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Fizzy Unprofessionalism

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  • Fizzy Unprofessionalism

    The other day at work had an entertaining little incident. Now, I may have been a bit cranky due to an incident at work that involved some serious allegations directed at yours truly. (Allegations which I brilliantly and completely defused, I might add. This incident may be posted sometime soon in Morons in Management.) In any case....

    A group of four (one older lady, two 20's something ladies, and one 20's something guy) walks up to the bar as I am steady, but not overly busy. Orders six gin and tonics, to take with them on a walking tour. (Yes, you can walk around with drinks down here. Have I mentioned that this place rocks?) So....I make them their six gin and tonics. As I am about to start handing to them, the following conversation ensues...

    SCDUDE: "Aren't you going to shake those?"
    JESTER: "Huh?"
    SCDUDE: "Aren't you going to shake our drinks?"
    (Yes, he wanted me to shake gin and tonics. You know….drinks with a carbonated beverage as part of it.)
    JESTER: “Actually, I hadn’t planned on it, no.”
    SCDUDE: “We always get our gin and tonics shaken.”
    (I must point out that it was not just this dude. The three women with him were nodding their heads, like it is the most perfectly obvious thing in the world that a gin and tonic should be shaken. Maybe they think they should be flat, I don’t know, but they were all in agreement here, and looking at me like I was a moron.)
    JESTER: “Well, I’ve never shaken them. I don’t drink gin and tonics, but I have never seen them shaken anywhere, either.”
    SCDUDE: “Well, how else would you get them mixed up?”
    JESTER: “Huh?!?!?”
    SCDUDE: “How else would you get the gin and tonic mixed together?”
    (I resisted the urge to point out why they call that little straw a STIR straw, and, to make them happy, I poured each drink into my mixing tin, then back into the cup, effectively mixing the drink without shaking a carbonated beverage and making a huge mess. And it would have ended there, but this guy had to go too far.)
    JESTER: “There you go….all mixed together.”
    SCDUDE: [i](condescendingly)[/i}“Damn, dude. How long have you been bartending? Did you just start this week or what?”
    (I stopped what I was doing, which was putting their drinks on the bar for them, and just LOOKED at the guy.)
    JESTER: “Do you not want your drinks? Because you sure are going about it the right way.”
    SCDUDE: “Um, yes, I want them. How much are they?”

    I took his money and his (not surprisingly) pathetic tip, and sent these yahoos on their way.

    Generally it is not a good idea to insult your bartender or his ability when you are attempting to get drinks from him. My coworkers said I was far too nice.* Personally, I think I got a little unprofessional there, but he went too far. It is one thing to ask for your drink to be shaken, when it normally is not. And gin and tonics are NOT shaken, thank you very much. But to then question my competence and experience because I don’t make their drinks the way they expected? Because NO ONE makes their drinks the way these people expected!

    Perhaps not my most shining moment, but definitely an example of an SC!

    *My one coworker said he would have said, “Sir, you obviously are too drunk to be drinking any more, so I won’t be able to serve you these drinks.”

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    As people tell me every day and as I'm sure I've told you before (and if I haven't, I should have) -- people are idiots. They all want to feel smarter than someone. And when you prove them wrong? They just insist more, as they don't like admitting they're wrong. I'm sure he was trying to be all cool like Bond, James Bond.

    Though I agree with your co-worker -- you were too nice. You're snarkiness is MADE for these kinds of people.

    And that snarkiness if why I love ya!
    "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

    I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


    • #3
      I was thinking the Bond thing too. Uhhh.....I think you're thinking of a funky gin and vermouth, dude....


      • #4
        I can see a cartoon of this one...



        • #5
          Jester shakes gin and tonics, opens shaker pointing at stupid guy spraying him with said drink. As SG is standing there dripping, Jester points out in his unique way "That is why G&Ts are not shaken." and then goes about his bartending business.
          Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

          I'm a case study.


          • #6
            Quoth Cia View Post
            Jester shakes gin and tonics, opens shaker pointing at stupid guy spraying him with said drink. As SG is standing there dripping, Jester points out in his unique way "That is why G&Ts are not shaken." and then goes about his bartending business.
            Actually, that is exactly what a third coworker said I should have done.

            But knowing my luck, I would have sprayed someone else at the bar, and THAT would not have been good!

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              He probably shakes his rum & Coke, too.

              I usually reserve my G&T experiences for home consumption, as a don't like fizzy soda pop. Yup, I like flat tonic w/my gin!
              Yes, you were much nicer than was required. Good Jester! <hands Jester a libation of his choice>


              • #8
                There was me thinking the method was:

                Put ice and lemon into glass.
                Pour in Gin
                Pour in Tonic
                ludo ergo sum


                • #9
                  I don't like people telling me how to sling hash, either. I'm telling you, I CAN'T CUT A GYRO IN HALF! Nor can I make french fries without oil nor fried chicken without eggs. Listen I might make less money than you, but maybe I know a bit more about cooking than you do, hmm? It is my JOB. Especially since most people nowadays can't even make a simple pot of applesauce. Which is why they buy it in jars. Canned applesauce! That's like that microwave popcorn that's designed to taste like the stuff you make in a saucepan, so it is essentially a microwave version of a food that is already insanely easy to prepare. And . . . what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, gin and tonic. I prefer it with lime.
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #10
                    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                    I was thinking the Bond thing too. Uhhh.....I think you're thinking of a funky gin and vermouth, dude....
                    Which makes me wonder -- I thought James Bond was supposed to be smart and sophisticated -- but you DON'T shake a vodka martini! It "bruises" the alcohol, making it taste bitter. Stirring results in a better drink!
                    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                    • #11
                      Quoth Captain Trips View Post
                      Which makes me wonder -- I thought James Bond was supposed to be smart and sophisticated -- but you DON'T shake a vodka martini! It "bruises" the alcohol, making it taste bitter. Stirring results in a better drink!
                      Actually, some bartenders theorize the reason why Bond preferred his Vodka martinis shaken was because he ordered Potato based Vodka in his martinis(when available), and as anyone knows, at least back in the time the Bond books were written, Potato based vodkas were somewhat oily, and by ordering his drink specifically shaken, it was for the purpose to disperse the oil.


                      • #12
                        Ah yes, the "I can do your job better" type SC. Very annoying and never get the idea that we actually do know what we're doing. Best response is to reply with "Well sir, if you think you can do my job better than go ahead here's the bar, enjoy." Then watch the chaos ensue.
                        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                        • #13
                          Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                          Ah yes, the "I can do your job better" type SC. Very annoying and never get the idea that we actually do know what we're doing. Best response is to reply with "Well sir, if you think you can do my job better than go ahead here's the bar, enjoy." Then watch the chaos ensue.
                          Jester, I second (third?) that you were too nice. My favorite story about this sort of thing:

                          When I was a teenager I worked at my dad's service station in NJ (i.e. I pumped gas). This was full service, where we washed the windows, checked oil, or whatever.

                          One winter night it was about 20 degrees F out. Naturally we were not washing windows. One lady demanded that I wash her windows.

                          Me: I'm sorry, it's too cold to wash the windows, it will freeze.
                          SC: You're just being lazy! Wash the windows.
                          Me: Really, ma'am, the water will freeze.
                          SC: Quit making excuses and do it.

                          So, I got the squeegie and put water all over her front windshield, which instantly froze into an opaque sheet of frost.

                          She went apeshit. I got the owner (i.e. my dad) for her. Apparently she thought we had magical non-freezing water to wash windshields with.

                          My dad just said, "She told you that would happen. Just put your defroster on."

                          My dad rocks sometimes. She had to sit there for 10 minutes till she could see out the windshield.


                          • #14
                            Thats funny stuff..I used to be a bartender for Ruby Tuesday and honestly I don't know what is worse...the SC like you had or the SC's that would come into a chain restaurant and play "stump the bartender" with some obscure drink they had while on vacation on some tiny little beach in the south pacific and then gloat when you told them you did not know how to make it. Freakin idiots you are in a CHAIN FAMILY RESTAURANT, order a beer or a margarita and get out of my face! But please, leave me a decent tip
                            If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                            • #15
                              Ah, Jester, you weren't so bad. :comforting pats: there, there™® I've heard of worse employees.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

