right in front of her. I also get this quite often in grocery stores or anywhere else where you have to wait your turn. I responded to this with, "You people always say the same thing when another person notices and speaks out against your actions like that!" She was taken aback on this, not expecting someone young enough to be her son to speak to her that way. I'm an adult, and as an adult, I will point out when you're being sneaky, thank you very much.

    The same thing happens in grocery stores. Quite often, at the local Publix, I have had that happen even when you're supposed to take a number. You always get that customer who will say, "Oh, I didn't know you were supposed to take a number" when the sign is right in front of them showing this. I've actually had it happen with the same customer more than once. So, what happens there? Do they conveniently forget this policy once they exit the place of business?

    I don't know about you all, but I had to wait my turn and followed the procedures set in place. Why do these people think they're above it all, and think they are entitled to special treatment? Enquiring minds want to know.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 04-04-2007, 03:16 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    I don't know about you all, but I had to wait my turn and followed the procedures set in place. Why do these people think they're above it all, and think they are entitled to special treatment? Enquiring minds want to know.
    I think most of the people who do this figure that most people would be so polite, they won't bother saying something about it. Worse case scenario, if they do, they'll use the "I didn't see you" line.

    The ones I really feel for are those behind the counter. It's really a no-win scenario; if you allow the person to bypass the entire line, the other customers would be upset, with good reason. However, if you ignore the line cutter, you'll never hear the end of their incessant whining.


    • #3
      Quoth nick1091 View Post
      I think most of the people who do this figure that most people would be so polite, they won't bother saying something about it. Worse case scenario, if they do, they'll use the "I didn't see you" line.

      The ones I really feel for are those behind the counter. It's really a no-win scenario; if you allow the person to bypass the entire line, the other customers would be upset, with good reason. However, if you ignore the line cutter, you'll never hear the end of their incessant whining.
      Did I mention I live in South Florida? Politeness does not fit in around here although the snowbirds think it does. They're rude and discourteous and think because we're polite here, we'll just give in to them. I've lived here most of my life, and it got to where you learn to stand up for yourself. You get so fed up with being polite instead of standing up for yourself, and this is why my line for that is "You people always say the same thing!"
      Last edited by greensinestro; 12-28-2006, 05:26 PM.


      • #4
        It's not ALWAYS the same line. I had one gentleman jump ahead of me, while I was in the "pickup" line at a pharmacy. He completely ignored the line, walked right up to the window. I said, "I guess some people don't feel lines don't apply to THEM." He came back with, "I'm sorry, I didn't know there's a line. BUT my daughter is in pain, so I'm in a hurry." (Implying that this gives him the right to be sucky.) I just came back with, "So, I guess that means my WIFE'S pain doesn't count. And SHE just had surgery today!" Then, and ONLY then, did he realize that the world didn't revolve around him, and said, "Okay, I'm sorry. You were in line, YOU go ahead of ME!" I just turned it around at him, and laid the HUGE guilt trip on him: "No, you go. Obviously, your daughter's pain is more important than the rest of the world."

        After all, really, another 3 minutes in line wouldn't be a problem for my wife's pain, as it was still a 20 minute drive home to get it to her. Heck, one green light that would otherwise have been red would make that up! And it was worth it to get this self-centered jerk to think that there are indeed others in the world who are in as much pain (likely more, actually) as his precious daughter.
        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


        • #5
          Not to be an elderly hater, but I tend to find the most people who budge are senior citizens.

          If anyone recalls a thread where I told the JCPenny story (yes, I was forced to go there with my mum once, although after the false accusations against me shoplifting, I had to bring mummy to the store), my mom and I were waiting in line and an elderly couple were one second behind us, and then they stepped apart, and one elbowed me out of the way and one elbowed my mom out of the way (well not really elbowed because they were both to weak, but you know what I mean). I opened my mouth to let them have it, but my mom stopped me and just let them get away with it.

          I find a lot of old people who are normally very slow tend to speed right up when they want to get in line and their cart magically turns into a Nascar car and they can zip right on in front of you.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Every morning we have the mall walkers come in for their senior coffees. They could just leave the exact change on the counter and grab their cups--some do--and I'd be just fine with that. And yet, they politely wait in line like everyone else. So I was especially flabbergasted this summer when some lady came in, in a hurry, got into it with my boss about something or other--I don't remember what--and on her march to fill her cup at the soda machine, practically knocked one of the old ladies over. The poor lady had her coffee spill over in the fray.
            To top it off, the SC was walking away when my boss informed her that we still owed her some change--she'd given us a bit too much--and instead of accepting it and saying thank you, she yelled--yelled!--at my boss about it. Well, excuuuuuuuuuse us for being honest, even AFTER you mowed down the old people!
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • #7
              My response to the "Oh, I didn't see you/see the sign" is "Well, you see me now. And your place in line is behind me (or behind whomever is last in line)." With a big o'le grin on your face. Call 'em out on it, but don't let them get away with anything either.


              • #8
                Quoth Reyneth View Post
                My response to the "Oh, I didn't see you/see the sign" is "Well, you see me now. And your place in line is behind me (or behind whomever is last in line)."

                That's good. I'd probably add something about questioning their need to get an eye exam as soon as possible.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  I'll admit I'm guilty of having done this once. I was in line at the U-Scans at my grocery store. There was a man in front of me gabbing away loudly about his hemorrhoids (for which he was buying cream) and a station at the far end opened up. I waited for him to notice, and waited, and waited. The cashier running the U-Scans even waved at him, pointed, and called "Sir! There is a station open over here!" twice and then finally shrugged and waved me over. I wanted to go home, get tushie ouchies off my mind and bake my brownies (mmm...brownies), so I went. As soon as I did, you'd think I had run over his first born with a tank for all the screaming and carrying on he did.

                  Because of the courage I've gained from this site (or is it lack of concern for the jerk's feelings?) I turned and yelled right back "Sir, shut up. I waited for you, the chashier waved and called at you. If you're so concerned, get off the damn phone and pay attention." It was about then that security came over and stood next to me, glaring at the guy for making such a ruckuss. I paid my $3 and walked right out. Codgy old fart.


                  • #10
                    Hate it, hate it, hate it!
                    I can't stand people who skip in lines both as a customer myself and also back when I used to work at the till and had to sort out who was next. Luckily, now no one wants to deal with me, so no one is tempted to skip in line. They actually go "No, you go first!".

                    I have agree with blas87, the elderly are the worst. It's like God-given right to budge when you're older than someone in that entire line. One story (of many) from the book store: I'm about ring this guy's books up, when this "lady" storms to my till and hands me her shopping. I tell her that sorry, he was here first, but of course she won't take any of it. She starts to complain that her knees hurt and I, still nicely, tell her that she'll have to wait for her turn. "MY KNEES HURT!" is the reply and she keeps on repeating that for some time, so I decide to ring her up as fast as I can to get rid of her. I'm still quite polite, although not exactly miss Sunshine anymore. During the transaction, she mutters about her knees. When I hand her change and receipt, she throws the receipt at me! Ok, throwing a piece of paper won't cause any damage, but throwing things still sucks. "Lady" leaves and I apologize the guy whose turn it was. He's really symphatetic and says something like "That's ok, I saw it all" . It's possible that the"lady's" knees really hurt but being elderly and in pain still doesn't give the right to behave like that (espacially if the pain doesn't stop you from shopping, only from standing in line).

                    And I too have nothing against the elderly, only SC's of any age.
                    Last edited by MissVendetta; 12-29-2006, 08:47 AM. Reason: spelling


                    • #11
                      My biggest pet peeve when I'm on register is when people actually barge into my line from behind me. These guys are the ones that usually have a fistfull of bottle return slips, or coinstar slips. And sometimes, just as I'm trying to just get them out of the line, and give them their cash, THEY ASK FOR CIGARETTES! All while other people have just come into the lane, and are waiting behind one of these guys.

                      The nerve of some people.


                      • #12
                        Great stories to tell on this post. I forgot to mention the man a while back at Walgreen's who did something like this. Pharmacies in South Florida are the worst when it comes to people skipping in line. This man actually came up, slammed his checkbook down and began writing a check, right in front of me. When the pharmacist asked what he was doing, he said, "Oh, I was writing you all a check for my medication. Would you get it for me? The name is............." The pharmacist told him she was sorry, but there were people already ahead of him. He responded with, "The line wasn't moving fast enough, so I thought you needed a new line." In other words, he was inventing a new line! Too bad only one person was there to assist, so I'm not sure if he was also out to invent a new pharmacist!


                        • #13
                          i Ive always said when people turn 65 Its like they have a license to be a jackass
                          The Pens 2009 Stanley Cup Champs

                          Listen to some Steely Dan Tonight its good for Ya

                          Il Son Patie


                          • #14
                            My grandmother was old during the entire time I knew her, and not always in the best health.

                            My aunt (father's sister) was also an older lady who had some health issues.

                            My mother is currently in her seventies, and in good health overall, but not exactly about to run any marathons.

                            That being said, all three of them would scold me to the umpteenth length if I ever used any of the lame excuses some of the "older" people used in this thread. Heck, chances are my aunt and grandma would do more than scold, and actually take skin off of me with their verbal lashing! And god help anyone who tried to pull that stunt with them. Aunt H. and Grandma would blast them into the next world. They were raised to be polite and respectful, they raised their kids and grandkids to be polite and respectful, and they sure as hell would not take any crap from some old biddy (or young biddy for that matter) that decided to cut in line in front of them because they thought themselves more important than those already in line.

                            Personally, I could have sold tickets for the ensuing eruption. These women did not let themselves get pushed around. And while my grandmother was tiny (picture Yoda with white hair and glasses), she had the fight and fury of Shaq Fu in her when she felt she was wronged.

                            My mom is more polite and less confrontational than either of those great ladies were, but she still would stand her own in her quieter way.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Yesterday, I was buying a few things before I started work. A customer had me move over so she could go through the line and get in the line the correct way.

                              I told the checker that the customer could've gone around. The checker agreed with me and I paid for my items and went to the service desk for my paycheck.
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