A couple quick stories from the past couple weeks. I've been on a somewhat vacation that ended yesterday because Boyfriend went back home (and I feel horrible). I asked SM if I could work less for the past two weeks and I got 3 days of work, total (which means I must write a thank you note to SM-I thought I'd only get 3 days off total, not 11
). Nevermind that next week I'll have an especially crappy paycheck, but I'll take less money for more time with Boyfriend, to be frank.
Also got a writeup for doing something uncharacteristic of me and yelling at a shoplifter. No real excuse for my actions except I turn into a bitch when I have my "painters in" and I was utterly stressed out over Dad turning into an andropausal bastard about Boyfriend being here; so I did take it out on her, however I did apologize. S2 and LP Guy thought it was hilarious in the end and told me as such privately (because I don't EVER raise my voice to anyone at ANYTIME) and yet I still got punished, which is fair, though. Technically, twice over; because Boyfriend seems to have given me his bacterial pneumonia that he caught. I hurt whenever I breathe and more when I cough.
Why Should I Pay?
A woman and her 3 year old daughter came up to my line and Manager S1 was hanging about in that slightly scary way she does. Woman has an empty Combos packet shoved into an applesauce cup.
"It's ok, this is trash! I don't want it! Here!"
"No ma'am, you have to pay" S1 says.
"No I don't!"
"We caught your daughter on videotape ripping open that packet and you chasing her down the store trying to get them away from her. You must pay or we will call the police."
"But I don't have to pay!"
"You need to pay for your daughter. What else can we tell you?"
"Psht. Fine! Fine! An extra $2 of my money going down the drain! Ugh!"
"Nope, just 79 cents!" I say.
*insert GLARE here, but she does pay*
Selection May Vary By Store
Please do NOT get bitchy when we don't carry your precious "Farmucks" frappucino coffee in 4 packs advertised in the flyer. Accusing me of fraud will do nothing but piss me off. It will not magically grow our cooler by a foot and make them appear. You're lucky S2 was nice enough to substitute the regular ones even though we shouldn't have.
Potato Chips!
Aid of Rite has a sale on potato chips this week, 2 for $5 IICR. This woman grabs S2 as she's coming up to help me ring and spent 5 minutes on this. Here's a summary.
"I don't understand this sale price! Why only these? Why can't I get these tortilla ones instead? This coupon for salsa applies for this, right? Why not this? Why can't I get these dips and these other chips and you accept this coupon for them instead? What do you mean I have to have the coupon to get the credit? I still don't understand!"
Silly Bands
Whoever created those bright colored, silicone "rubber" bands that are in the shape of animals is an utter genius and probably a millionaire by now because EVERYONE wants them. I've had to field 5 questions a day about where they are, when they're in a huge basket right at the checkout with a sign on them and the questioner has to walk past them to see me.
S2 had this other woman-GIGANTIC bust, low cut shirt, tight jeans, the works.
"I have some titty pictures here, can I get them developed?"
"Sure, so long as they're not bad ones."
"Bad pictures? Of my boobs?"
"I meant no pictures of sex acts, no pictures of child pornography, that sort of thing."
Titty woman got her pictures developed and went away happy.

Also got a writeup for doing something uncharacteristic of me and yelling at a shoplifter. No real excuse for my actions except I turn into a bitch when I have my "painters in" and I was utterly stressed out over Dad turning into an andropausal bastard about Boyfriend being here; so I did take it out on her, however I did apologize. S2 and LP Guy thought it was hilarious in the end and told me as such privately (because I don't EVER raise my voice to anyone at ANYTIME) and yet I still got punished, which is fair, though. Technically, twice over; because Boyfriend seems to have given me his bacterial pneumonia that he caught. I hurt whenever I breathe and more when I cough.

Why Should I Pay?
A woman and her 3 year old daughter came up to my line and Manager S1 was hanging about in that slightly scary way she does. Woman has an empty Combos packet shoved into an applesauce cup.
"It's ok, this is trash! I don't want it! Here!"
"No ma'am, you have to pay" S1 says.
"No I don't!"
"We caught your daughter on videotape ripping open that packet and you chasing her down the store trying to get them away from her. You must pay or we will call the police."
"But I don't have to pay!"
"You need to pay for your daughter. What else can we tell you?"
"Psht. Fine! Fine! An extra $2 of my money going down the drain! Ugh!"
"Nope, just 79 cents!" I say.
*insert GLARE here, but she does pay*
Selection May Vary By Store
Please do NOT get bitchy when we don't carry your precious "Farmucks" frappucino coffee in 4 packs advertised in the flyer. Accusing me of fraud will do nothing but piss me off. It will not magically grow our cooler by a foot and make them appear. You're lucky S2 was nice enough to substitute the regular ones even though we shouldn't have.
Potato Chips!
Aid of Rite has a sale on potato chips this week, 2 for $5 IICR. This woman grabs S2 as she's coming up to help me ring and spent 5 minutes on this. Here's a summary.
"I don't understand this sale price! Why only these? Why can't I get these tortilla ones instead? This coupon for salsa applies for this, right? Why not this? Why can't I get these dips and these other chips and you accept this coupon for them instead? What do you mean I have to have the coupon to get the credit? I still don't understand!"
Silly Bands
Whoever created those bright colored, silicone "rubber" bands that are in the shape of animals is an utter genius and probably a millionaire by now because EVERYONE wants them. I've had to field 5 questions a day about where they are, when they're in a huge basket right at the checkout with a sign on them and the questioner has to walk past them to see me.
S2 had this other woman-GIGANTIC bust, low cut shirt, tight jeans, the works.
"I have some titty pictures here, can I get them developed?"
"Sure, so long as they're not bad ones."
"Bad pictures? Of my boobs?"
"I meant no pictures of sex acts, no pictures of child pornography, that sort of thing."
Titty woman got her pictures developed and went away happy.