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Best Night Of My Job Ever!

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  • Best Night Of My Job Ever!

    Tonight was a insane night for shit to break, 2 major things especially that is beyond the company I work for ability to control or be responsible for. I work for a cable tv company and two unrelated issues came up tonight that gave me the ability to answers to the problems we faced.
    First, there are two satellites in orbit that are too close to one another and there is some interference of channels here and there, one of the channels affected pissed off tons of our customers, the Lifetime Channel. Customer calls to complain about the channel not being in and I explain its not our fault and we cannot credit her for the temporary loss of the channel. She FLIPS and asks why can't we fix it. I explain its going to fix itself by June 7th. She says thats too long we need to fix it now! Well, I replied unfortunately its not our satellite, nor do we have the ability to send a space shuttle up to fix it. As soon as I said that she started going off on me that there is no space program!! I apologized and asked her if there was anything I CAN do for her. She just hung up at that point.

    The second issue I realize is a big one for lots of people, INCLUDING myself. Lost was airing its series finale tonight and the feed to us from ABC went out, no failure of our equipment but an issue with ABC itself. We had literally so many calls backed up it wasn't even funny. When we explained the issue to customers, I had one man just tell me that the answer we are giving isn't good enough, we just don't get the Lost Experience. To that I said to the gentleman, I understand all to well, that's why I have all the dvds except for the current season and when it does come out, I am sitting down at my home and having a marathon and not have to worry about cable outages or commercials. He thought about that, said well damn and hung up.....I wish I could answer this truthfully more often!
    I love my customers to death, the problem is they aren't dying quick enough.

  • #2
    Quoth tenzilkem View Post
    I had one man just tell me that the answer we are giving isn't good enough, we just don't get the Lost Experience.
    I've gotten that at the hotel... someone asked me what I could recommend for bars and when I gave them a few suggestions they said "well, ok, but I'll check online first, there's no way a mormon like you could possibly know what bars are good."
    Oh, no, sir, you have no idea how much you have insulted me. I am still trying to forget the things the church asked me to do to myself in the name of bettering myself. Do NOT assume because I am in Utah I'm a member of that faith. I know damned well what makes a good bar, the first thing I did to celebrate my freedom from the church was to go out drinking, so trust me when I say I have an insight into our fine drinking establishments.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Best night of your job so far.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Quoth tenzilkem View Post
        we cannot credit her for the temporary loss of the channel.
        Why not?

        I understand it isn't the fault of your company, but the customer is paying to get that channel. How can your company charge for a service that is not being delivered, regardless of fault at any level other than the end-user's?

        Also regardless of the fact that roughly 2 weeks outage of just one channel would probably only get her a credit of a couple dollars, tops.
        Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

        "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


        • #5
          Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
          Also regardless of the fact that roughly 2 weeks outage of just one channel would probably only get her a credit of a couple dollars, tops.

          it would also probably cost the company more to process the refund than the refund was worth...
          "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

          CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
          Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


          • #6
            Something like this just recently happened where I live. There was a huge amount of excitement and anticipation building about the night that Betty White was going to host Saturday Night Live. As many of you probably know, there was a major campaign to get her on this show and it was expected to be one of the highest rated episodes in years. Well...

            Shortly before the show was about to start, high winds knocked down the cable lines in many areas of my city. I felt so bad for those poor reps working at the cable company that night. I'm sure they spent all night getting screamed at and sworn at by people.


            • #7
              Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
              Why not?

              I understand it isn't the fault of your company, but the customer is paying to get that channel. How can your company charge for a service that is not being delivered, regardless of fault at any level other than the end-user's?
              It's based on the point of failure.. All the Cable Company in this case is doing is retransmitting the signal that it is receiving for the network In this case, the "Signal" was static, but cable co's equipment was function correctly, and they were transmitting the "signal" provided.
              Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


              • #8
                Quoth tenzilkem View Post
                Lost was airing its series finale tonight and the feed to us from ABC went out, no failure of our equipment but an issue with ABC itself. We had literally so many calls backed up it wasn't even funny.

                I used to work for a cable company back in Texas, back when 24 was brand new, and had that fanatical fanbase. One night, Fox's end cut the feed to <cable company>. I got more death threats from a 45 second interruption than I could count, I think 5 in a row or so, if I remember correctly. When the cut happened, call flow went from dead silent to full pbx, and customers getting busy signals calling in in about 5 seconds.

                I don't envy you at all.
                Coworker: Distro of choice?
                Me: Gentoo.
                Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


                • #9
                  Quoth tenzilkem View Post

                  The second issue I realize is a big one for lots of people, INCLUDING myself. Lost was airing its series finale tonight and the feed to us from ABC went out, no failure of our equipment but an issue with ABC itself. We had literally so many calls backed up it wasn't even funny. When we explained the issue to customers, I had one man just tell me that the answer we are giving isn't good enough, we just don't get the Lost Experience. To that I said to the gentleman, I understand all to well, that's why I have all the dvds except for the current season and when it does come out, I am sitting down at my home and having a marathon and not have to worry about cable outages or commercials. He thought about that, said well damn and hung up.....I wish I could answer this truthfully more often!
                  If it were an issue on ABC's end, wouldn't that have affected their signals via all providers? I got to watch the entire ending of Lost last night with no issues on satellite.

                  And yes, I'm planning to get that DVD collection as soon as I can so I can enjoy it uninterrupted with commercials and/or choppy internet streaming.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
                    Why not?

                    I understand it isn't the fault of your company, but the customer is paying to get that channel. How can your company charge for a service that is not being delivered, regardless of fault at any level other than the end-user's?
                    It's likely in the contract that issues from the providers are not re-imbursed by the cable company unless it's a result of something the cable company was responsible for.
                    Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                    If it were an issue on ABC's end, wouldn't that have affected their signals via all providers? I got to watch the entire ending of Lost last night with no issues on satellite.
                    Not necessarily. It would depend on where in the chain that problem cropped up.

                    If it's the problem I found online, then it's actually an issue with an affiliate station's feed, and not the main feed, so only the segment served by that affiliate would have been hit with the technical issues.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
                      Why not?

                      I understand it isn't the fault of your company, but the customer is paying to get that channel. How can your company charge for a service that is not being delivered, regardless of fault at any level other than the end-user's?

                      Also regardless of the fact that roughly 2 weeks outage of just one channel would probably only get her a credit of a couple dollars, tops.
                      Hypothetical situation for you:

                      You have a car, you pay insurance for it. It breaks down. Do you ask the insurance company to credit you for the time that the car is off the road?

                      Didn't think so. Besides, the cable company actually WAS providing the service contracted by the customer, it was rebroadcasting ABC's signal, which at that time happened to be dead air.


                      • #12
                        Quoth tenzilkem View Post
                        one of the channels affected pissed off tons of our customers, the Lifetime Channel.
                        Well damn, I would be pissed too if I couldn't watch Shut In : The Sally Todd Story starring Valerie Bertinelli myself. You horrible people.
                        Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                        • #13
                          Curse you Galaxy 15 and your unresposiveness to positioning commands! Although I did enjoy telling people that we don't own the satellite. The channel owners themselves lease time off the satellite from Intellisat and then we contract with the channel owners. Fun stuff that.
                          Bark like a chicken!


                          • #14
                            Nobody else is picking up on the truly toubling thing here:

                            Quoth tenzilkem View Post
                            As soon as I said that she started going off on me that there is no space program!! I apologized and asked her if there was anything I CAN do for her. She just hung up at that point.
                            To quote one of my more obnoxious friends,


                            There is no space program?
                            There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car- Christopher Elliot


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mr. Anubite View Post
                              There is no space program?
                              Of course there isn't. There's just the movie set where they faked the moon landing.

